10 research outputs found

    Human- AI Collaboration: Cognitive Challenges in Interacting with Generative AI Agents

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    The recent advancements in the cognitive capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) agents have enabled them to transcend their role of merely a tool and instead act as a team member, capable of collaborating with human agents to accomplish complex tasks like creating images, writing codes and developing blogs. However, our understanding of human agents\u27 cognitive challenges while collaborating with Gen AI agents is limited. The present research investigates language-specific challenges that human agents face while interacting with Gen AI agents. In line with the linguistic perspective, our initial analysis indicates the emergence of three key language-specific challenges, namely syntactic challenge, semantic challenge, and pragmatic challenge. We expect the findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the emerging phenomenon of collaboration between human and Gen AI agents

    Aplicación de big data para citas médicas utilizando IA Chatbot en los años 2012 – 2020, una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es demostrar el impacto de la aplicación de Big data para citas médicas utilizando IA Chatbot, se identificaron revisiones de las bases de datos como ProQuest, EBSCO, Google académico y algunos de artículos periodísticos digitales publicadas desde el 2012 hasta diciembre del 2020, que tuvieran en el titulo los términos Inteligencia Artificial, Chatbot, Big Data, Medical, entre otros. Se creo una lista de 50 elementos principales de los artículos científicos de autores que están netamente comprometidos con la investigación y de base de datos de prestigio verificando la calidad de cada estudio. Demostramos que existe un impacto positivo al aplicar este tipo de tecnología en las empresas, siendo el punto principal reducir el tiempo de atención al cliente además de tener un crecimiento en las ventas, reducción de costos, mejor comunicación con el cliente, disponibilidad veinticuatro por siete. Una de las limitaciones que se encuentra sobre esta tecnología son las leyes que lo rigen como la de proteger los datos personales, también tenemos como limitante el tema de los costos en la implementación, no todas las empresas podrían llegar a implementarlo, el asistente carece de emociones. Para concluir esta tecnología trae más beneficios y ayuda a mejorar de manera activa en la vida de las personas. Es necesario mejorar y seguir completando el proceso de búsqueda si se quiere actualizar la versión del presente estudio y evaluar su calidad

    Investigating the factors of customer experiences using real-life text-based banking chatbot: a qualitative study in Norway

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    In recent times, banks have increasingly started using chatbots to offer round-the-clock customer service. However, customers experience with this type of technology is not well understood. The aim of this study was to get an in-depth understanding of factors affecting customer experience with a banking chatbot. Eight participants interacted with a real-life banking chatbot to complete a simple task (order a credit/debit card) and a complex task (apply for a housing loan). Semi-structured interviews were then conducted to examine chatbot-related factors (ease of use, miscommunication errors and human-likeness) and user-related factors (perceptions, future behaviors). The findings indicate that the human-like factors like a human personality, use of emojis, willingness to help, and polite communication style, have a positive impact of customer experience with banking chatbots. The chatbot's ability to understand questions was a critical factor. Miscommunication errors have negative impact, especially when the task is a simple one. Takeaway from this study is that banks should inform customers about the limits of the chatbot's abilities. In addition, they should communicate that the chatbot is safe to use for complex tasks. Successful development and implementation of chatbots for customer service require a customer centric approach from banks.publishedVersio


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    Digital transformation (DT) is considered to be a core priority for organisations and a strategy to strengthen their survival. With a myriad of new and evolving digital capabilities to initiate a DT process, it is often unclear how multi-stakeholders engage in exploring and exploiting new digital technologies and capabilities such as artificial intelligence (AI) during the early adoption phase. This study adopts the theory of organisational ambidexterity to examine how a higher education institution (HEI) adopted AI as part of its DT strategy. Our findings indicate that although multi-stakeholders set out with a shared high-level common vision, at an operational-level tensions emerge around defining DT and AI, realising value from AI, and determining their success. We identified how such tensions can both help or hinder a DT process in the early adoption process and we present recommendations to overcome these. We also present avenues for future research around AI in DT

    Reifegradmodelle als Grundlage für den digitalen Veränderungsprozess im Facility Management in Healthcare : eine integrative Literaturrecherche

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    Healthcare organizations frequently lack the knowledge about the digital maturity of their non-medical support services to which facility management (FM) belongs. However, there is a significant leveraging effect in the digital transformation. It would be important for FM organizations to understanding their current digital capabilities in order to draw strategic decisions. Despite the extensive variety of maturity models, a comprehensive framework for this domain is lacking. The aim of this paper is to create a fundamental understanding, from which to develop a dedicated model. An integrative review was performed to systematically collect, screen and review the literature. A total of 124 articles were screened. Of these, 96 articles were further reviewed. The findings show that none of the identified maturity models cover all organizational domains and systems of healthcare organizations. Moreover, there is a clear contrast observed with digital maturity models in the FM domain. These maturity models mostly address individual technology applications, which limits the effectiveness of such models for an FM organization. Overall, the integrative review demonstrates the need to develop a holistic maturity model for FM in healthcare, that includes transformational capabilities, rather than just technological applications. As such a maturity model should offer a level of adaptability for healthcare organizations to align the model to their organizational characteristics

    Empowering users with medical artificial intelligence technologies

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    Medical AI technologies promise to empower their users in managing their health. We develop a research model aiming to explain the role of user empowerment and resistance on the continuous use intention of medical AI technologies. The model was tested with data from 306 users of the Left-Hand Doctor chatbot in China. Users value the emotional support, responsiveness and accessibility of the chatbot. These features provide a strong explanation of user empowerment which in turn supports continuous use intention. While resistance to medical AI technologies negatively affects continuous use intention, it does not weaken the positive effects of empowerment. The research contributes to our knowledge of what user empowerment means and how it can support sustainable engagement with medical AI technologies. It further guides developers to more comprehensively consider similar user experience elements and positive outcomes of AI technologies in other application areas

    Responsible nudging for social good: new healthcare skills for AI-driven digital personal assistants

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    Traditional medical practices and relationships are changing given the widespread adoption of AI-driven technologies across the various domains of health and healthcare. In many cases, these new technologies are not specific to the field of healthcare. Still, they are existent, ubiquitous, and commercially available systems upskilled to integrate these novel care practices. Given the widespread adoption, coupled with the dramatic changes in practices, new ethical and social issues emerge due to how these systems nudge users into making decisions and changing behaviours. This article discusses how these AI-driven systems pose particular ethical challenges with regards to nudging. To confront these issues, the value sensitive design approach is adopted as a principled methodology that designers can adopt to design these systems to avoid harming and contribute to the social good. The AI for Social Good factors are adopted as the norms constraining maleficence. In contrast, higher-order values specific to AI, such as those from the EU High-Level Expert Group on AI and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, are adopted as the values to be promoted as much as possible in design. The use case of Amazon Alexa's Healthcare Skills is used to illustrate this design approach. It provides an exemplar of how designers and engineers can begin to orientate their design programs of these technologies towards the social good

    Communicability of traditional interfaces VS chatbots in healthcare and smart home domains

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    This paper presents a study about communicability of conversational interfaces (namely chatbots) under a semiotic perspective. A chatbot is a software system that allows you to simulate real conversations between devices and users by means of a conversational interface (CI). After introducing the chatbot concept, focusing on its advantages and issues, we will present two domains of use in which chatbot interfaces can be effective: healthcare and smart home. For carrying out simple tasks such as finding information or triggering operations, users need an easy-to-use and to an easy-to-learn system to communicate with. To face this, conversational interfaces represent the latest trend in the field of digital design. For studying the communicability aspects of a CI, we carried out a user test to compare traditional and chatbot interfaces. This paper aims at evaluating the benefits at the communicability level of a chatbot in comparison to traditional GUI for incrementing the effectiveness and efficacy of communication between users and the system specifically for users with poor attitude in using technologies. In details, we evaluated the communicability of two prototypes that can be used to solve simple tasks in order to favour user inclusion, including everyone with very little exposure to technologies

    Supporting Caregivers in Complex Home Care: Towards Designing a Voice User Interface

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    Despite significant advancements in the development of digital health tools and the rising provision of health care services in the home, information management and communication has yet to be standardized through digitization across caregiver teams in complex home care. With the increased risks of adverse events in dynamic and unpredictable home environments, there is a critical need to improve care inconsistencies and prevent communication breakdowns. An opportunity exists for digital health tools to support the standardization of information sharing processes in the home. However, designing digital tools to support complex home care is challenging when considering the uniqueness of patient conditions, the home environment, and caregiving team diversity. Adopting digital health tools in unregulated environments also induces a challenge for standardizing digitization in this complex domain. With advancements in natural language processing and speech recognition, the development of digital health interfaces that provide a natural interaction with information by voice has shown promise to support information management and communication and facilitate engagement with home care technology. The objective of this research is to build a foundation for the future development of a voice user interface or Voice Assistant (VA) to support caregivers in complex home care. The objectives are two-fold: (1) to understand the diverse caregiving experiences related to health information management and communication in complex home care and (2) evaluate the diverse perspectives of caregivers on the design of a VA to support these identified processes. Using a mixed-methods approach of semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with 22 caregivers across North America, this research contributes to understanding both the information and communication processes as well as the design considerations for integrating VA technology in complex home care by potential primary users. This thesis consists of three papers that describe the partial results of one study. One paper focuses on the semi-structured interviews with family caregivers of Children With Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) to understand the processes involved with managing care in their home. The second paper focuses on the semi-structured interviews with family caregivers and hired caregivers of older adults in the same context. The third paper focuses on the semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with all participants about their expectations for the design of VAs in complex home care. This thesis captures the rich experiences of caregivers who are managing the coordination of care in complex home environments and the considerations for designing VA technology in this domain. The principal findings highlight similarities in caregiving processes and the nuanced complexities among caregiver populations that can inform the design and usability considerations of future digital health tools. There is also the potential for VA technology to provide utility for health information management and communication. However, considerations for functionality and the context of use may impact this innovation's diffusion. Future research should collectively examine home care from caregiving teams' perspectives and objectively measure human-information interaction with this technology in context-specific scenarios