7 research outputs found

    Intervensi Bibliometrik terhadap Artikel Saintifik Topik Kesehatan Kawasan Indonesia

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    Kesehatan adalah modal penting untuk mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan sehingga bidang ilmunya penting untuk ditingkatkan. ScienceDirect menjadi media berkelas bagi ilmu kesehatan dan oleh sebab itu keberadaannya menarik diungkap. Kajian ini bertujuan, 1) menganalisis artikel ilmiah topik kesehatan yang mengangkat isu-isu di Indonesia tahun 2006-2015. Untuk menganalisisnya dilibatkan bibliometrik guna mengetahui jurnal penampung dan produktivitasnya, 2) arsitektur dan rasio kolaborasi, dan 3) kontributor termasuk zona geografisnya. Diperoleh 146 artikel yang terdistribusi ke dalam 66 jurnal ilmiah. Melihat pertumbuhannya selama tiga tahun terakhir, jumlah artikel beserta kontributornya konsisten mengalami peningkatan. Satu hingga empat lebih formasi menjadi ciri khas dalam pemroduksian artikel dan kebanyakan ditempuh secara berkolaborasi. Kedua indeks kolaborasi yakni penulis dan institusi menunjukan rasio multipel lebih, kecuali negara meskipun indikasinya kuat mendekati. Pelibatan kekuatan lokal sebesar 41.12% dimana Universitas Indonesia terdepan diantara 107 afiliasi. Posisi Indonesia meraih terbaik dengan prestasi 45.89% dan mengindikasikan kemandirian dalam mengatasi problem kesehatannya sendiri. Menurut bingkai geografis lainnya terdapat 6 regional dan 4 benua.ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze scientific articles on health topics that address issues in Indonesia in 2006-2015. To analyze it involved bibliometrics in order to know the collection journal and its productivity, (2) architecture and collaboration ratio, and (3) contributors including the geographic zone. The result for a decade obtained 146 articles distributed into 66 scientific journals. Looking at its growth over the past three years, the number of articles and its contributors has consistently improved. One to four more formations are characteristic of article production and most are collaborated. Both collaboration indexes are authors and institutions show more multiplier ratios, with the exception of the country despite strong indications of approaching. The involvement of national power is 41.12% where University of Indonesia is ahead of 107 affiliates. The position of Indonesia achieved the best with 45.89% achievement and indicated independence in overcoming its own health problems. According to other geographical frames there are 6 regional and 4 continents. Thus health issues in Indonesia have been viewed as a common problem with a wide spectrum. This review is useful to raise the interest of Indonesian authors in discussing health issues in their are

    Performa Indonesia pada Riset Konsorsium Energi: Asesmen Bibliometrik Jurnal Ilmiah Internasional

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    Research activities are defensi action researchers in all countries including Indonesia to overcome the threat of an energy crisis. It required the action of partnership in order to realize the energy scientific work credible that can be disseminated in reputable scientific publications. ScienceDirect is the prestigious publication that essential explored in order to measure the Indonesia researchers cooperation in the international arena. To know evolution of research collaboration, construction research, research leadership, and involvement of colleagues used bibliometric assessments. Research collaboration led Indonesia for over decade resulted in 207 articles with rapid growth tends. Research achieved by the emergence of 802 researchers and 363 affiliates, published over 14 reputable journals with ratio of 3.87 researches. While the ratio of institution, country and regional indices one more. Only period 2010-2011 architecture research absolute by international collaboration. For a decade the academic research construction proved productive achieve article. Meanwhile the scientific collaboration led 68 local institutions to set aside 28.02% global-scale research. Domestic institutions residing in 18 provinces and Aceh is a zone with index collaboration fantastic. Indonesia also coalition with 21 countries and Japan most active support national research. Of the amount, 50 partner countries delegate research institutions to collaborate

    Kerja Sama Studi Bidang Lingkungan: Potret Indonesia di Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah ScienceDirect

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    The national environmental problem sparked solidarity to build a sustainable research collaboration. As settlement form, dissemination of research results as published in international journal ScienceDirect, are reasons for this study. To analyze certain indicators of environmental research trends since 2006-2015 used bibliometric. The aims are to investigate the strength, growth, and character of collaboration, including Indonesian collaborators by geographic. As a result, number of national environmental-related collaborations reached 90% of 338 products obtained. Evolution fluctuates but tends to rise with an average growth of 36.07%. Indonesia dominates the cooperations and one-third more is generated from coalitions between countries. Strong influence of Indonesia is due to role of 41 national institutions and four of them are very prominent namely IPB, UNDIP, UGM, and UI. According to its geographical area, productive contributors reside in West Java, Jakarta, Central Java, and all three belong a competent zone in controlling international collaboration. National patnersare 28 countries and majority of most active collaborators are familiar to Indonesia researchs. Seeing this, local environmental issues potentially serve as asset of cooperation with collaborators, especially those located in Asia. From this study results, national researchers are encouraged to build partnerships to increase publications in international journals as well as solve their domestic environmental problems

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations