51 research outputs found

    Comparative evaluation of Arabic language morphological analysers and stemmers

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    Arabic morphological analysers and stemming algorithms have become a popular area of research. Many computational linguists have designed and developed algorithms to solve the problem of morphology and stemming. Each researcher proposed his own gold standard, testing methodology and accuracy measurements to test and compute the accuracy of his algorithm. Therefore, we cannot make comparisons between these algorithms. In this paper we have accomplished two tasks. First, we proposed four different fair and precise accuracy measurements and two 1000-word gold standards taken from the Holy Qur’an and from the Corpus of Contemporary Arabic. Second, we combined the results from the morphological analysers and stemming algorithms by voting after running them on the sample documents. The evaluation of the algorithms shows that Arabic morphology is still a challenge

    Comparative evaluation of Arabic language morphological analysers and stemmers

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    Arabic morphological analysers and stemming algorithms have become a popular area of research. Many computational linguists have designed and developed algorithms to solve the problem of morphology and stemming. Each researcher proposed his own gold standard, testing methodology and accuracy measurements to test and compute the accuracy of his algorithm. Therefore, we cannot make comparisons between these algorithms. In this paper we have accomplished two tasks. First, we proposed four different fair and precise accuracy measurements and two 1000-word gold standards taken from the Holy Qur’an and from the Corpus of Contemporary Arabic. Second, we combined the results from the morphological analysers and stemming algorithms by voting after running them on the sample documents. The evaluation of the algorithms shows that Arabic morphology is still a challenge

    Linguistically informed and corpus informed morphological analysis of Arabic

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    Standard English PoS-taggers generally involve tag-assignment (via dictionary-lookup etc) followed by tag-disambiguation (via a context model, e.g. PoS-ngrams or Brill transformations). We want to PoS-tag our Arabic Corpus, but evaluation of existing PoS-taggers has highlighted shortcomings; in particular, about a quarter of all word tokens are not assigned a fully correct morphological analysis. Tag-assignment is significantly more complex for Arabic. An Arabic lemmatiser program can extract the stem or root, but this is not enough for full PoS-tagging; words should be decomposed into five parts: proclitics, prefixes, stem or root, suffixes and postclitics. The morphological analyser should then add the appropriate linguistic information to each of these parts of the word; in effect, instead of a tag for a word, we need a subtag for each part (and possibly multiple subtags if there are multiple proclitics, prefixes, suffixes and postclitics). Many challenges face the implementation of Arabic morphology, the rich “root-and-pattern” nonconcatenative (or nonlinear) morphology and the highly complex word formation process of root and patterns, especially if one or two long vowels are part of the root letters. Moreover, the orthographic issues of Arabic such as short vowels ( َ ُ ِ ), Hamzah (ء أ إ ؤ ئ), Taa’ Marboutah ( ة ) and Ha’ ( ه ), Ya’ ( ي ) and Alif Maksorah( ى ) , Shaddah ( ّ ) or gemination, and Maddah ( آ ) or extension which is a compound letter of Hamzah and Alif ( أا ). Our morphological analyzer uses linguistic knowledge of the language as well as corpora to verify the linguistic information. To understand the problem, we started by analyzing fifteen established Arabic language dictionaries, to build a broad-coverage lexicon which contains not only roots and single words but also multi-word expressions, idioms, collocations requiring special part-of-speech assignment, and words with special part-of-speech tags. The next stage of research was a detailed analysis and classification of Arabic language roots to address the “tail” of hard cases for existing morphological analyzers, and analysis of the roots, word-root combinations and the coverage of each root category of the Qur’an and the word-root information stored in our lexicon. From authoritative Arabic grammar books, we extracted and generated comprehensive lists of affixes, clitics and patterns. These lists were then cross-checked by analyzing words of three corpora: the Qur’an, the Corpus of Contemporary Arabic and Penn Arabic Treebank (as well as our Lexicon, considered as a fourth cross-check corpus). We also developed a novel algorithm that generates the correct pattern of the words, which deals with the orthographic issues of the Arabic language and other word derivation issues, such as the elimination or substitution of root letters

    Open-source resources and standards for Arabic word structure analysis: Fine grained morphological analysis of Arabic text corpora

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    Morphological analyzers are preprocessors for text analysis. Many Text Analytics applications need them to perform their tasks. The aim of this thesis is to develop standards, tools and resources that widen the scope of Arabic word structure analysis - particularly morphological analysis, to process Arabic text corpora of different domains, formats and genres, of both vowelized and non-vowelized text. We want to morphologically tag our Arabic Corpus, but evaluation of existing morphological analyzers has highlighted shortcomings and shown that more research is required. Tag-assignment is significantly more complex for Arabic than for many languages. The morphological analyzer should add the appropriate linguistic information to each part or morpheme of the word (proclitic, prefix, stem, suffix and enclitic); in effect, instead of a tag for a word, we need a subtag for each part. Very fine-grained distinctions may cause problems for automatic morphosyntactic analysis – particularly probabilistic taggers which require training data, if some words can change grammatical tag depending on function and context; on the other hand, finegrained distinctions may actually help to disambiguate other words in the local context. The SALMA – Tagger is a fine grained morphological analyzer which is mainly depends on linguistic information extracted from traditional Arabic grammar books and prior knowledge broad-coverage lexical resources; the SALMA – ABCLexicon. More fine-grained tag sets may be more appropriate for some tasks. The SALMA –Tag Set is a theory standard for encoding, which captures long-established traditional fine-grained morphological features of Arabic, in a notation format intended to be compact yet transparent. The SALMA – Tagger has been used to lemmatize the 176-million words Arabic Internet Corpus. It has been proposed as a language-engineering toolkit for Arabic lexicography and for phonetically annotating the Qur’an by syllable and primary stress information, as well as, fine-grained morphological tagging

    Effective retrieval techniques for Arabic text

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    Arabic is a major international language, spoken in more than 23 countries, and the lingua franca of the Islamic world. The number of Arabic-speaking Internet users has grown over nine-fold in the Middle East between the year 2000 and 2007, yet research in Arabic Information Retrieval (AIR) has not advanced as in other languages such as English. In this thesis, we explore techniques that improve the performance of AIR systems. Stemming is considered one of the most important factors to improve retrieval effectiveness of AIR systems. Most current stemmers remove affixes without checking whether the removed letters are actually affixes. We propose lexicon-based improvements to light stemming that distinguish core letters from proper Arabic affixes. We devise rules to stem most affixes and show their effects on retrieval effectiveness. Using the TREC 2001 test collection, we show that applying relevance feedback with our rules produces significantly better results than light stemming. Techniques for Arabic information retrieval have been studied in depth on clean collections of newswire dispatches. However, the effectiveness of such techniques is not known on other noisy collections in which text is generated using automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems and queries are generated using machine translations (MT). Using noisy collections, we show that normalisation, stopping and light stemming improve results as in normal text collections but that n-grams and root stemming decrease performance. Most recent AIR research has been undertaken using collections that are far smaller than the collections used for English text retrieval; consequently, the significance of some published results is debatable. Using the LDC Arabic GigaWord collection that contains more than 1 500 000 documents, we create a test collection of~90 topics with their relevance judgements. Using this test collection, we show empirically that for a large collection, root stemming is not competitive. Of the approaches we have studied, lexicon-based stemming approaches perform better than light stemming approaches alone. Arabic text commonly includes foreign words transliterated into Arabic characters. Several transliterated forms may be in common use for a single foreign word, but users rarely use more than one variant during search tasks. We test the effectiveness of lexicons, Arabic patterns, and n-grams in distinguishing foreign words from native Arabic words. We introduce rules that help filter foreign words and improve the n-gram approach used in language identification. Our combined n-grams and lexicon approach successfully identifies 80% of all foreign words with a precision of 93%. To find variants of a specific foreign word, we apply phonetic and string similarity techniques and introduce novel algorithms to normalise them in Arabic text. We modify phonetic techniques used for English to suit the Arabic language, and compare several techniques to determine their effectiveness in finding foreign word variants. We show that our algorithms significantly improve recall. We also show that expanding queries using variants identified by our Soutex4 phonetic algorithm results in a significant improvement in precision and recall. Together, the approaches described in this thesis represent an important step towards realising highly effective retrieval of Arabic text

    Fine-grain morphological analyzer and part-of-speech tagger for Arabic text

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    Morphological analyzers and part-of-speech taggers are key technologies for most text analysis applications. Our aim is to develop a part-of-speech tagger for annotating a wide range of Arabic text formats, domains and genres including both vowelized and non-vowelized text. Enriching the text with linguistic analysis will maximize the potential for corpus re-use in a wide range of applications. We foresee the advantage of enriching the text with part-of-speech tags of very fine-grained grammatical distinctions, which reflect expert interest in syntax and morphology, but not specific needs of end-users, because end-user applications are not known in advance. In this paper we review existing Arabic Part-of-Speech Taggers and tag-sets, and illustrate four different Arabic PoS tag-sets for a sample of Arabic text from the Quran. We describe the detailed fine-grained morphological feature tag set of Arabic, and the fine-grained Arabic morphological analyzer algorithm. We faced practical challenges in applying the morphological analyzer to the 100-million-word Web Arabic Corpus: we had to port the software to the National Grid Service, adapt the analyser to cope with spelling variations and errors, and utilise a Broad-Coverage Lexical Resource combining 23 traditional Arabic lexicons. Finally we outline the construction of a Gold Standard for comparative evaluation

    Corpus Linguistics Resources and Tools for Arabic Lexicography

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    ktb:[Alkitab] the book; is well known. The plural forms are [kutubun] and [kutbun].[kataba Alshay'] He wrote something.[yaktubuhu] the action of writing something.[katban],[kitaban] and [kitabatan] means the art of writing. And [kattabahu] writing it means draw it up. Abu Al-Najim said: I returned back from Ziyad's house [after meeting him] and behaved demented, my legs drawn up differently (means walking in a different way). They wrote [tukattibani] on the road the letters of Lam Alif (describing how he was walking crazily and in a different ..