10 research outputs found

    Communication Web Services Composition and Integration

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    Communication Web Services Composition and Integration

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    Nowadays, the development of services that span over both the Internet and telephony networks is driving significant efforts towards the integration of services offered by IT providers with telecom operators ones. Web Services have often been recommended for providing, composing and realizing Telecom services but introducing them means facing up with several challenges. This work sharpens benefits and drawbacks of Web Service applications within a Telecom environment focusing in particular on JAIN SLEE architecture, which defines a standard environment targeted at communication-based applications

    Rule-based monitoring and error detecting for converged telecommunication processes

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    Convergent process may be defined as a composition of services which integrates functionalities from Web and Telecommunication domains. However, during execution of convergent processes some services may fail; in such cases a reconfiguration process must be triggered to recover normal behaviour of composite process. Previous works have developed mechanisms for reducing reconfiguration time while initial restrictions are maintained; this is achieved by replacing regions of services instead of individual services. The present work presents an approach for monitoring and error detecting in convergent processes using rule production systems based on ITIL model. The approach was tested in the monitoring module of the AUTO framework, whose architecture and performance are discussed to show that this approach can efficiently detect errors and repair convergent processes in telecom environments

    An Open Source Software Architecture for Smart Buildings

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    Open-source software has helped opening the software market to different players, usually cut off by licenses of expensive software packages. We claim that in the Built Environment a similar open source disruption can happen by putting together different projects in a software architecture based on open data standards. This paper describes the main open-source components of such software architecture, the Smart Building Controller (SBC) that we are developing, and possible future applications

    Realizing an MDA and SOA Marriage for the Development of Mobile Services

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    The paper presents an approach for developing composite telecommunication services running on mobile phones which takes advantage of the use of model driven techniques as well as the loose coupling paradigm in SOA. A domain-specific UML dialect named SPATEL has been developed which serves as the basis for generating applications that can be deployed in distinct terminals and servers technologies. The composite services typically combines telecommunication enablers - like SMS sending and GSM localisation - with traditional IT components accessible over the internet, such as a Yellow Page facility. This work has been conducted in the context of the IST SPICE European collaborative project

    Communication Web Services and JAIN-SLEE Integration Challenges

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    Meshing up telecommunication and IT resources seems to be the real challenge for supporting the evolution towards the next generation of Web Services. In telecom world, JAIN-SLEE (JAIN Service Logic Execution Environment) is an emerging standard specification for Java service platforms targeted to host value added services, composed of telecom and IT services. In this paper we describe StarSLEE platform which extends JAIN-SLEE in order to compose JAIN-SLEE services with Web services and the StarSCE service creation environment which allows exporting value added services as communication web services, and we analyze open issues that must be addressed to introduce Web Services in new telecom service platforms

    Automated Creation and Provisioning of Value-added Telecommunication Services

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    The subject of this research is to find a continuous solution, which allows the description, the creation, the provisioning, and the execution of value-added telecommunication services. This work proposes a framework for an easy and timesaving creation and provisioning of value-added telecommunication services in Next Generation Networks. As research method, feasibility, comparative methods are used in this study. Criteria and requirements for service description, service creation, service execution, and service provisioning, are defined and existing technologies are compared with each other and evaluated regarding these criteria and requirements. Extensions to the selected technologies are proposed and possibilities to combine these technologies are researched. From the results of the previous steps, a framework is defined which offers a continuous solution for the description, creation, provisioning and execution of value-added services. In order to test the proof of concept, this framework is prototypically implemented. For a qualitative analysis of the research targets and the proof of concept, an example service is created and executed within the framework prototype. Furthermore, in order to examine the validity of the quantitative aims and objectives of this research work, a second example service is created, and its characteristics are measured and analysed. The result of this research is a novel continuous approach for the creation of value-added telecommunication services. This research introduces new possibilities for the service description, service creation, service provisioning, and service execution through an extension of the common telecommunication real-time execution environment JAIN SLEE. Value-added services are described by using the business process execution language BPEL. This language facilitates a simple and fast service design. The service can automatically be composed from pre-defined and pre-deployed components

    Communication Web Services Composition and Integration

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