1,600 research outputs found

    Customers Behavior Modeling by Semi-Supervised Learning in Customer Relationship Management

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    Leveraging the power of increasing amounts of data to analyze customer base for attracting and retaining the most valuable customers is a major problem facing companies in this information age. Data mining technologies extract hidden information and knowledge from large data stored in databases or data warehouses, thereby supporting the corporate decision making process. CRM uses data mining (one of the elements of CRM) techniques to interact with customers. This study investigates the use of a technique, semi-supervised learning, for the management and analysis of customer-related data warehouse and information. The idea of semi-supervised learning is to learn not only from the labeled training data, but to exploit also the structural information in additionally available unlabeled data. The proposed semi-supervised method is a model by means of a feed-forward neural network trained by a back propagation algorithm (multi-layer perceptron) in order to predict the category of an unknown customer (potential customers). In addition, this technique can be used with Rapid Miner tools for both labeled and unlabeled data

    Attributes of Big Data Analytics for Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Power Systems

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    Big data analytics is a virtually new term in power system terminology. This concept delves into the way a massive volume of data is acquired, processed, analyzed to extract insight from available data. In particular, big data analytics alludes to applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques, data mining techniques, time-series forecasting methods. Decision-makers in power systems have been long plagued by incapability and weakness of classical methods in dealing with large-scale real practical cases due to the existence of thousands or millions of variables, being time-consuming, the requirement of a high computation burden, divergence of results, unjustifiable errors, and poor accuracy of the model. Big data analytics is an ongoing topic, which pinpoints how to extract insights from these large data sets. The extant article has enumerated the applications of big data analytics in future power systems through several layers from grid-scale to local-scale. Big data analytics has many applications in the areas of smart grid implementation, electricity markets, execution of collaborative operation schemes, enhancement of microgrid operation autonomy, management of electric vehicle operations in smart grids, active distribution network control, district hub system management, multi-agent energy systems, electricity theft detection, stability and security assessment by PMUs, and better exploitation of renewable energy sources. The employment of big data analytics entails some prerequisites, such as the proliferation of IoT-enabled devices, easily-accessible cloud space, blockchain, etc. This paper has comprehensively conducted an extensive review of the applications of big data analytics along with the prevailing challenges and solutions

    Low-Default Portfolio/One-Class Classification: A Literature Review

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    Consider a bank which wishes to decide whether a credit applicant will obtain credit or not. The bank has to assess if the applicant will be able to redeem the credit. This is done by estimating the probability that the applicant will default prior to the maturity of the credit. To estimate this probability of default it is first necessary to identify criteria which separate the good from the bad creditors, such as loan amount and age or factors concerning the income of the applicant. The question then arises of how a bank identifies a sufficient number of selective criteria that possess the necessary discriminatory power. As a solution, many traditional binary classification methods have been proposed with varying degrees of success. However, a particular problem with credit scoring is that defaults are only observed for a small subsample of applicants. An imbalance exists between the ratio of non-defaulters to defaulters. This has an adverse effect on the aforementioned binary classification method. Recently one-class classification approaches have been proposed to address the imbalance problem. The purpose of this literature review is three fold: (I) present the reader with an overview of credit scoring; (ii) review existing binary classification approaches; and (iii) introduce and examine one-class classification approaches

    MANTRA: A Topic Modeling-Based Tool to Support Automated Trend Analysis on Unstructured Social Media Data

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    The early identification of new and auspicious ideas leads to competitive advantages for companies. Thereby, topic modeling can serve as an effective analytical approach for the automated investigation of trends from unstructured social media data. However, existing trend analysis tools do not meet the requirements regarding (a) Product Development, (b) Customer Behavior Analysis, and (c) Market-/Brand-Monitoring as reflected within extant literature. Thus, based on the requirements for each of these common marketing-related use cases, we derived design principles following design science research and instantiated the artifact “MANTRA” (MArketiNg TRend Analysis). We demonstrated MANTRA on a real-world data set (~1.03 million Yelp reviews) and hereby could confirm remarkable trends of vegan and global cuisine. In particular, the importance of meeting all specific requirements of the respective use cases and especially flexibly incorporating several external parameters into the trend analysis is exemplified


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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a central part of Business Intelligence and sales campaigns are often used for improving customer relationships. This paper explores customer behavior during sales campaigns. We provide a visual, data-driven and efficient framework for customer segmentation and campaign-response modeling. First, the customers are grouped by purchasing behavior characteristics using a self-organizing map. To this behavioral segmentation model, we link segment migration patterns using feature plane representations. This enables visual monitoring of the customer base and tracking customer behavior before and during sales campaigns. In addition to the general segment migration patterns, this method provides the capability to drill down into each segment to visually explore the dynamics. The framework is applied to a department store chain with more than one million customers

    Predictive Modelling of Retail Banking Transactions for Credit Scoring, Cross-Selling and Payment Pattern Discovery

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    Evaluating transactional payment behaviour offers a competitive advantage in the modern payment ecosystem, not only for confirming the presence of good credit applicants or unlocking the cross-selling potential between the respective product and service portfolios of financial institutions, but also to rule out bad credit applicants precisely in transactional payments streams. In a diagnostic test for analysing the payment behaviour, I have used a hybrid approach comprising a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to discover behavioural patterns. Supervised learning algorithms can compute a range of credit scores and cross-sell candidates, although the applied methods only discover limited behavioural patterns across the payment streams. Moreover, the performance of the applied supervised learning algorithms varies across the different data models and their optimisation is inversely related to the pre-processed dataset. Subsequently, the research experiments conducted suggest that the Two-Class Decision Forest is an effective algorithm to determine both the cross-sell candidates and creditworthiness of their customers. In addition, a deep-learning model using neural network has been considered with a meaningful interpretation of future payment behaviour through categorised payment transactions, in particular by providing additional deep insights through graph-based visualisations. However, the research shows that unsupervised learning algorithms play a central role in evaluating the transactional payment behaviour of customers to discover associations using market basket analysis based on previous payment transactions, finding the frequent transactions categories, and developing interesting rules when each transaction category is performed on the same payment stream. Current research also reveals that the transactional payment behaviour analysis is multifaceted in the financial industry for assessing the diagnostic ability of promotion candidates and classifying bad credit applicants from among the entire customer base. The developed predictive models can also be commonly used to estimate the credit risk of any credit applicant based on his/her transactional payment behaviour profile, combined with deep insights from the categorised payment transactions analysis. The research study provides a full review of the performance characteristic results from different developed data models. Thus, the demonstrated data science approach is a possible proof of how machine learning models can be turned into cost-sensitive data models


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    Most project-based organizations possess extensive collections of diverse project documents. Exploring the knowledge codified in such project documents is specifically recommended by the common project management guidelines. In practice, however, project managers are faced with the problem of information overload when trying to analyze the extensive document collections. This paper addresses this problem by combining two approaches already established in other disciplines. The first involves the development of a Project Knowledge Dictionary (PKD) for the automated analysis of knowledge contents codified in project documents. The second involves the integration of a sentiment analysis where concrete opinion expressions (positive/negative) are identified in connection with the codified project knowledge. Building on this, three mutually complementary analyses are demonstrated, which provide the following contributions: (1) determining the volume and distribution of five project knowledge types in project documents; (2) determining the general sentiment (positive/negative) in conjunction with the textual description of the project knowledge; (3) classifying project documents by their sentiment. By this means, the proposed solution provides valuable insight into the emotional situation in projects and contributes to the emerging research issue of project sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the solution makes a contribution to overcoming the information overload by assessing and organizing the knowledge content of large document collections

    Big data techniques in auditing research and practice: current trends and future opportunities

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    This paper analyzes the use of big data techniques in auditing, and finds that the practice is not as widespread as it is in other related fields. We first introduce contemporary big data techniques to promote understanding of their potential application. Next, we review existing research on big data in accounting and finance. In addition to auditing, our analysis shows that existing research extends across three other genealogies: financial distress modelling, financial fraud modelling, and stock market prediction and quantitative modelling. Auditing is lagging behind the other research streams in the use of valuable big data techniques. A possible explanation is that auditors are reluctant to use techniques that are far ahead of those adopted by their clients, but we refute this argument. We call for more research and a greater alignment to practice. We also outline future opportunities for auditing in the context of real-time information and in collaborative platforms and peer-to-peer marketplaces

    Data management for production quality deep learning models: Challenges and solutions

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    Deep learning (DL) based software systems are difficult to develop and maintain in industrial settings due to several challenges. Data management is one of the most prominent challenges which complicates DL in industrial deployments. DL models are data-hungry and require high-quality data. Therefore, the volume, variety, velocity, and quality of data cannot be compromised. This study aims to explore the data management challenges encountered by practitioners developing systems with DL components, identify the potential solutions from the literature and validate the solutions through a multiple case study. We identified 20 data management challenges experienced by DL practitioners through a multiple interpretive case study. Further, we identified 48 articles through a systematic literature review that discuss the solutions for the data management challenges. With the second round of multiple case study, we show that many of these solutions have limitations and are not used in practice due to a combination of four factors: high cost, lack of skill-set and infrastructure, inability to solve the problem completely, and incompatibility with certain DL use cases. Thus, data management for data-intensive DL models in production is complicated. Although the DL technology has achieved very promising results, there is still a significant need for further research in the field of data management to build high-quality datasets and streams that can be used for building production-ready DL systems. Furthermore, we have classified the data management challenges into four categories based on the availability of the solutions.(c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)