16 research outputs found

    Combining fNIRS and EEG to improve motor cortex activity classification during an imagined movement-based task

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    This work serves as an initial investigation into improvements to classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) by combining the feature spaces of two unique measurement modalities: functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). Our dual-modality system recorded concurrent and co-locational hemodynamic and electrical responses in the motor cortex during an imagined movement task, participated in by two subjects. Offline analysis and classification of fNIRS and EEG data was performed using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Classification of 2-dimensional fNIRS and EEG feature spaces was performed separately and then their feature spaces were combined for further classification. Results of our investigation indicate that by combining feature spaces, modest gains in classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based BCI can be achieved by employing a supplemental measurement modality. It is felt that this technique may be particularly useful in the design of BCI devices for the augmentation of rehabilitation therapy

    Utilization of a combined EEG/NIRS system to predict driver drowsiness

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    The large number of automobile accidents due to driver drowsiness is a critical concern of many countries. To solve this problem, numerous methods of countermeasure have been proposed. However, the results were unsatisfactory due to inadequate accuracy of drowsiness detection. In this study, we introduce a new approach, a combination of EEG and NIRS, to detect driver drowsiness. EEG, EOG, ECG and NIRS signals have been measured during a simulated driving task, in which subjects underwent both awake and drowsy states. The blinking rate, eye closure, heart rate, alpha and beta band power were used to identify subject’s condition. Statistical tests were performed on EEG and NIRS signals to find the most informative parameters. Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis method was employed to classify awake and drowsy states. Time series analysis was used to predict drowsiness. The oxy-hemoglobin concentration change and the beta band power in the frontal lobe were found to differ the most between the two states. In addition, these two parameters correspond well to an awake to drowsy state transition. A sharp increase of the oxy-hemoglobin concentration change, together with a dramatic decrease of the beta band power, happened several seconds before the first eye closure

    Challenges and opportunities for the future of Brain-Computer Interface in neurorehabilitation

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a unique technological solution to circumvent the damaged motor system. For neurorehabilitation, the BCI can be used to translate neural signals associated with movement intentions into tangible feedback for the patient, when they are unable to generate functional movement themselves. Clinical interest in BCI is growing rapidly, as it would facilitate rehabilitation to commence earlier following brain damage and provides options for patients who are unable to partake in traditional physical therapy. However, substantial challenges with existing BCI implementations have prevented its widespread adoption. Recent advances in knowledge and technology provide opportunities to facilitate a change, provided that researchers and clinicians using BCI agree on standardisation of guidelines for protocols and shared efforts to uncover mechanisms. We propose that addressing the speed and effectiveness of learning BCI control are priorities for the field, which may be improved by multimodal or multi-stage approaches harnessing more sensitive neuroimaging technologies in the early learning stages, before transitioning to more practical, mobile implementations. Clarification of the neural mechanisms that give rise to improvement in motor function is an essential next step towards justifying clinical use of BCI. In particular, quantifying the unknown contribution of non-motor mechanisms to motor recovery calls for more stringent control conditions in experimental work. Here we provide a contemporary viewpoint on the factors impeding the scalability of BCI. Further, we provide a future outlook for optimal design of the technology to best exploit its unique potential, and best practices for research and reporting of findings

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Current state and future prospects of EEG and fNIRS in robot-assisted gait rehabilitation : a brief review

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    Gait and balance impairments are frequently considered as the most significant concerns among individuals suffering from neurological diseases. Robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) has shown to be a promising neurorehabilitation intervention to improve gait recovery in patients following stroke or brain injury by potentially initiating neuroplastic changes. However, the neurophysiological processes underlying gait recovery through RAGT remain poorly understood. As non-invasive, portable neuroimaging techniques, electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) provide new insights regarding the neurophysiological processes occurring during RAGT by measuring different perspectives of brain activity. Due to spatial information about changes in cortical activation patterns and the rapid temporal resolution of bioelectrical changes, more features correlated with brain activation and connectivity can be identified when using fused EEG-fNIRS, thus leading to a detailed understanding of neurophysiological mechanisms underlying motor behavior and impairments due to neurological diseases. Therefore, multi-modal integrations of EEG-fNIRS appear promising for the characterization of neurovascular coupling in brain network dynamics induced by RAGT. In this brief review, we surveyed neuroimaging studies focusing specifically on robotic gait rehabilitation. While previous studies have examined either EEG or fNIRS with respect to RAGT, a multi-modal integration of both approaches is lacking. Based on comparable studies using fused EEG-fNIRS integrations either for guiding non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) or as part of brain-machine interface (BMI) paradigms, the potential of this methodologically combined approach in RAGT is discussed. Future research directions and perspectives for targeted, individualized gait recovery that optimize the outcome and efficiency of RAGT in neurorehabilitation were further derived

    Combining fNIRS and EEG to improve motor cortex activity classification during an imagined movement-based task

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    This work serves as an initial investigation into improvements to classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) by combining the feature spaces of two unique measurement modalities: functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). Our dual-modality system recorded concurrent and co-locational hemodynamic and electrical responses in the motor cortex during an imagined movement task, participated in by two subjects. Offline analysis and classification of fNIRS and EEG data was performed using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Classification of 2-dimensional fNIRS and EEG feature spaces was performed separately and then their feature spaces were combined for further classification. Results of our investigation indicate that by combining feature spaces, modest gains in classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based BCI can be achieved by employing a supplemental measurement modality. It is felt that this technique may be particularly useful in the design of BCI devices for the augmentation of rehabilitation therapy

    Combining fNIRS and EEG to improve motor cortex activity classification during an imagined movement-based task

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    This work serves as an initial investigation into improvements to classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) by combining the feature spaces of two unique measurement modalities: functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). Our dual-modality system recorded concurrent and co-locational hemodynamic and electrical responses in the motor cortex during an imagined movement task, participated in by two subjects. Offline analysis and classification of fNIRS and EEG data was performed using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Classification of 2-dimensional fNIRS and EEG feature spaces was performed separately and then their feature spaces were combined for further classification. Results of our investigation indicate that by combining feature spaces, modest gains in classification accuracy of an imagined movement-based BCI can be achieved by employing a supplemental measurement modality. It is felt that this technique may be particularly useful in the design of BCI devices for the augmentation of rehabilitation therapy