4 research outputs found

    Combining Terrier with Apache Spark to Create Agile Experimental Information Retrieval Pipelines

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    Experimentation using IR systems has traditionally been a procedural and laborious process. Queries must be run on an index, with any parameters of the retrieval models suitably tuned. With the advent of learning-to-rank, such experimental processes (including the appropriate folding of queries to achieve cross-fold validation) have resulted in complicated experimental designs and hence scripting. At the same time, machine learning platforms such as Scikit Learn and Apache Spark have pioneered the notion of an experimental pipeline , which naturally allows a supervised classification experiment to be expressed a series of stages, which can be learned or transformed. In this demonstration, we detail Terrier-Spark, a recent adaptation to the Terrier Information Retrieval platform which permits it to be used within the experimental pipelines of Spark. We argue that this (1) provides an agile experimental platform for information retrieval, comparable to that enjoyed by other branches of data science; (2) aids research reproducibility in information retrieval by facilitating easily-distributable notebooks containing conducted experiments; and (3) facilitates the teaching of information retrieval experiments in educational environments

    Dockerising Terrier for The Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge

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    Reproducibility and replicability are key concepts in science, and it is therefore important for information retrieval (IR) platforms to aid in reproducing and replicating experiments. In this paper, we describe the creation of a Docker container for Terrier within the framework of the OSIRRC 2019 challenge, which allows typical runs to be reproduced on TREC Test Collections such as Robust04, GOV2, Core2018. In doing so, it is hoped that the produced Docker image can be of aid to other (re)producing baseline experiments on these test collections. Initiatives like OSIRRC are key in advancing these key concepts in the IR area. By making not only the source code available, but also the exact same environment and standardising inputs and outputs, it is possible to easily compare approaches and thereby improve the quality of the research for Information Retrieval

    Declarative Experimentation in Information Retrieval Using PyTerrier

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    The advent of deep machine learning platforms such as Tensorflow and Pytorch, developed in expressive high-level languages such as Python, have allowed more expressive representations of deep neural network architectures. We argue that such a powerful formalism is missing in information retrieval (IR), and propose a framework called PyTerrier that allows advanced retrieval pipelines to be expressed, and evaluated, in a declarative manner close to their conceptual design. Like the aforementioned frameworks that compile deep learning experiments into primitive GPU operations, our framework targets IR platforms as backends in order to execute and evaluate retrieval pipelines. Further, we can automatically optimise the retrieval pipelines to increase their efficiency to suite a particular IR platform backend. Our experiments, conducted on TREC Robust and ClueWeb09 test collections, demonstrate the efficiency benefits of these optimisations for retrieval pipelines involving both the Anserini and Terrier IR platforms

    SparkIR: a Scalable Distributed Information Retrieval Engine over Spark

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    Search engines have to deal with a huge amount of data (e.g., billions of documents in the case of the Web) and find scalable and efficient ways to produce effective search results. In this thesis, we propose to use Spark framework, an in memory distributed big data processing framework, and leverage its powerful capabilities of handling large amount of data to build an efficient and scalable experimental search engine over textual documents. The proposed system, SparkIR, can serve as a research framework for conducting information retrieval (IR) experiments. SparkIR supports two indexing schemes, document-based partitioning and term-based partitioning, to adopt document-at-a-time (DAAT) and term-at-a-time (TAAT) query evaluation methods. Moreover, it offers static and dynamic pruning to improve the retrieval efficiency. For static pruning, it employs champion list and tiering, while for dynamic pruning, it uses MaxScore top k retrieval. We evaluated the performance of SparkIR using ClueWeb12-B13 collection that contains about 50M English Web pages. Experiments over different subsets of the collection and compared the Elasticsearch baseline show that SparkIR exhibits reasonable efficiency and scalability performance overall for both indexing and retrieval. Implemented as an open-source library over Spark, users of SparkIR can also benefit from other Spark libraries (e.g., MLlib and GraphX), which, therefore, eliminates the need of usin