4 research outputs found

    FOLDAWAY DroneSense, a controller for haptic information encoding for drone pilots

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    Over the last decade, the number of drones has significantly increased. In parallel, researchers have started to investigate new human-drone interaction paradigms for a more natural and immersive piloting experience. The use of haptic feedback to establish a bidirectional interaction with a remote drone is a promising yet not fully exploited paradigm. In this article we introduce FOLDAWAY DroneSense, a portable controller with multi-directional force feedback for drone piloting. We also discuss four haptic interaction paradigms with the aim of boosting immersion and safety during teleoperation, and to simplify the training of first-time users

    Effects of haptic feedback in dual-task teleoperation of a mobile robot

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    Teleoperation system usage is challenging to human operators, as this system has a predominantly visual interface that limits the ability to acquire situation awareness, (e.g. maintain a safe teleoperation). This limitation coupled with the dual-task problem of teleoperating a mobile robot, negatively affects the operators cognitive load and motor skills. Our motivation is to offload some of the visual information to a secondary perceptual channel (haptic), by proposing an assisted teleoperation system. This system uses haptic feedback to alert the operator of obstacle proximity, without directly influencing the operator’s command inputs. The objective of this paper, is to evaluate and validate the efficacy of our system’s haptic feedback, by providing the obstacle proximity information to the operator. The user experiment was conducted to emulate the dual-task problem, by having a concurrent task for cognitive distraction. Our results showed significant differences in time to complete the navigation task and the duration of collisions, between the haptic feedback condition and the control condition.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Comparative Study of Haptic Interfaces for Bilateral Teleoperation of VTOL Aerial Robots

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    Force feedback is a powerful sensory cue that can provide a user, remotely teleoperating a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aerial robotic vehicle, with an enhanced perception of the robot motion and interaction with the local environment. The accepted framework for mobile vehicle teleoperation, inspired by decades of research into manipulator teleoperation, maps joystick displacements to vehicle velocity set points and reflects interactive forces from the vehicle to the human operator. This paper proposes a novel admittance configured haptic interface where the force input from the user is used as a velocity set point and the joystick position is servo-controlled to reflect the vehicle velocity. This paper provides a comparative study, both analytic and experimental, of the two interfaces to investigate the performance and perceptual differences in the context of teleoperation of a VTOL aerial robot

    Futuro de la minería zacatecana y los retos en capital humano

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    Se analizan los requerimientos de capital humano del sector minero y programa de formación, con proyección al 2025, en la zona de influencia del clúster minero de Zacatecas; se describe el panorama económico de la minería y los factores que influyen en su evolución, los retos productivos, sociales, ambientales, de seguridad y de certidumbre gubernamental que enfrenta la industria minera zacatecana, así como las tendencias tecnológicas que dominan y predominarán para los próximos diez años a lo largo de la cadena de valor de la minería, destacando aquellas áreas tecnológicas como maquinaria y equipo, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y gestión ambiental, que impactarán en la industria minera. Asimismo, se destacan las capacidades técnicas y genéricas de recursos humanos y los perfiles profesionales que requerirán las empresas mineras y proveedoras de servicios especializados, así como las brechas actuales entre la oferta y la demanda de capital humano en el estado de Zacatecas y su zona de influencia. Como parte de las conclusiones se propone una serie de recomendaciones dirigidas al sector minero e instituciones de educación superior y media superior con la finalidad de generar estrategias empresariales y políticas educativas orientadas a incentivar y reforzar la formación de capital humano que demandan las tecnologías del sector minero, de tal manera que la industria minera zacatecana asegure su competitividad en el mediano y largo plazo.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaConsejo Zacatecano de Ciencia y TecnologíaGobierno del Estado de Zacateca