47 research outputs found

    CoCoA: A General Framework for Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization

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    The scale of modern datasets necessitates the development of efficient distributed optimization methods for machine learning. We present a general-purpose framework for distributed computing environments, CoCoA, that has an efficient communication scheme and is applicable to a wide variety of problems in machine learning and signal processing. We extend the framework to cover general non-strongly-convex regularizers, including L1-regularized problems like lasso, sparse logistic regression, and elastic net regularization, and show how earlier work can be derived as a special case. We provide convergence guarantees for the class of convex regularized loss minimization objectives, leveraging a novel approach in handling non-strongly-convex regularizers and non-smooth loss functions. The resulting framework has markedly improved performance over state-of-the-art methods, as we illustrate with an extensive set of experiments on real distributed datasets

    Round Compression for Parallel Matching Algorithms

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    For over a decade now we have been witnessing the success of {\em massive parallel computation} (MPC) frameworks, such as MapReduce, Hadoop, Dryad, or Spark. One of the reasons for their success is the fact that these frameworks are able to accurately capture the nature of large-scale computation. In particular, compared to the classic distributed algorithms or PRAM models, these frameworks allow for much more local computation. The fundamental question that arises in this context is though: can we leverage this additional power to obtain even faster parallel algorithms? A prominent example here is the {\em maximum matching} problem---one of the most classic graph problems. It is well known that in the PRAM model one can compute a 2-approximate maximum matching in O(log⁥n)O(\log{n}) rounds. However, the exact complexity of this problem in the MPC framework is still far from understood. Lattanzi et al. showed that if each machine has n1+Ω(1)n^{1+\Omega(1)} memory, this problem can also be solved 22-approximately in a constant number of rounds. These techniques, as well as the approaches developed in the follow up work, seem though to get stuck in a fundamental way at roughly O(log⁥n)O(\log{n}) rounds once we enter the near-linear memory regime. It is thus entirely possible that in this regime, which captures in particular the case of sparse graph computations, the best MPC round complexity matches what one can already get in the PRAM model, without the need to take advantage of the extra local computation power. In this paper, we finally refute that perplexing possibility. That is, we break the above O(log⁥n)O(\log n) round complexity bound even in the case of {\em slightly sublinear} memory per machine. In fact, our improvement here is {\em almost exponential}: we are able to deliver a (2+Ï”)(2+\epsilon)-approximation to maximum matching, for any fixed constant Ï”>0\epsilon>0, in O((log⁥log⁥n)2)O((\log \log n)^2) rounds

    Task Offloading for Smart Glasses in Healthcare: Enhancing Detection of Elevated Body Temperature

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    Wearable devices like smart glasses have gained popularity across various applications. However, their limited computational capabilities pose challenges for tasks that require extensive processing, such as image and video processing, leading to drained device batteries. To address this, offloading such tasks to nearby powerful remote devices, such as mobile devices or remote servers, has emerged as a promising solution. This paper focuses on analyzing task-offloading scenarios for a healthcare monitoring application performed on smart wearable glasses, aiming to identify the optimal conditions for offloading. The study evaluates performance metrics including task completion time, computing capabilities, and energy consumption under realistic conditions. A specific use case is explored within an indoor area like an airport, where security agents wearing smart glasses to detect elevated body temperature in individuals, potentially indicating COVID-19. The findings highlight the potential benefits of task offloading for wearable devices in healthcare settings, demonstrating its practicality and relevance

    Modelling short-range quantum teleportation for scalable multi-core quantum computing architectures

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    Multi-core quantum computing has been identified as a solution to the scalability problem of quantum computing. However, interconnecting quantum chips is not trivial, as quantum communications have their share of quantum weirdness: quantum decoherence and the no-cloning theorem makes transferring qubits a harsh challenge, where every extra nanosecond counts and retransmission is simply impossible. In this paper, we present our first steps towards thorough modeling of quantum communications for multi-core quantum computers, which may be considered as a middle point between the well-known paradigms of Quantum Internet and Network-on-Chip. In particular, we stress the deep entanglement that exists between latency and error rates in quantum computing, and how this affects the quantum network design for this scenario. Moreover, we show the concomitant trade-off between computation and communication resources for a set of parameters out of state-of-the-art experimental research. The observed behavior lets us foresee the potential of multi-core quantum architectures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallel hierarchical global illumination

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    Solving the global illumination problem is equivalent to determining the intensity of every wavelength of light in all directions at every point in a given scene. The complexity of the problem has led researchers to use approximation methods for solving the problem on serial computers. Rather than using an approximation method, such as backward ray tracing or radiosity, we have chosen to solve the Rendering Equation by direct simulation of light transport from the light sources. This paper presents an algorithm that solves the Rendering Equation to any desired accuracy, and can be run in parallel on distributed memory or shared memory computer systems with excellent scaling properties. It appears superior in both speed and physical correctness to recent published methods involving bidirectional ray tracing or hybrid treatments of diffuse and specular surfaces. Like progressive radiosity methods, it dynamically refines the geometry decomposition where required, but does so without the excessive storage requirements for ray histories. The algorithm, called Photon, produces a scene which converges to the global illumination solution. This amounts to a huge task for a 1997-vintage serial computer, but using the power of a parallel supercomputer significantly reduces the time required to generate a solution. Currently, Photon can be run on most parallel environments from a shared memory multiprocessor to a parallel supercomputer, as well as on clusters of heterogeneous workstations