252 research outputs found

    Performability modelling of homogenous and heterogeneous multiserver systems with breakdowns and repairs

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    This thesis presents analytical modelling of homogeneous multi-server systems with reconfiguration and rebooting delays, heterogeneous multi-server systems with one main and several identical servers, and farm paradigm multi-server systems. This thesis also includes a number of other research works such as, fast performability evaluation models of open networks of nodes with repairs and finite queuing capacities, multi-server systems with deferred repairs, and two stage tandem networks with failures, repairs and multiple servers at the second stage. Applications of these for the popular Beowulf cluster systems and memory servers are also accomplished. Existing techniques used in performance evaluation of multi-server systems are investigated and analysed in detail. Pure performance modelling techniques, pure availability models, and performability models are also considered. First, the existing approaches for pure performance modelling are critically analysed with the discussions on merits and demerits. Then relevant terminology is defined and explained. Since the pure performance models tend to be too optimistic and pure availability models are too conservative, performability models are used for the evaluation of multi-server systems. Fault-tolerant multi-server systems can continue service in case of certain failures. If failure does not occur at a critical point (such as breakdown of the head processor of a farm paradigm system) the system continues serving in a degraded mode of operation. In such systems, reconfiguration and/or rebooting delays are expected while a processor is being mapped out from the system. These delay stages are also taken into account in addition to failures and repairs, in the exact performability models that are developed. Two dimensional Markov state space representations of the systems are used for performability modelling. Following the critical analysis of the existing solution techniques, the Spectral Expansion method is chosen for the solution of the models developed. In this work, open queuing networks are also considered. To evaluate their performability, existing modelling approaches are expanded and validated by simulations, for performability analysis of multistage open networks with finite queuing capacities. The performances of two extended modelling approaches are compared in terms of accuracy for open networks with various queuing capacities. Deferred repair strategies are becoming popular because of the cost reductions they can provide. Effects of using deferred repairs are analysed and performability models are provided for homogeneous multi-server systems and highly available farm paradigm multi-server systems. Since one of the random variables is used to represent the number of jobs in one of the queues, analytical models for performance evaluation of two stage tandem networks suffer because of numerical cumbersomeness. Existing approaches for modelling these systems are actually pure performance models since breakdowns and repairs cannot be considered. One way of modelling these systems can be to divide one of the random variables to present both the operative and non-operative states of the server in one dimension. However, this will give rise to state explosion problem severely limiting the maximum queue capacity that can be handled. In order to overcome this problem a new approach is presented for modelling two stage tandem networks in three dimensions. An approximate solution is presented to solve such a system. This approach manifests itself as a novel contribution for alleviating the state space explosion problem for large and/or complex systems. When two state tandem networks with feedback are modelled using this approach, the operative states can be handled independently and this makes it possible to consider multiple operative states at the second stage. The analytical models presented can be used with various parameters and they are extendible to consider systems with similar architectures. The developed three dimensional approach is capable to handle two stage tandem networks with various characteristics for performability measures. All the approaches presented give accurate results. Numerical solutions are presented for all models developed. In case the solution presented is not exact, simulations are performed to validate the accuracy of the results obtained

    Experimental analysis of computer system dependability

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    This paper reviews an area which has evolved over the past 15 years: experimental analysis of computer system dependability. Methodologies and advances are discussed for three basic approaches used in the area: simulated fault injection, physical fault injection, and measurement-based analysis. The three approaches are suited, respectively, to dependability evaluation in the three phases of a system's life: design phase, prototype phase, and operational phase. Before the discussion of these phases, several statistical techniques used in the area are introduced. For each phase, a classification of research methods or study topics is outlined, followed by discussion of these methods or topics as well as representative studies. The statistical techniques introduced include the estimation of parameters and confidence intervals, probability distribution characterization, and several multivariate analysis methods. Importance sampling, a statistical technique used to accelerate Monte Carlo simulation, is also introduced. The discussion of simulated fault injection covers electrical-level, logic-level, and function-level fault injection methods as well as representative simulation environments such as FOCUS and DEPEND. The discussion of physical fault injection covers hardware, software, and radiation fault injection methods as well as several software and hybrid tools including FIAT, FERARI, HYBRID, and FINE. The discussion of measurement-based analysis covers measurement and data processing techniques, basic error characterization, dependency analysis, Markov reward modeling, software-dependability, and fault diagnosis. The discussion involves several important issues studies in the area, including fault models, fast simulation techniques, workload/failure dependency, correlated failures, and software fault tolerance

    Space Station Freedom data management system growth and evolution report

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    The Information Sciences Division at the NASA Ames Research Center has completed a 6-month study of portions of the Space Station Freedom Data Management System (DMS). This study looked at the present capabilities and future growth potential of the DMS, and the results are documented in this report. Issues have been raised that were discussed with the appropriate Johnson Space Center (JSC) management and Work Package-2 contractor organizations. Areas requiring additional study have been identified and suggestions for long-term upgrades have been proposed. This activity has allowed the Ames personnel to develop a rapport with the JSC civil service and contractor teams that does permit an independent check and balance technique for the DMS

    Resilience of an embedded architecture using hardware redundancy

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    In the last decade the dominance of the general computing systems market has being replaced by embedded systems with billions of units manufactured every year. Embedded systems appear in contexts where continuous operation is of utmost importance and failure can be profound. Nowadays, radiation poses a serious threat to the reliable operation of safety-critical systems. Fault avoidance techniques, such as radiation hardening, have been commonly used in space applications. However, these components are expensive, lag behind commercial components with regards to performance and do not provide 100% fault elimination. Without fault tolerant mechanisms, many of these faults can become errors at the application or system level, which in turn, can result in catastrophic failures. In this work we study the concepts of fault tolerance and dependability and extend these concepts providing our own definition of resilience. We analyse the physics of radiation-induced faults, the damage mechanisms of particles and the process that leads to computing failures. We provide extensive taxonomies of 1) existing fault tolerant techniques and of 2) the effects of radiation in state-of-the-art electronics, analysing and comparing their characteristics. We propose a detailed model of faults and provide a classification of the different types of faults at various levels. We introduce an algorithm of fault tolerance and define the system states and actions necessary to implement it. We introduce novel hardware and system software techniques that provide a more efficient combination of reliability, performance and power consumption than existing techniques. We propose a new element of the system called syndrome that is the core of a resilient architecture whose software and hardware can adapt to reliable and unreliable environments. We implement a software simulator and disassembler and introduce a testing framework in combination with ERA’s assembler and commercial hardware simulators

    Mesh-Mon: a Monitoring and Management System for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    A mesh network is a network of wireless routers that employ multi-hop routing and can be used to provide network access for mobile clients. Mobile mesh networks can be deployed rapidly to provide an alternate communication infrastructure for emergency response operations in areas with limited or damaged infrastructure. In this dissertation, we present Dart-Mesh: a Linux-based layer-3 dual-radio two-tiered mesh network that provides complete 802.11b coverage in the Sudikoff Lab for Computer Science at Dartmouth College. We faced several challenges in building, testing, monitoring and managing this network. These challenges motivated us to design and implement Mesh-Mon, a network monitoring system to aid system administrators in the management of a mobile mesh network. Mesh-Mon is a scalable, distributed and decentralized management system in which mesh nodes cooperate in a proactive manner to help detect, diagnose and resolve network problems automatically. Mesh-Mon is independent of the routing protocol used by the mesh routing layer and can function even if the routing protocol fails. We demonstrate this feature by running Mesh-Mon on two versions of Dart-Mesh, one running on AODV (a reactive mesh routing protocol) and the second running on OLSR (a proactive mesh routing protocol) in separate experiments. Mobility can cause links to break, leading to disconnected partitions. We identify critical nodes in the network, whose failure may cause a partition. We introduce two new metrics based on social-network analysis: the Localized Bridging Centrality (LBC) metric and the Localized Load-aware Bridging Centrality (LLBC) metric, that can identify critical nodes efficiently and in a fully distributed manner. We run a monitoring component on client nodes, called Mesh-Mon-Ami, which also assists Mesh-Mon nodes in the dissemination of management information between physically disconnected partitions, by acting as carriers for management data. We conclude, from our experimental evaluation on our 16-node Dart-Mesh testbed, that our system solves several management challenges in a scalable manner, and is a useful and effective tool for monitoring and managing real-world mesh networks

    Computer aided reliability, availability, and safety modeling for fault-tolerant computer systems with commentary on the HARP program

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    Many of the most challenging reliability problems of our present decade involve complex distributed systems such as interconnected telephone switching computers, air traffic control centers, aircraft and space vehicles, and local area and wide area computer networks. In addition to the challenge of complexity, modern fault-tolerant computer systems require very high levels of reliability, e.g., avionic computers with MTTF goals of one billion hours. Most analysts find that it is too difficult to model such complex systems without computer aided design programs. In response to this need, NASA has developed a suite of computer aided reliability modeling programs beginning with CARE 3 and including a group of new programs such as: HARP, HARP-PC, Reliability Analysts Workbench (Combination of model solvers SURE, STEM, PAWS, and common front-end model ASSIST), and the Fault Tree Compiler. The HARP program is studied and how well the user can model systems using this program is investigated. One of the important objectives will be to study how user friendly this program is, e.g., how easy it is to model the system, provide the input information, and interpret the results. The experiences of the author and his graduate students who used HARP in two graduate courses are described. Some brief comparisons were made with the ARIES program which the students also used. Theoretical studies of the modeling techniques used in HARP are also included. Of course no answer can be any more accurate than the fidelity of the model, thus an Appendix is included which discusses modeling accuracy. A broad viewpoint is taken and all problems which occurred in the use of HARP are discussed. Such problems include: computer system problems, installation manual problems, user manual problems, program inconsistencies, program limitations, confusing notation, long run times, accuracy problems, etc

    Reliable and Robust Cyber-Physical Systems for Real-Time Control of Electric Grids

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    Real-time control of electric grids is a novel approach to handling the increasing penetration of distributed and volatile energy generation brought about by renewables. Such control occurs in cyber-physical systems (CPSs), in which software agents maintain safe and optimal grid operation by exchanging messages over a communication network. We focus on CPSs with a centralized controller that receives measurements from the various resources in the grid, performs real-time computations, and issues setpoints. Long-term deployment of such CPSs makes them susceptible to software agent faults, such as crashes and delays of controllers and unresponsiveness of resources, and to communication network faults, such as packet losses, delays, and reordering. CPS controllers must provide correct control in the presence of external non-idealities, i.e., be robust, and in the presence of controller faults, i.e., be reliable. In this thesis, we design, test, and deploy solutions that achieve these goals for real-time CPSs. We begin by abstracting a CPS for electric grids into four layers: the control layer, the network layer, the sensing and actuation layer, and the physical layer. Then, we provide a model for the components in each layer, and for the interactions among them. This enables us to formally define the properties required for reliable and robust CPSs. We propose two mechanisms, Robuster and intentionality clocks, for making a single controller robust to unresponsive resources and non-ideal network conditions. These mechanisms enable the controller to compute and issue setpoints even when some measurements are missing, rather than to have to wait for measurements from all resources. We show that our proposed mechanisms guarantee grid safety and outperform state-of-the-art alternatives. Then, we propose Axo: a framework for crash- and delay-fault tolerance via active replication of the controller. Axo ensures that faults in the controller replicas are masked from the resources, and it provides a mechanism for detecting and recovering faulty replicas. We prove the reliable validity and availability guarantees of Axo and derive the bounds on its detection and recovery time. We showcase the benefits of Axo via a stability analysis of an inverted pendulum system. Solutions based on active replication must guarantee that the replicas issue consistent setpoints. Traditional consensus-based schemes for achieving this are not suitable for real-time CPSs, as they incur high latency and low availability. We propose Quarts, an agreement mechanism that guarantees consistency and a low bounded latency- overhead. We show, via extensive simulations, that Quarts provides an availability at least an order of magnitude higher than state-of-the-art solutions. In order to test the effect of our proposed solutions on electric grids, we developed T-RECS, a virtual commissioning tool for software-based control of electric grids. T-RECS enables us to test the proper functioning of the software agents both in ideal and faulty conditions. This provides insight into the effect of faults on the grid and helps us to evaluate the impact of our reliability solutions. We show how our proposed solutions fit together, and that they can be used to design a reliable and robust CPS for real-time control of electric grids. To this end, we study a CPS with COMMELEC, a real-time control framework for electric grids via explicit power setpoints. We analyze the reliability issues..
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