70 research outputs found

    Common Fixed Point Theorems with Continuously Subcompatible Mappings in Fuzzy Metric Spaces

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    Abstract In this article the new concept of continuously subcompatible maps has been introduced and is used to prove common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. Keywords: Subcompatible maps, Continuously subcompatible maps, Subsequential continuity

    Some common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces

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    Some common fixed point theorems in complete fuzzy metric spaces (in sense of Song [17] and Vasuki-Veeramani [19]) are proved which generalize earlier results due to Vasuki [18], Chugh and Kumar [3] and others. We also introduce the concept of R-weak commutativity of type (P) in fuzzy metric spaces. Some related results and illustrative examples are also discussed

    Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Space with E.A Property

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    In this paper, we prove common fixed point theorems in Fuzzy Metric spaces for weakly compatible mappings along with property (E.A.) .Property (E.A.) buys containment of ranges without any continuity requirement besides minimizing the commutatively conditions of the maps to commutatively at their point of coincidence. Moreover, property (E.A.) allows replacing the completeness requirement of the space with a more natural condition of closeness of the range. Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25 Keywords:Common fixed point; weakly compatible maps; property (E.A.)

    Common fixed point theorems in Fuzzy Metric Spaces employing CLRS and JCLRST property

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    In this paper, we utilize the CLRS and JCLRST properties to prove someexistence theorems of common xed point for contractive mappings in fuzzy metricspaces. Our results generalize and extend many known results from the literature. Anexample and some applications are given to show the usability of the presented results


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    In this paper we prove a common fixed point theorem for a pair of weakly compatible self-mappings in fuzzy metric space by using (CLRg) property. The result is extended for two finite families of self-mappings infuzzy metric space by using the concept of pairwise commuting. An example is provided which demonstrates the validity of main theorem

    On Common Fixed point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric space

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    In this research article we are proving common fixed point theorem using Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mapping in fuzzy metric space. KEYWORDS:Common Fixed point, Fuzzy Metric space, Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mapping, Continuous t-norm

    A common fixed point theorem for fuzzy 2-metric space using common E.A. like property

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    In this paper, we are proving a common fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying common E.A. like property in fuzzy 2-metric spaces, which improves and generalize result of Yadav and Thakur [5]. Keywords: Fuzzy 2-metric spaces, weakly compatible mapping, common E.A. like property


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    The purpose of this paper is to prove a common fixed point theorem for semi-compatible and occasionally weakly compatible mappings in fuzzy metric space by using the property (E.A.) and implicit relation. Our result generalizes  the result of [14]. Keywords: Fuzzy metric space, property (E.A.), semi-compatible and weakly compatible mappings. 2010 MSC: Primary 54E70; Secondary 54H25

    Common Fixed Point Theorems for Four Mappings in Fuzzy 2-Metric Spaces

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    In this paper some common fixed point theorem have been proved as  a generalization of result of Seong Hoon Cho [1] the conditions for continuous self mappings S,T of complete fuzzy 2-metric space (X, M,*) have been characterised to have a unique common fixed point in X. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25 Key words and phrases: Compatible mapping, common fixed poin