12 research outputs found


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    Requirements elicitation is the most important activity in the software development process, because it has a direct impact on the success of the development process. The success of a software is determined from the involvement of a user persona at the design stage. The involvement of user personas in software design is critical in the requirements engineering process, because if the process is done incorrectly, the resulting software will also have poor quality. This study focuses on using the approach of the user persona in collecting information related to the needs of the informatics engineering infotech website at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the needs of the user. The final result that is expected in this research is a design of the plagiarism check feature for the practitioner's program automatically on the infotech website which is implemented in the form of use cases and prototypes. This feature will later make it easier for assistants in assessing program results collected by practitioners, so that the time needed to correct the program can be done faster

    Older and younger adults are influenced differently by dark pattern designs

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    Considering that prior research has found older users undergo a different privacy decision-making process compared to younger adults, more research is needed to inform the behavioral privacy disclosure effects of these strategies for different age groups. To address this gap, we used an existing dataset of an experiment with a photo-tagging Facebook application. This experiment had a 2x2x5 between-subjects design where the manipulations were common dark pattern design strategies: framing (positive vs. negative), privacy defaults (opt-in vs. opt-out), and justification messages (positive normative, negative normative, positive rationale, negative rationale, none). We compared older (above 65 years old, N=44) and young adults (18 to 25 years old, N=162) privacy concerns and disclosure behaviors (i.e., accepting or refusing automated photo tagging) in the scope of dark pattern design. Overall, we find support for the effectiveness of dark pattern designs in the sense that positive framing and opt-out privacy defaults significantly increased disclosure behavior, while negative justification messages significantly decreased privacy concerns. Regarding older adults, our results show that certain dark patterns do lead to more disclosure than for younger adults, but also to increased privacy concerns for older adults than for younger

    Mid-Air Gestural Interaction with a Large Fogscreen

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    Projected walk-through fogscreens have been created, but there is little research on the evaluation of the interaction performance with fogscreens. The present study investigated mid-air hand gestures for interaction with a large fogscreen. Participants (N = 20) selected objects from a fogscreen using tapping and dwell-based gestural techniques, with and without vibrotactile/haptic feedback. In terms of Fitts’ law, the throughput was about 1.4 bps to 2.6 bps, suggesting that gestural interaction with a large fogscreen is a suitable and effective input method. Our results also suggest that tapping without haptic feedback has good performance and potential for interaction with a fogscreen, and that tactile feedback is not necessary for effective mid-air interaction. These findings have implications for the design of gestural interfaces suitable for interaction with fogscreens.Peer reviewe

    The role of a Facebook group in facilitating public participation, civic engagement and social capital: a case study of Willowfontain community in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Prior to democratization in 1994, South Africa was governed by laws and policies that limited public participation in policy processes and structures. However, the shift from apartheid to democracy in 1994 remained one of the most significant turning points in South African history. The introduction of participatory governance and democracy sought to establish and strengthen public participation amongst all races but especially disadvantaged communities, to participate in governance processes and structures to democratically empower all citizens to voice their opinions on issues affecting their livelihoods. However, post 1994 formal spaces for community participation have not produced the intended results amongst marginalized communities where service delivery remains significantly low. The introduction of social media networks such as Facebook in 2004 created a platform whereby people can engage with one another and post their views and matters that affect them with the hope that their matters can be resolved. The study examines the role of Facebook, specifically one Facebook community group in facilitating public participation, civic engagement, and social capital in the Willowfontein community located in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu - Natal. The study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the role of the Facebook community group in the Willowfontein community? 2. Does the Willowfontein community Facebook group facilitate or constrain public participation, civic engagement and social capital? 3. What are the challenges faced by the Willowfontein Facebook group administrator? 4. How does the Willowfontein ward representative (councillor) engage with Willowfontein Facebook group members? This study adopted a mixed method approach which involves both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study also used the case study approach. The semi-structured interviews were employed with the key informants comprising one ward councilor from the Willowfontein community and one Facebook administrator from the Willowfontein community. The study also used an online survey questionnaire for the 32 online participants from the Willowfontein Facebook community group. The study analyzed the qualitative data gathered from the semi –structured interviews according to themes. The themes were derived from the literature review and the conceptual framework. The study also analyzed the quantitative data gathered from the survey questionnaires using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 6) and descriptive statistics. This study further analyzed the content of the posts that were shared in the Willowfontein Facebook Community Group between the years of 2017 and 2019. The posts were analysed according to themes of similar ideas that the researcher identified from the posts that were shared in the group. The study found that the Willowfontein Facebook group facilitates public participation, civic engagement, and social capital. However, this is to a limited extent as there are community members that don’t have smart phones to participate online. The study revealed that the older generation struggles with the new online platform and that hinders their online participation. Further, the study revealed that the Ward councilor is not part of the online group, and this could be limiting public participation. Moreover, the study revealed the challenges that the group administrator encounters such as members that spread fabricated news about others, group members who are insulting other group members and cause chaos and members who run scams on the group to scam other group members their money

    Aportaciones para la mejora del diseño de interfaces y la experiencia de usuario en estructuras narrativas audiovisuales no lineales interactivas y sus aplicaciones educativas

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    Esta tesis parte del interés por el estudio e investigación de las nuevas herramientas que utiliza el arte actual, pues suponen nuevas formas de comprender el arte, las instalaciones, las perfomances, las vídeo creaciones, las vídeo instalaciones etc. Estos nuevos planteamientos y estas nuevas tecnologías se desarrollan tanto fuera como dentro de las salas de exposiciones y se apropian de las nuevas plataformas de entretenimiento y comunicación. Al encontrarnos en el inicio del desarrollo de estas tecnologías y la velocidad vertiginosa con la que están evolucionando, hacen que las narrativas comiencen a evolucionar, dando lugar a un nuevo usuario, un usuario que ha asimilado nuevos códigos narrativos y que no sólo busca una historia sino que también busca una buena experiencia. En el arte actual y concretamente en la vídeo creación y vídeo instalación, la narrativa se fundamenta en los conceptos a desarrollar y las estructuras narrativas no se sustentan en la clásica estructura narrativa inicio, nudo y desenlace, sino que son narrativas no lineales, esta narrativa no lineal que tiene un recorrido en el arte actual empieza a ser utilizada de manera funcional en ámbitos como la medicina terapéutica, didáctica, etc. pero de una manera pasiva por parte del usuario. Es por ello que la interactividad en la narrativa no lineal potencia la experiencia y enriquece los resultados

    The use of Facebook to co-create brand stories for a business-to-business market among SMEs in Namibia

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    Abstract: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered the backbone of a country’s development and their contribution to job creation is undeniable. Mainly as a result of their contribution to the overall development, SMEs in developing countries such as Namibia have to fully explore the marketing opportunities available on the social media sphere. However, this has been a challenge due to the lack of locally produced and published research within the social media discourse. In order to determine how SMEs in Namibia use Facebook to co-create/collaborate brand stories for a business-to-business (B2B) market, a study was conducted in Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia. The research was conducted among employees responsible for social media management in SMEs across Namibia and a sequential mixed methods design was adopted from the philosophy of pragmatism. The research consisted of a purposive sample of ten participants for the qualitative phase employing semi-structured in-depth interviews. The quantitative phase consisted of 150 participants purposefully for the survey questionnaire. The research was centred around three theoretical concepts: brand storytelling, B2B marketing, co-creation or collaboration. Research on this topic was relatively new, hence the exploratory nature. Research on brand stories co-creation has been mainly explored from the business-to-consumer (B2C) perspective and rarely explored from the B2B point of view. The results implied that most SMEs in Namibia’s B2B market strategically use Facebook to maximise business exposure and engage in cost-effective marketing. The findings also suggest a growing interest in collaboration activities on Facebook among SMEs in Namibia. Ten brand story elements were identified as part of a good brand story on Facebook. The findings of this research will contribute to the scant body of knowledge in the B2B industry and may further be explored for future studies on similar topics.M.A. (Marketing Communication

    Educational Technology and Education Conferences, January to June 2016

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    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2015

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    The 33rd edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2015 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from January 2016 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next

    Modelo de Sitio Móvil Gubernamental : El caso de los municipios del Conurbano Bonaerense

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    En la década del 80 del siglo pasado, las Computadoras Personales (PC) marcaron un antes y un después en relación al desarrollo de software. A partir de entonces muchos entusiastas se pusieron a desarrollar software, llegando en la actualidad a contar con un número de aplicaciones a nivel mundial que resulta muy difícil de catalogar. En el último lustro, los dispositivos móviles reducen drásticamente los costos y brindan prestaciones en algunos casos similares a las PC. La particularidad de bajo costo hace que muchos mas usuarios tengan la posibilidad de acceder a los mismos. La característica de siempre presente resulta tentadora para que muchos más entusiastas desarrollen aplicaciones. Este entusiasmo (generalmente no correspondido con una formación académica) lleva a que mucha gente desarrolle aplicaciones desconociendo de diseño y mucho menos de accesibilidad y usabilidad de las aplicaciones por parte de los consumidores (usuarios finales). El bajo costo, la diversidad de aplicaciones, la posibilidad de siempre presente ha hecho que hoy el nivel de inserción de los dispositivos móviles este en el orden de 1,5 líneas activas por habitante de la República Argentina. Por otro lado el Gobierno Electrónico (e-Government) es una temática multidisciplinaria que puede ser abordada desde distintas miradas: Social, Económica, Cultural, Informática, etc. Asumiendo que todos los medios tecnológicos deben sumarse ofreciendo al ciudadano más vías para poder realizar sus gestiones sin necesidad de acceder a las oficinas de Gobierno (Unidades de Gestión, Municipalidades, etc.), en este trabajo de tesis se aborda la problemática de brindar a los ciudadanos una herramienta (los dispositivos móviles) que contemple sus necesidades especificas. Esta tesis propone un modelo de sitio Web Móvil para los municipios del conurbano Bonaerense que prioriza las necesidades del usuario. Utilizando herramientas de modelado y desarrollo existentes. Las necesidades del usuario surgen a partir de un intenso trabajo de campo. A fin de validar aspectos de accesibilidad y usabilidad se desarrollo una herramienta de GEstión de COntenidos para DIspositivos MÓviles (GECODIMO). A fin de comprobar los niveles de satisfacción de los usuarios relacionados con usabilidad y accesibilidad se probo el modelo en distintas franjas etarias de municipios objeto de estudio obteniendo guarismos sumamente alentadores. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo de tesis doctoral es ofrecer a los gobiernos del conurbano bonaerense, en principio, una herramienta (modelo de sitio móvil) que posibilite concretar una gestión más eficiente y participativaFacultad de Informátic