673 research outputs found

    Robust Linear Spectral Unmixing using Anomaly Detection

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    This paper presents a Bayesian algorithm for linear spectral unmixing of hyperspectral images that accounts for anomalies present in the data. The model proposed assumes that the pixel reflectances are linear mixtures of unknown endmembers, corrupted by an additional nonlinear term modelling anomalies and additive Gaussian noise. A Markov random field is used for anomaly detection based on the spatial and spectral structures of the anomalies. This allows outliers to be identified in particular regions and wavelengths of the data cube. A Bayesian algorithm is proposed to estimate the parameters involved in the model yielding a joint linear unmixing and anomaly detection algorithm. Simulations conducted with synthetic and real hyperspectral images demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed unmixing and outlier detection strategy for the analysis of hyperspectral images

    Models and Methods for Automated Background Density Estimation in Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection

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    Detecting targets with unknown spectral signatures in hyperspectral imagery has been proven to be a topic of great interest in several applications. Because no knowledge about the targets of interest is assumed, this task is performed by searching the image for anomalous pixels, i.e. those pixels deviating from a statistical model of the background. According to the hyperspectral literature, there are two main approaches to Anomaly Detection (AD) thus leading to the definition of different ways for background modeling: global and local. Global AD algorithms are designed to locate small rare objects that are anomalous with respect to the global background, identified by a large portion of the image. On the other hand, in local AD strategies, pixels with significantly different spectral features from a local neighborhood just surrounding the observed pixel are detected as anomalies. In this thesis work, a new scheme is proposed for detecting both global and local anomalies. Specifically, a simplified Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) decision strategy is derived that involves thresholding the background log-likelihood and, thus, only needs the specification of the background Probability Density Function (PDF). Within this framework, the use of parametric, semi-parametric (in particular finite mixtures), and non-parametric models is investigated for the background PDF estimation. Although such approaches are well known and have been widely employed in multivariate data analysis, they have been seldom applied to estimate the hyperspectral background PDF, mostly due to the difficulty of reliably learning the model parameters without the need of operator intervention, which is highly desirable in practical AD tasks. In fact, this work represents the first attempt to jointly examine such methods in order to asses and discuss the most critical issues related to their employment for PDF estimation of hyperspectral background with specific reference to the detection of anomalous objects in a scene. Specifically, semi- and non-parametric estimators have been successfully employed to estimate the image background PDF with the aim of detecting global anomalies in a scene by means of the use of ad hoc learning procedures. In particular, strategies developed within a Bayesian framework have been considered for automatically estimating the parameters of mixture models and one of the most well-known non-parametric techniques, i.e. the fixed kernel density estimator (FKDE). In this latter, the performance and the modeling ability depend on scale parameters, called bandwidths. It has been shown that the use of bandwidths that are fixed across the entire feature space, as done in the FKDE, is not effective when the sample data exhibit different local peculiarities across the entire data domain, which generally occurs in practical applications. Therefore, some possibilities are investigated to improve the image background PDF estimation of FKDE by allowing the bandwidths to vary over the estimation domain, thus adapting the amount of smoothing to the local density of the data so as to more reliably and accurately follow the background data structure of hyperspectral images of a scene. The use of such variable bandwidth kernel density estimators (VKDE) is also proposed for estimating the background PDF within the considered AD scheme for detecting local anomalies. Such a choice is done with the aim to cope with the problem of non-Gaussian background for improving classical local AD algorithms involving parametric and non-parametric background models. The locally data-adaptive non-parametric model has been chosen since it encompasses the potential, typical of non-parametric PDF estimators, in modeling data regardless of specific distributional assumption together with the benefits deriving from the employment of bandwidths that vary across the data domain. The ability of the proposed AD scheme resulting from the application of different background PDF models and learning methods is experimentally evaluated by employing real hyperspectral images containing objects that are anomalous with respect to the background

    A Locally Adaptable Iterative RX Detector

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    We present an unsupervised anomaly detection method for hyperspectral imagery (HSI) based on data characteristics inherit in HSI. A locally adaptive technique of iteratively refining the well-known RX detector (LAIRX) is developed. The technique is motivated by the need for better first- and second-order statistic estimation via avoidance of anomaly presence. Overall, experiments show favorable Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves when compared to a global anomaly detector based upon the Support Vector Data Description (SVDD) algorithm, the conventional RX detector, and decomposed versions of the LAIRX detector. Furthermore, the utilization of parallel and distributed processing allows fast processing time making LAIRX applicable in an operational setting

    Improving Hyperspectral Subpixel Target Detection Using Hybrid Detection Space

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    A Hyper-Spectral Image (HSI) has high spectral and low spatial resolution. As a result, most targets exist as subpixels, which pose challenges in target detection. Moreover, limitation of target and background samples always hinders the target detection performance. In this thesis, a hybrid method for subpixel target detection of an HSI using minimal prior knowledge is developed. The Matched Filter (MF) and Adaptive Cosine Estimator (ACE) are two popular algorithms in HSI target detection. They have different advantages in differentiating target from background. In the proposed method, the scores of MF and ACE algorithms are used to construct a hybrid detection space. First, some high abundance target spectra are randomly picked from the scene to perform initial detection to determine the target and background subsets. Then, the reference target spectrum and background covariance matrix are improved iteratively, using the hybrid detection space. As the iterations continue, the reference target spectrum gets closer and closer to the central line that connects the centers of target and background and resulting in noticeable improvement in target detection. Two synthetic datasets and two real datasets are used in the experiments. The results are evaluated based on the mean detection rate, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and observation of the detection results. Compared to traditional MF and ACE algorithms with Reed-Xiaoli Detector (RXD) background covariance matrix estimation, the new method shows much better performance on all four datasets. This method can be applied in environmental monitoring, mineral detection, as well as oceanography and forestry reconnaissance to search for extremely small target distribution in a large scene

    Towards the Mitigation of Correlation Effects in the Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery with Extension to Robust Parameter Design

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    Standard anomaly detectors and classifiers assume data to be uncorrelated and homogeneous, which is not inherent in Hyperspectral Imagery (HSI). To address the detection difficulty, a new method termed Iterative Linear RX (ILRX) uses a line of pixels which shows an advantage over RX, in that it mitigates some of the effects of correlation due to spatial proximity; while the iterative adaptation from Iterative Linear RX (IRX) simultaneously eliminates outliers. In this research, the application of classification algorithms using anomaly detectors to remove potential anomalies from mean vector and covariance matrix estimates and addressing non-homogeneity through cluster analysis, both of which are often ignored when detecting or classifying anomalies, are shown to improve algorithm performance. Global anomaly detectors require the user to provide various parameters to analyze an image. These user-defined settings can be thought of as control variables and certain properties of the imagery can be employed as noise variables. The presence of these separate factors suggests the use of Robust Parameter Design (RPD) to locate optimal settings for an algorithm. This research extends the standard RPD model to include three factor interactions. These new models are then applied to the Autonomous Global Anomaly Detector (AutoGAD) to demonstrate improved setting combinations

    Detection algorithms for spatial data

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of anomaly detection in spatial data. The problem of landmine detection in airborne spatial data is chosen as the specific detection scenario. The first part of the dissertation deals with the development of a fast algorithm for kernel-based non-linear anomaly detection in the airborne spatial data. The original Kernel RX algorithm, proposed by Kwon et al. [2005a], suffers from the problem of high computational complexity, and has seen limited application. With the aim to reduce the computational complexity, a reformulated version of the Kernel RX, termed the Spatially Weighted Kernel RX (SW-KRX), is presented. It is shown that under this reformulation, the detector statistics can be obtained directly as a function of the centered kernel Gram matrix. Subsequently, a methodology for the fast computation of the centered kernel Gram matrix is proposed. The key idea behind the proposed methodology is to decompose the set of image pixels into clusters, and expediting the computations by approximating the effect of each cluster as a whole. The SW-KRX algorithm is implemented for a special case, and comparative results are compiled for the SW-KRX vis-à-vis the RX anomaly detector. In the second part of the dissertation, a detection methodology for buried mine detection is presented. The methodology is based on extraction of color texture information using cross-co-occurrence features. A feature selection methodology based on Bhattacharya coefficients and principal feature analysis is proposed and detection results with different feature-based detectors are presented, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in the extraction of useful discriminatory information --Abstract, page iii

    Quality criteria benchmark for hyperspectral imagery

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    Hyperspectral data appear to be of a growing interest over the past few years. However, applications for hyperspectral data are still in their infancy as handling the significant size of the data presents a challenge for the user community. Efficient compression techniques are required, and lossy compression, specifically, will have a role to play, provided its impact on remote sensing applications remains insignificant. To assess the data quality, suitable distortion measures relevant to end-user applications are required. Quality criteria are also of a major interest for the conception and development of new sensors to define their requirements and specifications. This paper proposes a method to evaluate quality criteria in the context of hyperspectral images. The purpose is to provide quality criteria relevant to the impact of degradations on several classification applications. Different quality criteria are considered. Some are traditionnally used in image and video coding and are adapted here to hyperspectral images. Others are specific to hyperspectral data.We also propose the adaptation of two advanced criteria in the presence of different simulated degradations on AVIRIS hyperspectral images. Finally, five criteria are selected to give an accurate representation of the nature and the level of the degradation affecting hyperspectral data

    Ballistic Flash Characterization: Penetration and Back-face Flash

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    The Air Force is extremely concerned with the safety of its people, especially those who are flying aircraft. Aircrew members flying combat missions are concerned with the chance that a fragment from an exploding threat device may penetrate into the airframe to possibly ignite a fire onboard the aircraft. One concern for vulnerability revolves around a flash that may occur when a projectile strikes and penetrates an aircraft\u27s fuselage. When certain fired rounds strike the airframe, they break into fragments called spall. Spall and other fragmentation from an impact often gain enough thermal energy to oxidize the materials involved. This oxidation causes a flash. To help negate these incidents, analysts must be able to predict the flash that can occur when a projectile strikes an aircraft. This research directly continues AFIT work for the 46th Test Group, Survivability Analysis Flight, by examining models to predict the likelihood of penetration of a fragment fired at a target. Empirical live-fire fragment test data are used to create an empirical model of a flash event. The resulting model provides an initial back-face flash modeling capability that can be implemented in joint survivability analysis models
