3 research outputs found

    A method for body fat composition analysis in abdominal magnetic resonance images via self-organizing map neural network

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    Introduction: The present study aimed to suggest an unsupervised method for the segmentation of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in axial magnetic resonance (MR) images of the abdomen. Materials and Methods: A self-organizing map (SOM) neural network was designed to segment the adipose tissue from other tissues in the MR images. The segmentation of SAT and VAT was accomplished using a new level set method called distance regularized level set evolution (DRLSE). To evaluate the suggested method, the whole-body abdominal MRI was performed on 23 subjects, and three slices were selected for each case. Results: The results of the automatic segmentation were compared with those of the manual segmentation and previous artificial intelligent methods. According to the results, there was a significant correlation between the automatic and manual segmentation results of VAT and SAT. Conclusion: As the findings indicated, the suggested method improved detection of body fat. In this study, a fully automated abdominal adipose tissue segmentation algorithm was suggested, which used the SOM neural network and DRLSE level set algorithm. The proposed methodology was concluded to be accurate and robust with a significant advantage over the manual and previous segmentation methods in terms of speed and accuracy. © 2018, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

    Accurate Classification of Partial Discharge Phenomena in Power Transformers in the Presence of Noise

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    The objective of this research is to accurately classify different types of Partial Discharge (PD) phenomenon that occurs in transformers in the presence of noise. A PD is an electrical discharge or spark that bridges a small portion of the insulation in electrical equipment, which causes progressive deterioration of high voltage equipment and could potentially lead to flashover. The data for the study is generated from a laboratory setup and it is 300 time series signals each with 2016 attributes corresponding to 3 types of PDs; namely: Porcelain, Cable and Corona. The data is collected from two sensors with different bandwidths, in which Channel A signals refer to the data collected from the higher frequency sensor and signals from Channel B refer to data of the lower frequency sensor. Different feature engineering approaches are investigated in order to find the set of the most discriminant features which help to achieve high levels of classification accuracy for Channel A and Channel B signals. First, features that describe the shape and pulse of signals in the time domain are extracted. Then frequency domain based statistical features are generated. In comparison with classification accuracies using frequency domain features, time domain based features gave higher accuracy of more than 90% on average for both channels in the absence of noise while frequency domain features allowed classification accuracy up to 80% on average. However, in the presence of noise, both methods degraded. To overcome this, Regularization techniques were applied on the features from the frequency domain which helped to maintain classification accuracy even in the presence of high levels of noise

    Aplicação de uma métrica de similaridade não linear em algoritmos de segmentação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, 2015.Um dos principais processos utilizados no campo de processamento digital de imagens é a segmentação, processo no qual a imagem é separada em seus elementos ou partes constituintes. Na literatura, existem diferentes e bem conhecidos métodos usados para segmentação, tais como clusterização, limiarização, segmentação com redes neurais e segmentação por crescimento de regiões . No intuito de melhorar de melhorar o desempenho dos algoritmos de segmentação, um estudo sobre o efeito da aplicação de uma métrica não linear em algoritmos de segmentação foi realizado neste trabalho. Foram selecionados três algoritmos de segmentação (Mumford-Shah, Color Structure Code e Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher) provenientes do método de crescimento de regiões e nestes se alterou a parte de análise de similaridade utilizando para tal uma métrica não linear. A métrica não linear utilizada, denominada Polinomial Mahalanobis, é uma variação da distância de Mahalanobis utilizada para medir a distância estatística entre distribuições. Uma avaliação qualitativa e uma análise empírica foram realizadas neste trabalho para comparar os resultados obtidos em termos de eficácia. Os resultados desta comparação, apresentados neste estudo, apontam uma melhoria nos resultados de segmentação obtidos pela abordagem proposta. Em termos de eficiência, foram analisados os tempos de execução dos algoritmos com e sem o aprimoramento e os resultados desta análise mostraram um aumento do tempo de execução dos algoritmos com abordagem proposta.Abstract : One of the main procedures used on digital image processing is segmentation,where the image is split into its constituent parts or objects. In the literature,there are different well-known methods used for segmentation, suchas clustering, thresholding, segmentation using neural network and segmentationusing region growing. Aiming to improve the performance of the segmentationalgorithms, a study off the effect of the application of a non-linearmetric on segmentation algorithms was performed in this work. Three segmentationalgorithms were chosen (Mumford-Shah, Color Structure Code,Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher) originating from region growing techniques,and on those the similarity metric was enhanced with a non-linear metric.The non-linear metric used, known as Polynomial Mahalanobis, is a variationfrom the statistical Mahalanobis distance used for measure the distancebetween distributions. A qualitative evaluation and empirical analysis wasperformed in this work to compare the obtained results in terms of efficacy.The results from these comparison, presented in this study, indicate an improvementon the segmentation result obtained by the proposed approach. Interms of efficiency, the execution time of the algorithms with and without theproposed improvement were analyzed and the result of this analysis showedan increase of the execution time for the algorithms with the proposed approach