87,511 research outputs found

    Telescience Testbed Program: A study of software for SIRTF instrument control

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    As a continued element in the Telescience Testbed Program (TTP), the University of Arizona Steward Observatory and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) jointly developed a testbed to evaluate the Operations and Science Instrument System (OASIS) software package for remote control of an instrument for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF). SIRTF is a cryogenically-cooled telescope with three focal plane instruments that will be the infrared element of NASA's Great Observatory series. The anticipated launch date for SIRTF is currently 2001. Because of the complexity of the SIRTF mission, it was not expected that the OASIS package would be suitable for instrument control in the flight situation, however, its possible use as a common interface during the early development and ground test phases of the project was considered. The OASIS package, developed at the University of Colorado for control of the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) satellite, serves as an interface between the operator and the remote instrument which is connected via a network. OASIS provides a rudimentary windowing system as well as support for standard spacecraft communications protocols. The experiment performed all of the functions required of the MIPS simulation program. Remote control of the instrument was demonstrated but found to be inappropriate for SIRTF at this time for the following reasons: (1) programming interface is too difficult; (2) significant computer resources were required to run OASIS; (3) the communications interface is too complicated; (4) response time was slow; and (5) quicklook of image data was not possible

    Telescience Testbed Pilot Program

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    The Telescience Testbed Pilot Program is developing initial recommendations for requirements and design approaches for the information systems of the Space Station era. During this quarter, drafting of the final reports of the various participants was initiated. Several drafts are included in this report as the University technical reports

    Characterization of a submillimeter high-angular-resolution camera with a monolithic silicon bolometer array for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory

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    We constructed a 24-pixel bolometer camera operating in the 350- and 450-µm atmospheric windows for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO). This instrument uses a monolithic silicon bolometer array that is cooled to approximately 300 mK by a single-shot 3 He refrigerator. First-stage amplification is provided by field-effect transistors at approximately 130 K. The sky is imaged onto the bolometer array by means of several mirrors outside the Dewar and a cold off-axis elliptical mirror inside the cryostat. The beam is defined by cold aperture and field stops, which eliminates the need for any condensing horns. We describe the instrument, present measurements of the physical properties of the bolometer array, describe the performance of the electronics and the data-acquisition system, and demonstrate the sensitivity of the instrument operating at the observatory. Approximate detector noise at 350 µm is 5 x 10^-15 W/√Hz, referenced to the entrance of the Dewar, and the CSO system noise-equivalent flux density is approximately 4 Jy/√Hz. These values are within a factor of 2.5 of the background limit

    Control System for the LEDA 6.7-MeV Proton Beam Halo Experiment

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    Measurement of high-power proton beam-halo formation is the ongoing scientific experiment for the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) facility. To attain this measurement goal, a 52-magnet beam line containing several types of beam diagnostic instrumentation is being installed. The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) and commercial software applications are presently being integrated to provide a real-time, synchronous data acquisition and control system. This system is comprised of magnet control, vacuum control, motor control, data acquisition, and data analysis. Unique requirements led to the development and integration of customized software and hardware. EPICS real-time databases, Interactive Data Language (IDL) programs, LabVIEW Virtual Instruments (VI), and State Notation Language (SNL) sequences are hosted on VXI, PC, and UNIX-based platforms which interact using the EPICS Channel Access (CA) communication protocol. Acquisition and control hardware technology ranges from DSP-based diagnostic instrumentation to the PLC-controlled vacuum system. This paper describes the control system hardware and software design, and implementation.Comment: LINAC2000 Conference, 4 pg

    Target Mass Monitoring and Instrumentation in the Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors

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    The Daya Bay experiment measures sin^2 2{\theta}_13 using functionally identical antineutrino detectors located at distances of 300 to 2000 meters from the Daya Bay nuclear power complex. Each detector consists of three nested fluid volumes surrounded by photomultiplier tubes. These volumes are coupled to overflow tanks on top of the detector to allow for thermal expansion of the liquid. Antineutrinos are detected through the inverse beta decay reaction on the proton-rich scintillator target. A precise and continuous measurement of the detector's central target mass is achieved by monitoring the the fluid level in the overflow tanks with cameras and ultrasonic and capacitive sensors. In addition, the monitoring system records detector temperature and levelness at multiple positions. This monitoring information allows the precise determination of the detectors' effective number of target protons during data taking. We present the design, calibration, installation and in-situ tests of the Daya Bay real-time antineutrino detector monitoring sensors and readout electronics.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures; accepted by JINST. Changes in v2: minor revisions to incorporate editorial feedback from JINS

    The Exozodiacal Dust Problem for Direct Observations of ExoEarths

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    Debris dust in the habitable zones of stars - otherwise known as exozodiacal dust - comes from extrasolar asteroids and comets and is thus an expected part of a planetary system. Background flux from the Solar System's zodiacal dust and the exozodiacal dust in the target system is likely to be the largest source of astrophysical noise in direct observations of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars. Furthermore, dust structures like clumps, thought to be produced by dynamical interactions with exoplanets, are a possible source of confusion. In this paper, we qualitatively assess the primary impact of exozodical dust on high-contrast direct imaging at optical wavelengths, such as would be performed with a coronagraph. Then we present the sensitivity of previous, current, and near-term facilities to thermal emission from debris dust at all distances from nearby solar-type stars, as well as our current knowledge of dust levels from recent surveys. Finally, we address the other method of detecting debris dust, through high-contrast imaging in scattered light. This method is currently far less sensitive than thermal emission observations, but provides high spatial resolution for studying dust structures. This paper represents the first report of NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG).Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in PASP 2012-06-0

    Bridges Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection Synthesis of Knowledge and Technology

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    INE/AUTC 10.0

    Handheld-Impedance-Measurement System with seven-decade capability and potentiostatic function

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    This paper describes design and test of a new impedance-measurement system for nonlinear devices that exhibits a seven-decade range and works down to a frequency of 0.01 Hz. The system is specifically designed for electrochemical measurements, but the proposed architecture can be employed in many other fields where flexible signal generation and analysis are required. The system employs an unconventional signal generator based on two pulsewidth modulation (PWM) oscillators and an autocalibration system that allows uncertainties of less than 3% to be obtained over a range of 1 kΩ to 100 GΩ. A synchronous demodulation processing allows the noise superimposed to the low-amplitude input signals to be made negligibl