6 research outputs found

    Multispectral Palmprint Encoding and Recognition

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    Palmprints are emerging as a new entity in multi-modal biometrics for human identification and verification. Multispectral palmprint images captured in the visible and infrared spectrum not only contain the wrinkles and ridge structure of a palm, but also the underlying pattern of veins; making them a highly discriminating biometric identifier. In this paper, we propose a feature encoding scheme for robust and highly accurate representation and matching of multispectral palmprints. To facilitate compact storage of the feature, we design a binary hash table structure that allows for efficient matching in large databases. Comprehensive experiments for both identification and verification scenarios are performed on two public datasets -- one captured with a contact-based sensor (PolyU dataset), and the other with a contact-free sensor (CASIA dataset). Recognition results in various experimental setups show that the proposed method consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Error rates achieved by our method (0.003% on PolyU and 0.2% on CASIA) are the lowest reported in literature on both dataset and clearly indicate the viability of palmprint as a reliable and promising biometric. All source codes are publicly available.Comment: Preliminary version of this manuscript was published in ICCV 2011. Z. Khan A. Mian and Y. Hu, "Contour Code: Robust and Efficient Multispectral Palmprint Encoding for Human Recognition", International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011. MATLAB Code available: https://sites.google.com/site/zohaibnet/Home/code

    A novel image enhancement method for palm vein images

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    Palm vein images usually suffer from low contrast due to skin surface scattering the radiance of NIR light and image sensor limitations, hence require employing various techniques to enhance the contrast of the image prior to feature extraction. This paper presents a novel image enhancement method referred to as Multiple Overlapping Tiles (MOT) which adaptively stretches the local contrast of palm vein images using multiple layers of overlapping image tiles. The experiments conducted on the CASIA palm vein image dataset demonstrate that the MOT method retains the finer subspace details of vein images which allows excellent feature detection and matching with SIFT and RootSIFT features. Results on existing palm vein recognition systems demonstrate that the proposed MOT method delivers lower EER values outperforming other existing palm vein image enhancement methods

    A Filtering Method for SIFT based Palm Vein Recognition

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    A key issue with palm vein images is that slight movements of fingers and the thumb or changes in the hand pose can stretch the skin in different areas and alter the vein patterns. This can produce palm vein images with an infinite number of variations for a given subject. This paper presents a novel filtering method for SIFT-based feature matching referred to as the Mean and Median Distance (MMD) Filter, which checks the difference of keypoint coordinates and calculates the mean and the median in each direction in order to filter out the incorrect matches. Experiments conducted on the 850nm subset of the CASIA dataset show that the proposed MMD filter can maintain correct points and reduce false positives that were detected by other filtering methods. Comparison against existing SIFT-based palm vein recognition systems demonstrates that the proposed MMD filter produces excellent performance recording lower Equal Error Rate (EER) values

    An Online System of Multispectral Palmprint Verification

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    Sistema biométrico multimodal de verificação de identidade baseado na geometria da mão e veias da palma

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Alessandro ZimmerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 18/08/2017Inclui referências : f. 73-77Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um sistema multibiométrico capaz de trabalhar com imagens da palma de mão tiradas sem contato com uma superfície. Ato o qual dificulta consideravelmente o processamento, pois as variações de uma imagem da mesma pessoa podem ser significativas. Uma solução para a redução dessa variação foi proposta e aplicada. O Sistema implementado abstrai todas as etapas do processamento biométrico bem como fornece para o usuário um método para cada etapa em separado: preparação das imagens, passando pela extração das características, processamento (aplicação de filtros), normalização e fusão. As biometrias utilizadas para a identificação compreendem características da geometria da mão bem como características de textura das veias das palmas. Para os dados da geometria, um algoritmo para detecção das pontas dos dedos e também dos vales foi proposto e a partir daí foi possível extrair outras características geométricas. As características de textura das veias palmares foram extraídas a partir de uma região de interesse com base no ponto de centro de massa da mão. O descritor de textura escolhido foi o Histogram of Gradients. De posse de todos os dados biométricos, a fusão foi feita em nível de características. Para a classificação optou-se pelas Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte. A base de dados escolhida para o desenvolvimento do projeto foi a CASIA Multi-Spectral Palmprint Image Database V1.0. Foram utilizadas as imagens do espectro de 940nm por permitirem a visualização das veias da mão. O resultado obtido para a biometria da geometria da mão foi uma EER (Equal Error Rate) de 4,77%, para a biometria das veias da palma a EER foi de 3,11% e alterando o valor de limiar alcançou-se uma FAR de 0,50% e uma FRR(False Rejection Rate) de 4,82%. Para a fusão das duas biometrias o resultado final foi uma EER de 2,33% com uma FAR(False Aception Rate) de 1,30% e uma FRR de 4,27%. Palavras-chaves: biometria, geometria da mão, veias palmares, biometria multimodal, sistema biométrico, máquina de vetores de suporte, histogram of gradients.Abstract: This project was developed aiming the implementation of a multibiometric system capable to handle hand palm images acquired using a touchless approach. This considerable increases the difficult of the image processing task due to the fact that the images from the same person may vary significantly. solution for this was proposed and applied. The application developed abstracted was the steps from the image processing as well provides the user a method for each of these steps: initial image preparation, through the feature extraction, processing and fusion, ending with the classification, are all accessible in only one place, thus making the researcher's task a lot easier and faster. The biometric features used for identification include hand geometry features as well palm vein textures. For the hand geometry data, an algorithm for finger tips and hand valleys was proposed and from there was possible to extract a handful of other features related to the geometry of the hand. The hand palm veins' texture features were extracted from a rectangle generated based on the hand's center of mass. The texture descriptor chosen was the Histogram of Gradients. In possession with all the biometric data, the fusion was done on feature level. Support Vector Machine technique was used for the classification. The database chosen for the development of this project was the CASIA Multi-Spectral Palmprint Image Database V1.0. The images used corresponds to the 940nm spectrum due to allowing the visualization of the hand palm's veins. The achieved result for the hand geometry was an EER of 4,77%, for the palm veins an EER of 3,11% and changing the threshold value a FAR of 0,50% and a FRR of 4,82% were achieved. For the fusion of both biometrics systems the final result was an EER of 2,33% with a FAR of 1,30% and a FRR of 4,27%. Keywords: biometry, hand geometry, palm veins, multimodal biometry, biometric system, support vector machines, histogram of gradients

    Sistema biométrico multimodal para verificação da identidade baseado na geometria da mão, na impressão palmar e nas veias da palma da mão

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    Orientadora : Profª Drª Giselle Lopes Ferrari RonqueCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Alessandro ZimmerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/04/2015Inclui referênciasResumo: A biometria tem sido bastante utilizada para realizar a identificação pessoal, pois trata-se de um método seguro de identificação, utilizando características que são únicas, intransferíveis e capazes de discriminar os indivíduos. Este trabalho propõe um método biométrico multimodal unindo as características extraídas da geometria da mão, da impressão palmar e das veias da palma da mão, nunca antes realizado para o banco de imagens utilizado. Para a geometria da mão extraiu-se medidas do contorno utilizando o método DOS+ responsável por identificar o grau de curvatura do mesmo. Primitivas locais (direção preferencial e quantidade e proporção de pixels) e globais (textura e localização do centro de massa) foram extraídas da impressão palmar. E por fim, características de textura foram extraídas das veias da palma da mão através do descritor Local Binary Patterns. A fusão das biometrias foi feita em nível de características e a classificação foi realizada através de Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte. Utilizou-se o banco CASIA-MS-Palmprint V1.0 para realizar o desenvolvimento e os testes do sistema. Um segundo banco de dados também foi utilizado para os testes e para a validação da metodologia. Para o banco CASIA foi obtida uma taxa de erros iguais de 2,4% para a combinação da geometria da mão com a impressão palmar, de 2% para a fusão da impressão palmar com as veias da palma e de 1,4% para a combinação da geometria da palma, da impressão palmar e das veias da palma Palavras-chave: biometria, geometria da mão, impressão palmar, veias da palma da mão, sistema biométrico multimodal, identificação pessoal.Abstract: Biometrics has been largely used to personal identification because it is a safe method of identification using characteristics that are unique, non-transferable and capable of discriminate people. This work presents a multimodal biometric method joining the extracted characteristics of hand geometry, palmprint and palm vein, which was never made before for the database used. In order to have the hand geometry, the contour curvature degree was extracted with the DOS+ method. Local primitives (preferential direction and pixels quantity and proportion) and global primitives (texture and center of mass location) were extracted from the palmprint. Finally, characteristics of texture also were extracted from the palm veins through Local Binary Patterns descriptor. Biometric fusion was made in the feature level and classification was made by Support Vector Machines. The CASIA-MS-Palmprint V1.0 database was used to develop and test the system. A second database was also used to test and validate the methodology. CASIA's database Equal Error Rate was 2.4% for hand geometry and palmprint combination, 2% for palmprint and palm veins combination and 1.4% for hand geometry, palmprint and palm veins combination. Key-words: biometrics, hand geometry, palmprint, palm vein, multimodal biometric system, personal identification