18 research outputs found

    Cryptographic key management for the vehicles of tomorrow

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    The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation process in which nearly every part of the vehicle is becoming digital and connected. Modern vehicles are often connected to the internet, feature several wireless interfaces and will soon communicate directly with surrounding vehicles and roadside infrastructure using V2X technology. However, this transformation has not yet been paralleled by the development of techniques or standards which address the cyber security challenges posed by these systems. The automotive industry has historically failed to use secure cryptography or appropriate key management techniques and there is no sign that things have improved. In this thesis, we present several new cryptographic and key management flaws in an existing automotive immobiliser system and we develop two new V2X architectures for improving the safety and privacy of tomorrow’s connected and autonomous vehicles. Specifically, we study the AUT64 automotive block cipher and its associated authentication protocol in a real-world immobiliser system. Despite having a 120~bit key, we find a number of flaws in the system which we combine to present several practical key-recovery attacks. Our first new V2X architecture, IFAL, provides a practical and secure improvement to the leading European standard for V2X. IFAL introduces a new certificate issuance mechanism that eliminates the trade-off between pseudonym duration and bandwidth. Our second architecture, VDAA, addresses the need for efficient techniques that preserve vehicle privacy despite dishonest or colluding certificate authorities

    Side Channel Analysis of a Java-­based Contactless Smart Card

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    Smart cards are widely used in different areas of modern life including identification, banking, and transportation cards. Some types of cards are able to store data and process information as well. A number of them can run cryptographic algorithms to enhance the security of their transactions and it is usually believed that the information and values stored in them are completely safe. However, this is generally not the case due to the threat of the side channel. Side channel analysis is the process of obtaining additional information from the internal activity of a physical device beyond that allowed by its specifications. There exist different techniques to attempt to obtain information from a cryptosystem using other ways than the normally permitted. This thesis presents a series of experiments intended to study the side channel from a particular type of smart card, known as Java Cards. This investigation uses the well known technique, Correlation Analysis, and a new type of side channel attack called fast correlation in the frequency domain to study the side channel of Java Cards. This research presents a giant magnetoresistor (GMR) probe and for the first time, this type of sensor is used to investigate the side channel. A novel setup designed for studying the side channel of smart cards is described and two metrics used to evaluate the analysis results are presented. After testing the GMR probe and methodology on electronic devices executing the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), such as 8 bit microcontrollers and 128 bit AES implementations on FPGAs, these techniques were applied to analyse two different models of Java Cards working in the contactless mode. The results show that successful attacks on a software implementation of AES running on both models of Java Cards are possible

    Provably unlinkable smart card-based payments

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    The most prevalent smart card-based payment method, EMV, currently offers no privacy to its users. Transaction details and the card number are sent in cleartext, enabling the profiling and tracking of cardholders. Since public awareness of privacy issues is growing and legislation, such as GDPR, is emerging, we believe it is necessary to investigate the possibility of making payments anonymous and unlinkable without compromising essential security guarantees and functional properties of EMV. This paper draws attention to trade-offs between functional and privacy requirements in the design of such a protocol. We present the UTX protocol - an enhanced payment protocol satisfying such requirements, and we formally certify key security and privacy properties using techniques based on the applied π-calculus

    Malware-Resistant Protocols for Real-World Systems

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    Cryptographic protocols are widely used to protect real-world systems from attacks. Paying for goods in a shop, withdrawing money or browsing the Web; all these activities are backed by cryptographic protocols. However, in recent years a potent threat became apparent. Malware is increasingly used in attacks to bypass existing security mechanisms. Many cryptographic protocols that are used in real-world systems today have been found to be susceptible to malware attacks. One reason for this is that most of these protocols were designed with respect to the Dolev-Yao attack model that assumes an attacker to control the network between computer systems but not the systems themselves. Furthermore, most real-world protocols do not provide a formal proof of security and thus lack a precise definition of the security goals the designers tried to achieve. This work tackles the design of cryptographic protocols that are resilient to malware attacks, applicable to real-world systems, and provably secure. In this regard, we investigate three real-world use cases: electronic payment, web authentication, and data aggregation. We analyze the security of existing protocols and confirm results from prior work that most protocols are not resilient to malware. Furthermore, we provide guidelines for the design of malware-resistant protocols and propose such protocols. In addition, we formalize security notions for malware-resistance and use a formal proof of security to verify the security guarantees of our protocols. In this work we show that designing malware-resistant protocols for real-world systems is possible. We present a new security notion for electronic payment and web authentication, called one-out-of-two security, that does not require a single device to be trusted and ensures that a protocol stays secure as long as one of two devices is not compromised. Furthermore, we propose L-Pay, a cryptographic protocol for paying at the point of sale (POS) or withdrawing money at an automated teller machine (ATM) satisfying one-out-of-two security, FIDO2 With Two Displays (FIDO2D) a cryptographic protocol to secure transactions in the Web with one-out-of-two security and Secure Aggregation Grouped by Multiple Attributes (SAGMA), a cryptographic protocol for secure data aggregation in encrypted databases. In this work, we take important steps towards the use of malware-resistant protocols in real-world systems. Our guidelines and protocols can serve as templates to design new cryptographic protocols and improve security in further use cases

    Analysis of Smartcard-based Payment Protocols in the Applied Pi-calculus using Quasi-Open Bisimilarity

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    Cryptographic protocols are instructions explaining how the communication be- tween agents should be done. Critical infrastructure sectors, such as communication networks, financial services, information technology, transportation, etc., use security protocols at their very core to establish the information exchange between the components of the system. Symbolic verification is a discipline that investigates whether a given protocol satisfies the initial requirements and delivers exactly what it intends to deliver. An immediate goal of symbolic verification is to improve the reliability of existing systems – if a protocol is vulnerable, actions must be taken asap before a malicious attacker exploits it; a far-reaching goal is to improve the system design practices – when creating a new protocol, it must be proven correct before the implementation. Properties of cryptographic protocols roughly fall into two categories. Either reachability-based, i.e. that a system can or cannot reach a state satisfying some condition, or equivalence-based, i.e. that a system is indistinguishable from its idealised version, where the desired property trivially holds. Security properties are often formulated as a reachability problem and privacy properties as an equivalence problem. While the study of security properties is relatively settled, and powerful tools like Tamarin and ProVerif, where it is possible to check reachability queries, exist, the study of privacy properties expressed as equivalence only starts gaining momentum. Tools like DeepSec, Akiss, and, again, ProVerif offer only limited support when it comes to indistinguishability. This is partially due to the question of “What is an attacker capable of?” is not answered definitively in the second case. The widely-accepted default attacker, when it comes to security, is the so-called Dolev-Yao attacker, which has full control of the communication network; however, there is no default attacker who attempts to break the privacy of a protocol. The capabilities of such an attacker are reflected in the equivalence relation used to define a privacy property; hence the choice of such relation is crucial. This dissertation justifies a particular equivalence relation called quasi-open bisimilarity which satisfies several natural requirements. It has sound and complete modal logic characterisation, meaning that any attack on privacy has a practical interpretation; it enables compositional reasoning, meaning that if a privacy property of a system automatically extends to a bigger system having the initial one as a component, and, it captures the capability of an attacker to make decisions dynamically during the execution of the protocol. We not only explain the notion of quasi-open bisimilarity, but we also employ it to study real-world protocols. The first protocol, UBDH, is an authenticated key agreement suitable for card payments, and the second protocol, UTX, is a smartcard-based payment protocol. Using quasi-open bisimilarity, we define the target privacy property of unlinkability, namely that it is impossible to link protocol sessions made with the same card and prove that it holds for UBDH and UTX. The proofs that UBDH and UTX satisfy their privacy requirements to our knowledge are the first ones that demonstrate that a privacy property of a security protocol, defined as bisimilarity equivalence, is satisfied for an unbounded number of protocol sessions. Moreover, these proofs illustrate the methodology that could be employed to study the privacy of other protocols

    Provably Unlinkable Smart Card-based Payments

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    The most prevalent smart card-based payment method, EMV, currently offers no privacy to its users. Transaction details and the card number are sent in cleartext, enabling the profiling and tracking of cardholders. Since public awareness of privacy issues is growing and legislation, such as GDPR, is emerging, we believe it is necessary to investigate the possibility of making payments anonymous and unlinkable without compromising essential security guarantees and functional properties of EMV. This paper draws attention to trade-offs between functional and privacy requirements in the design of such a protocol. We present the UTX protocol - an enhanced payment protocol satisfying such requirements, and we formally certify key security and privacy properties using techniques based on the applied pi-calculus

    Analysing the behaviour of a smart card based model for secure communication with remote computers over the internet

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    This dissertation presents the findings of a generic model aimed at providing secure communication with remote computers via the Internet, based on smart cards. The results and findings are analysed and presented in great detail, in particular the behaviour and performance of smart cards when used to provide the cryptographic functionality. Two implemented models are presented. The first model uses SSL to secure the communication channel over the Internet while using smart cards for user authentication and storage of cryptographic keys. The second model presents the SSH for channel security and smart cards for user authentication, key storage and actual encryption and decryption of data. The model presented is modular and generic by nature, meaning that it can easily be modified to accept the newer protocol by simply including the protocols in a library and with a minor or no modification to both server and client application software. For example, any new algorithm for encryption, key exchange, signature, or message digest, can be easily accommodated into the system, which proves that the model is generic and can easily be integrated into newer technologies. Similarly, smart cards are used for cryptography. Two options are presented: first the smart cards only store the algorithm keys and user authentication, and secondly, smart cards are used for storing the algorithm keys, user authentication, and actual data encryption or decryption, as the requirement may dictate. This is very useful, for example, if data to be transferred is limited to a few bytes, then actual data encryption and decryption is performed using smart cards. On the other hand, if a great deal of data is to be transferred, then only authentication and key storage are performed with smart cards. The model currently uses 3DES with smart card encryption and decryption, because this is faster and consumes fewer resources when compared to RSA. Once again, the model design is flexible to accommodate new algorithms such as AES or IDEA. Important aspects of the dissertation are the study and analysis of the security attacks on smart card use. Several smart card attack scenarios are presented in CHAPTER 3, and their possible prevention is also discussed in detail. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie verhandeling bied die bevindinge van 'n generiese model wat daarop gemik is om veilige kommunikasie te voorsien met 'n afstandsrekenaar via die Internet en op slimkaarte gebaseer. Die resultate en bevindings word ontleed en breedvoerig aangebied, veral die gedrag en werkverrigting van slimkaarte wanneer hulle gebruik word om die kriptografiese funksionaliteit te voorsien. Daar word twee geïmplementeerde modelle aangebied. Die eerste model gebruik SSL om die kommunikasiekanaal oor die Internet te beveilig terwyl slimkaarte vir gebruikerbekragtiging en stoor van kriptografiese sleutels gebruik word. Die tweede model bied die SSH vir kanaalsekuriteit en slimkaarte vir gebruikergeldigheidvasstelling, sleutelstoor en werklike kodering en dekodering van data. Die model wat aangebied word, is modulêr en generies van aard, wat beteken dat dit maklik gewysig kan word om die jongste protokolle te aanvaar deur bloot die protokolle by 'n programbiblioteek met geringe of geen wysiging van beide die bediener- en kliënttoepassingsagteware in te sluit. Byvoorbeeld, enige nuwe algoritme vir kodering, sleuteluitruiling, handtekening of boodskapbondeling kan maklik in die stelsel gehuisves word, wat bewys dat die model generies is en maklik in jonger tegnologieë geïntegreer kan word. Slimkaarte word op soortgelyke wyse vir kriptografie gebruik. Daar word twee keuses aangebied: eerstens stoor die slimkaarte slegs die algoritmesleutels en gebruikergeldigheidvasstelling en tweedens word slimkaarte gebruik om die algoritmesleutels, gebruikergeldigheidvasstelling en werklike datakodering en –dekodering te stoor na gelang van wat vereis word. Dit is baie nuttig, byvoorbeeld, wanneer data wat oorgedra moet word, tot 'n paar grepe beperk is, word die eintlike datakodering en – dekodering uitgevoer deur slimkaarte te gebruik. Andersyds, indien 'n groot hoeveelheid data oorgedra moet word, word slegs geldigheidvasstelling en stoor met slimkaarte uitgevoer. Die model gebruik tans 3DES met slimkaartkodering en –dekodering omdat dit vinniger is en minder hulpbronne gebruik vergeleke met RSA. Die modelontwerp is weer eens buigsaam om nuwe algoritmes soos AES of IDEA te huisves. Nog 'n belangrike aspek van die verhandeling is om die sekuriteitaanvalle op slimkaartgebruik te ondersoek en te ontleed. Verskeie slimkaartaanvalscenario's word in Hoofstuk 3 aangebied en die moontlike voorkoming daarvan word ook breedvoerig bespreek.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte