10 research outputs found

    Domain adaptation problem in statistical machine translation systems

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    Globalization suddenly brings many people from different country to interact with each other, requiring them to be able to speak several languages. Human translators are slow and expensive, we find the necessity of developing machine translators to automatize the task. Several approaches of Machine translation have been develop by the researchers. In this work, we use the Statistical Machine Translation approach. Statistical Machine Translation systems perform poorly when applied on new domains. The domain adaptation problem has recently gained interest in Statistical Machine Translation. The basic idea is to improve the performance of the system trained and tuned with different domain than the one to be translated. This article studies different paradigms of domain adaptation. The results report improvements compared with a system trained only with in-domain data and trained with all the available data.Chinea Ríos, M.; Sanchis Trilles, G.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2015). Domain adaptation problem in statistical machine translation systems. En Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. IOS Press. 205-213. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-578-4-205S20521

    Comparison of Data Selection Techniques for the Translation of Video Lectures

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    [EN] For the task of online translation of scientific video lectures, using huge models is not possible. In order to get smaller and efficient models, we perform data selection. In this paper, we perform a qualitative and quantitative comparison of several data selection techniques, based on cross-entropy and infrequent n-gram criteria. In terms of BLEU, a combination of translation and language model cross-entropy achieves the most stable results. As another important criterion for measuring translation quality in our application, we identify the number of out-ofvocabulary words. Here, infrequent n-gram recovery shows superior performance. Finally, we combine the two selection techniques in order to benefit from both their strengths.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 287755 (transLectures), and the Spanish MINECO Active2Trans (TIN2012-31723) research project.Wuebker, J.; Ney, H.; Martínez-Villaronga, A.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Juan Císcar, A.; Servan, C.; Dymetman, M.... (2014). Comparison of Data Selection Techniques for the Translation of Video Lectures. Association for Machine Translation in the Americas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54431

    Adaptation of machine translation for multilingual information retrieval in the medical domain

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    Objective. We investigate machine translation (MT) of user search queries in the context of cross-lingual information retrieval (IR) in the medical domain. The main focus is on techniques to adapt MT to increase translation quality; however, we also explore MT adaptation to improve eectiveness of cross-lingual IR. Methods and Data. Our MT system is Moses, a state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical machine translation system. The IR system is based on the BM25 retrieval model implemented in the Lucene search engine. The MT techniques employed in this work include in-domain training and tuning, intelligent training data selection, optimization of phrase table configuration, compound splitting, and exploiting synonyms as translation variants. The IR methods include morphological normalization and using multiple translation variants for query expansion. The experiments are performed and thoroughly evaluated on three language pairs: Czech–English, German–English, and French–English. MT quality is evaluated on data sets created within the Khresmoi project and IR eectiveness is tested on the CLEF eHealth 2013 data sets. Results. The search query translation results achieved in our experiments are outstanding – our systems outperform not only our strong baselines, but also Google Translate and Microsoft Bing Translator in direct comparison carried out on all the language pairs. The baseline BLEU scores increased from 26.59 to 41.45 for Czech–English, from 23.03 to 40.82 for German–English, and from 32.67 to 40.82 for French–English. This is a 55% improvement on average. In terms of the IR performance on this particular test collection, a significant improvement over the baseline is achieved only for French–English. For Czech–English and German–English, the increased MT quality does not lead to better IR results. Conclusions. Most of the MT techniques employed in our experiments improve MT of medical search queries. Especially the intelligent training data selection proves to be very successful for domain adaptation of MT. Certain improvements are also obtained from German compound splitting on the source language side. Translation quality, however, does not appear to correlate with the IR performance – better translation does not necessarily yield better retrieval. We discuss in detail the contribution of the individual techniques and state-of-the-art features and provide future research directions

    Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories

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    Nowadays, the technology enhanced learning area has experienced a strong growth with many new learning approaches like blended learning, flip teaching, massive open online courses, and open educational resources to complement face-to-face lectures. Specifically, video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education for all of these new learning approaches, and they are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world. Transcriptions and translations can improve the utility of these audiovisual assets, but rarely are present due to a lack of cost-effective solutions to do so. Lecture searchability, accessibility to people with impairments, translatability for foreign students, plagiarism detection, content recommendation, note-taking, and discovery of content-related videos are examples of advantages of the presence of transcriptions. For this reason, the aim of this thesis is to test in real-life case studies ways to obtain multilingual captions for video lectures in a cost-effective way by using state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition and machine translation techniques. Also, we explore interaction protocols to review these automatic transcriptions and translations, because unfortunately automatic subtitles are not error-free. In addition, we take a step further into multilingualism by extending our findings and evaluation to several languages. Finally, the outcomes of this thesis have been applied to thousands of video lectures in European universities and institutions.Hoy en día, el área del aprendizaje mejorado por la tecnología ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con muchos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje como el aprendizaje combinado, la clase inversa, los cursos masivos abiertos en línea, y nuevos recursos educativos abiertos para complementar las clases presenciales. En concreto, los videos docentes se están convirtiendo rápidamente en un recurso educativo cotidiano en la educación superior para todos estos nuevos enfoques de aprendizaje, y se están incorporando a los planes de estudios universitarios existentes en todo el mundo. Las transcripciones y las traducciones pueden mejorar la utilidad de estos recursos audiovisuales, pero rara vez están presentes debido a la falta de soluciones rentables para hacerlo. La búsqueda de y en los videos, la accesibilidad a personas con impedimentos, la traducción para estudiantes extranjeros, la detección de plagios, la recomendación de contenido, la toma de notas y el descubrimiento de videos relacionados son ejemplos de las ventajas de la presencia de transcripciones. Por esta razón, el objetivo de esta tesis es probar en casos de estudio de la vida real las formas de obtener subtítulos multilingües para videos docentes de una manera rentable, mediante el uso de técnicas avanzadas de reconocimiento automático de voz y de traducción automática. Además, exploramos diferentes modelos de interacción para revisar estas transcripciones y traducciones automáticas, pues desafortunadamente los subtítulos automáticos no están libres de errores. Además, damos un paso más en el multilingüismo extendiendo nuestros hallazgos y evaluaciones a muchos idiomas. Por último, destacar que los resultados de esta tesis se han aplicado a miles de vídeos docentes en universidades e instituciones europeas.Hui en dia, l'àrea d'aprenentatge millorat per la tecnologia ha experimentat un fort creixement, amb molts nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge com l'aprenentatge combinat, la classe inversa, els cursos massius oberts en línia i nous recursos educatius oberts per tal de complementar les classes presencials. En concret, els vídeos docents s'estan convertint ràpidament en un recurs educatiu quotidià en l'educació superior per a tots aquests nous enfocaments d'aprenentatge i estan incorporant-se als plans d'estudi universitari existents arreu del món. Les transcripcions i les traduccions poden millorar la utilitat d'aquests recursos audiovisuals, però rara vegada estan presents a causa de la falta de solucions rendibles per fer-ho. La cerca de i als vídeos, l'accessibilitat a persones amb impediments, la traducció per estudiants estrangers, la detecció de plagi, la recomanació de contingut, la presa de notes i el descobriment de vídeos relacionats són un exemple dels avantatges de la presència de transcripcions. Per aquesta raó, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és provar en casos d'estudi de la vida real les formes d'obtenir subtítols multilingües per a vídeos docents d'una manera rendible, mitjançant l'ús de tècniques avançades de reconeixement automàtic de veu i de traducció automàtica. A més a més, s'exploren diferents models d'interacció per a revisar aquestes transcripcions i traduccions automàtiques, puix malauradament els subtítols automàtics no estan lliures d'errades. A més, es fa un pas més en el multilingüisme estenent els nostres descobriments i avaluacions a molts idiomes. Per últim, destacar que els resultats d'aquesta tesi s'han aplicat a milers de vídeos docents en universitats i institucions europees.Valor Miró, JD. (2017). Evaluation of innovative computer-assisted transcription and translation strategies for video lecture repositories [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90496TESI

    Combining Translation and Language Model Scoring for Domain-Specific Data Filtering

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    The increasing popularity of statistical machine translation (SMT) systems is introducing new domains of translation that need to be tackled. As many resources are already available, domain adaptation methods can be applied to utilize these recourses in the most beneficial way for the new domain. We explore adaptation via filtering, using the crossentropy scores to discard irrelevant sentences. We focus on filtering for two important components of an SMT system, namely the language model (LM) and the translation model (TM). Previous work has already applied LM cross-entropy based scoring for filtering. We argue that LM cross-entropy might be appropriate for LM filtering, but not as much for TM filtering. We develop a novel filtering approach based on a combined TM and LM cross-entropy scores. We experiment with two large-scale translation tasks, the Arabicto-English and English-to-French IWSLT 2011 TED Talks MT tasks. For LM filtering, we achieve strong perplexity improvements which carry over to the translation quality with improvements up to +0.4 % BLEU. For TM filtering, the combined method achieves small but consistent improvements over the standalone methods. As a side effect of adaptation via filtering, the fully fledged SMT system vocabulary size and phrase table size are reduced by a factor of at least 2 while up to +0.6 % BLEU improvement is observed. 1

    Learning from Noisy Data in Statistical Machine Translation

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden entwickelt, die in der Lage sind die negativen Effekte von verrauschten Daten in SMT Systemen zu senken und dadurch die Leistung des Systems zu steigern. Hierbei wird das Problem in zwei verschiedenen Schritten des Lernprozesses behandelt: Bei der Vorverarbeitung und während der Modellierung. Bei der Vorverarbeitung werden zwei Methoden zur Verbesserung der statistischen Modelle durch die Erhöhung der Qualität von Trainingsdaten entwickelt. Bei der Modellierung werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, um Daten nach ihrer Nützlichkeit zu gewichten. Zunächst wird der Effekt des Entfernens von False-Positives vom Parallel Corpus gezeigt. Ein Parallel Corpus besteht aus einem Text in zwei Sprachen, wobei jeder Satz einer Sprache mit dem entsprechenden Satz der anderen Sprache gepaart ist. Hierbei wird vorausgesetzt, dass die Anzahl der Sätzen in beiden Sprachversionen gleich ist. False-Positives in diesem Sinne sind Satzpaare, die im Parallel Corpus gepaart sind aber keine Übersetzung voneinander sind. Um diese zu erkennen wird ein kleiner und fehlerfreier paralleler Corpus (Clean Corpus) vorausgesetzt. Mit Hilfe verschiedenen lexikalischen Eigenschaften werden zuverlässig False-Positives vor der Modellierungsphase gefiltert. Eine wichtige lexikalische Eigenschaft hierbei ist das vom Clean Corpus erzeugte bilinguale Lexikon. In der Extraktion dieses bilingualen Lexikons werden verschiedene Heuristiken implementiert, die zu einer verbesserten Leistung führen. Danach betrachten wir das Problem vom Extrahieren der nützlichsten Teile der Trainingsdaten. Dabei ordnen wir die Daten basierend auf ihren Bezug zur Zieldomaine. Dies geschieht unter der Annahme der Existenz eines guten repräsentativen Tuning Datensatzes. Da solche Tuning Daten typischerweise beschränkte Größe haben, werden Wortähnlichkeiten benutzt um die Abdeckung der Tuning Daten zu erweitern. Die im vorherigen Schritt verwendeten Wortähnlichkeiten sind entscheidend für die Qualität des Verfahrens. Aus diesem Grund werden in der Arbeit verschiedene automatische Methoden zur Ermittlung von solche Wortähnlichkeiten ausgehend von monoligual und biligual Corpora vorgestellt. Interessanterweise ist dies auch bei beschränkten Daten möglich, indem auch monolinguale Daten, die in großen Mengen zur Verfügung stehen, zur Ermittlung der Wortähnlichkeit herangezogen werden. Bei bilingualen Daten, die häufig nur in beschränkter Größe zur Verfügung stehen, können auch weitere Sprachpaare herangezogen werden, die mindestens eine Sprache mit dem vorgegebenen Sprachpaar teilen. Im Modellierungsschritt behandeln wir das Problem mit verrauschten Daten, indem die Trainingsdaten anhand der Güte des Corpus gewichtet werden. Wir benutzen Statistik signifikante Messgrößen, um die weniger verlässlichen Sequenzen zu finden und ihre Gewichtung zu reduzieren. Ähnlich zu den vorherigen Ansätzen, werden Wortähnlichkeiten benutzt um das Problem bei begrenzten Daten zu behandeln. Ein weiteres Problem tritt allerdings auf sobald die absolute Häufigkeiten mit den gewichteten Häufigkeiten ersetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden hierfür Techniken zur Glättung der Wahrscheinlichkeiten in dieser Situation entwickelt. Die Größe der Trainingsdaten werden problematisch sobald man mit Corpora von erheblichem Volumen arbeitet. Hierbei treten zwei Hauptschwierigkeiten auf: Die Länge der Trainingszeit und der begrenzte Arbeitsspeicher. Für das Problem der Trainingszeit wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der die rechenaufwendigen Berechnungen auf mehrere Prozessoren mit gemeinsamem Speicher ausführt. Für das Speicherproblem werden speziale Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen für externe Speicher benutzt. Dies erlaubt ein effizientes Training von extrem großen Modellne in Hardware mit begrenztem Speicher

    Adaptation in Machine Translation

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    Statistical machine translation (SMT) has emerged as the currently most promising approach for machine translation. One limitation to date, however, is that the quality of SMT systems strongly depends on the similarity between the training data and its deployment. This thesis is devoted to adapting MT systems in the scenario of mismatching training data. We develop different approaches to increase performance even though all or some of the training data does not match the system\u27s application

    Using Comparable Corpora to Augment Statistical Machine Translation Models in Low Resource Settings

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    Previously, statistical machine translation (SMT) models have been estimated from parallel corpora, or pairs of translated sentences. In this thesis, we directly incorporate comparable corpora into the estimation of end-to-end SMT models. In contrast to parallel corpora, comparable corpora are pairs of monolingual corpora that have some cross-lingual similarities, for example topic or publication date, but that do not necessarily contain any direct translations. Comparable corpora are more readily available in large quantities than parallel corpora, which require significant human effort to compile. We use comparable corpora to estimate machine translation model parameters and show that doing so improves performance in settings where a limited amount of parallel data is available for training. The major contributions of this thesis are the following: * We release ‘language packs’ for 151 human languages, which include bilingual dictionaries, comparable corpora of Wikipedia document pairs, comparable corpora of time-stamped news text that we harvested from the web, and, for non-roman script languages, dictionaries of name pairs, which are likely to be transliterations. * We present a novel technique for using a small number of example word translations to learn a supervised model for bilingual lexicon induction which takes advantage of a wide variety of signals of translation equivalence that can be estimated over comparable corpora. * We show that using comparable corpora to induce new translations and estimate new phrase table feature functions improves end-to-end statistical machine translation performance for low resource language pairs as well as domains. * We present a novel algorithm for composing multiword phrase translations from multiple unigram translations and then use comparable corpora to prune the large space of hypothesis translations. We show that these induced phrase translations improve machine translation performance beyond that of component unigrams. This thesis focuses on critical low resource machine translation settings, where insufficient parallel corpora exist for training statistical models. We experiment with both low resource language pairs and low resource domains of text. We present results from our novel error analysis methodology, which show that most translation errors in low resource settings are due to unseen source language words and phrases and unseen target language translations. We also find room for fixing errors due to how different translations are weighted, or scored, in the models. We target both error types; we use comparable corpora to induce new word and phrase translations and estimate novel translation feature scores. Our experiments show that augmenting baseline SMT systems with new translations and features estimated over comparable corpora improves translation performance significantly. Additionally, our techniques expand the applicability of statistical machine translation to those language pairs for which zero parallel text is available