5 research outputs found

    MIRACLE-FI at ImageCLEFphoto 2008: Experiences in merging text-based and content-based retrievals

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    This paper describes the participation of the MIRACLE consortium at the ImageCLEF Photographic Retrieval task of ImageCLEF 2008. In this is new participation of the group, our first purpose is to evaluate our own tools for text-based retrieval and for content-based retrieval using different similarity metrics and the aggregation OWA operator to fuse the three topic images. From the MIRACLE last year experience, we implemented a new merging module combining the text-based and the content-based information in three different ways: FILTER-N, ENRICH and TEXT-FILTER. The former approaches try to improve the text-based baseline results using the content-based results lists. The last one was used to select the relevant images to the content-based module. No clustering strategies were analyzed. Finally, 41 runs were submitted: 1 for the text-based baseline, 10 content-based runs, and 30 mixed experiments merging text and content-based results. Results in general can be considered nearly acceptable comparing with the best results of other groups. Obtained results from textbased retrieval are better than content-based. Merging both textual and visual retrieval we improve the text-based baseline when applying the ENRICH merging algorithm although visual results are lower than textual ones. From these results we were going to try to improve merged results by clustering methods applied to this image collection

    Report of MIRACLE team for the Ad-Hoc track in CLEF 2006

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    This paper presents the 2006 MIRACLE’s team approach to the AdHoc Information Retrieval track. The experiments for this campaign keep on testing our IR approach. First, a baseline set of runs is obtained, including standard components: stemming, transforming, filtering, entities detection and extracting, and others. Then, a extended set of runs is obtained using several types of combinations of these baseline runs. The improvements introduced for this campaign have been a few ones: we have used an entity recognition and indexing prototype tool into our tokenizing scheme, and we have run more combining experiments for the robust multilingual case than in previous campaigns. However, no significative improvements have been achieved. For the this campaign, runs were submitted for the following languages and tracks: - Monolingual: Bulgarian, French, Hungarian, and Portuguese. - Bilingual: English to Bulgarian, French, Hungarian, and Portuguese; Spanish to French and Portuguese; and French to Portuguese. - Robust monolingual: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch. - Robust bilingual: English to German, Italian to Spanish, and French to Dutch. - Robust multilingual: English to robust monolingual languages. We still need to work harder to improve some aspects of our processing scheme, being the most important, to our knowledge, the entities recognition and normalization

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFphoto 2007: Evaluation of Merging Strategies for Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval.

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Photographic Retrieval task of ImageCLEF 2007. For this campaign, the main purpose of our experiments was to thoroughly study different merging strategies, i.e. methods of combination of textual and visual retrieval techniques. Whereas we have applied all the well known techniques which had already been used in previous campaigns, for both textual and visual components of the system, our research has primarily focused on the idea of performing all possible combinations of those techniques in order to evaluate which ones may offer the best results and analyze if the combined results may improve (in terms of MAP) the individual ones

    Use Case Oriented Medical Visual Information Retrieval & System Evaluation

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    Large amounts of medical visual data are produced daily in hospitals, while new imaging techniques continue to emerge. In addition, many images are made available continuously via publications in the scientific literature and can also be valuable for clinical routine, research and education. Information retrieval systems are useful tools to provide access to the biomedical literature and fulfil the information needs of medical professionals. The tools developed in this thesis can potentially help clinicians make decisions about difficult diagnoses via a case-based retrieval system based on a use case associated with a specific evaluation task. This system retrieves articles from the biomedical literature when querying with a case description and attached images. This thesis proposes a multimodal approach for medical case-based retrieval with focus on the integration of visual information connected to text. Furthermore, the ImageCLEFmed evaluation campaign was organised during this thesis promoting medical retrieval system evaluation

    Mining photographic collections to enhance the precision and recall of search results using semantically controlled query expansion

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    Driven by a larger and more diverse user-base and datasets, modern Information Retrieval techniques are striving to become contextually-aware in order to provide users with a more satisfactory search experience. While text-only retrieval methods are significantly more accurate and faster to render results than purely visual retrieval methods, these latter provide a rich complementary medium which can be used to obtain relevant and different results from those obtained using text-only retrieval. Moreover, the visual retrieval methods can be used to learn the user’s context and preferences, in particular the user’s relevance feedback, and exploit them to narrow down the search to more accurate results. Despite the overall deficiency in precision of visual retrieval result, the top results are accurate enough to be used for query expansion, when expanded in a controlled manner. The method we propose overcomes the usual pitfalls of visual retrieval: 1. The hardware barrier giving rise to prohibitively slow systems. 2. Results dominated by noise. 3. A significant gap between the low-level features and the semantics of the query. In our thesis, the first barrier is overcome by employing a simple block-based visual features which outperforms a method based on MPEG-7 features specially at early precision (precision of the top results). For the second obstacle, lists from words semantically weighted according to their degree of relation to the original query or to relevance feedback from example images are formed. These lists provide filters through which the confidence in the candidate results is assessed for inclusion in the results. This allows for more reliable Pseudo-Relevance Feedback (PRF). This technique is then used to bridge the third barrier; the semantic gap. It consists of a second step query, re-querying the data set with an query expanded with weighted words obtained from the initial query, and semantically filtered (SF) without human intervention. We developed our PRF-SF method on the IAPR TC-12 benchmark dataset of 20,000 tourist images, obtaining promising results, and tested it on the different and much larger Belga benchmark dataset of approximately 500,000 news images originating from a different source. Our experiments confirmed the potential of the method in improving the overall Mean Average Precision, recall, as well as the level of diversity of the results measured using cluster recall