1,118 research outputs found

    Compactly accessible categories and quantum key distribution

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    Compact categories have lately seen renewed interest via applications to quantum physics. Being essentially finite-dimensional, they cannot accomodate (co)limit-based constructions. For example, they cannot capture protocols such as quantum key distribution, that rely on the law of large numbers. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the notion of a compactly accessible category, relying on the extra structure of a factorisation system. This notion allows for infinite dimension while retaining key properties of compact categories: the main technical result is that the choice-of-duals functor on the compact part extends canonically to the whole compactly accessible category. As an example, we model a quantum key distribution protocol and prove its correctness categorically.Comment: 26 pages in Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 4, Issue 4 (November 17, 2008) lmcs:112

    The algebra of Wick polynomials of a scalar field on a Riemannian manifold

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    On a connected, oriented, smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary we consider a real scalar field whose dynamics is ruled by EE, a second order elliptic partial differential operator of metric type. Using the functional formalism and working within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory and of the principle of general local covariance, first we construct the algebra of locally covariant observables in terms of equivariant sections of a bundle of smooth, regular polynomial functionals over the affine space of the parametrices associated to EE. Subsequently, adapting to the case in hand a strategy first introduced by Hollands and Wald in a Lorentzian setting, we prove the existence of Wick powers of the underlying field, extending the procedure to smooth, local and polynomial functionals and discussing in the process the regularization ambiguities of such procedure. Subsequently we endow the space of Wick powers with an algebra structure, dubbed E-product, which plays in a Riemannian setting the same role of the time ordered product for field theories on globally hyperbolic spacetimes. In particular we prove the existence of the E-product and we discuss both its properties and the renormalization ambiguities in the underlying procedure. As last step we extend the whole analysis to observables admitting derivatives of the field configurations and we discuss the quantum M{\o}ller operator which is used to investigate interacting models at a perturbative level.Comment: 35 page

    Relating nets and factorization algebras of observables: : Free field theories

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    In this paper we relate two mathematical frameworks that make perturbative quantum field theory rigorous: perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT) and the factorization algebras framework developed by Costello and Gwilliam. To make the comparison as explicit as possible, we use the free scalar field as our running example, while giving proofs that apply to any field theory whose equations of motion are Greenhyperbolic (which includes, for instance, free fermions). The main claim is that for such free theories, there is a natural transformation intertwining the two constructions. In fact, both approaches encode equivalent information if one assumes the time-slice axiom. The key technical ingredient is to use time-ordered products as an intermediate step between a net of associative algebras and a factorization algebra

    Schwinger's Picture of Quantum Mechanics IV: Composition and independence

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    The groupoids description of Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics is continued by discussing the closely related notions of composition of systems, subsystems, and their independence. Physical subsystems have a neat algebraic description as subgroupoids of the Schwinger's groupoid of the system. The groupoids picture offers two natural notions of composition of systems: Direct and free products of groupoids, that will be analyzed in depth as well as their universal character. Finally, the notion of independence of subsystems will be reviewed, finding that the usual notion of independence, as well as the notion of free independence, find a natural realm in the groupoids formalism. The ideas described in this paper will be illustrated by using the EPRB experiment. It will be observed that, in addition to the notion of the non-separability provided by the entangled state of the system, there is an intrinsic `non-separability' associated to the impossibility of identifying the entangled particles as subsystems of the total system.Comment: 32 pages. Comments are welcome

    Hadamard States From Light-like Hypersurfaces

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    This book provides a rather self-contained survey of the construction of Hadamard states for scalar field theories in a large class of notable spacetimes, possessing a (conformal) light-like boundary. The first two sections focus on explaining a few introductory aspects of this topic and on providing the relevant geometric background material. The notions of asymptotically flat spacetimes and of expanding universes with a cosmological horizon are analysed in detail, devoting special attention to the characterization of asymptotic symmetries. In the central part of the book, the quantization of a real scalar field theory on such class of backgrounds is discussed within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. Subsequently it is explained how it is possible to encode the information of the observables of the theory in a second, ancillary counterpart, which is built directly on the conformal (null) boundary. This procedure, dubbed bulk-to-boundary correspondence, has the net advantage of allowing the identification of a distinguished state for the theory on the boundary, which admits a counterpart in the bulk spacetime which is automatically of Hadamard form. In the last part of the book, some applications of these states are discussed, in particular the construction of the algebra of Wick polynomials. This book is aimed mainly, but not exclusively, at a readership with interest in the mathematical formulation of quantum field theory on curved backgrounds.Comment: 106 pages, 2 figures, to appear in SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, references adde

    An epistemology and expectations survey about experimental physics: Development and initial results

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    In response to national calls to better align physics laboratory courses with the way physicists engage in research, we have developed an epistemology and expectations survey to assess how students perceive the nature of physics experiments in the contexts of laboratory courses and the professional research laboratory. The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics (E-CLASS) evaluates students' epistemology at the beginning and end of a semester. Students respond to paired questions about how they personally perceive doing experiments in laboratory courses and how they perceive an experimental physicist might respond regarding their research. Also, at the end of the semester, the E-CLASS assesses a third dimension of laboratory instruction, students' reflections on their course's expectations for earning a good grade. By basing survey statements on widely embraced learning goals and common critiques of teaching labs, the E-CLASS serves as an assessment tool for lab courses across the undergraduate curriculum and as a tool for physics education research. We present the development, evidence of validation, and initial formative assessment results from a sample that includes 45 classes at 20 institutions. We also discuss feedback from instructors and reflect on the challenges of large-scale online administration and distribution of results.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev. - PE

    QFT on curved spacetimes : axiomatic framework and examples

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    In this review article we want to expose a systematic development of quantum field theory on curved spacetimes. The leading principle is the emphasis on local properties. It turns out that this requires a reformulation of the QFT framework which also yields a new perspective for the theories on Minkowski space. The aim of the present work is to provide an almost self contained introduction into the framework, which should be accessible for both physicists and mathematicians