1,940 research outputs found

    Text Classification: A Review, Empirical, and Experimental Evaluation

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    The explosive and widespread growth of data necessitates the use of text classification to extract crucial information from vast amounts of data. Consequently, there has been a surge of research in both classical and deep learning text classification methods. Despite the numerous methods proposed in the literature, there is still a pressing need for a comprehensive and up-to-date survey. Existing survey papers categorize algorithms for text classification into broad classes, which can lead to the misclassification of unrelated algorithms and incorrect assessments of their qualities and behaviors using the same metrics. To address these limitations, our paper introduces a novel methodological taxonomy that classifies algorithms hierarchically into fine-grained classes and specific techniques. The taxonomy includes methodology categories, methodology techniques, and methodology sub-techniques. Our study is the first survey to utilize this methodological taxonomy for classifying algorithms for text classification. Furthermore, our study also conducts empirical evaluation and experimental comparisons and rankings of different algorithms that employ the same specific sub-technique, different sub-techniques within the same technique, different techniques within the same category, and categorie

    Enhancing Random Forest Classification with NLP in DAMEH: A system for DAta Management in EHealth Domain

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    The use of pervasive IoT devices in Smart Cities, have increased the Volume of data produced in many and many field. Interesting and very useful applications grow up in number in E-health domain, where smart devices are used in order to manage huge amount of data, in highly distributed environments, in order to provide smart services able to collect data to fill medical records of patients. The problem here is to gather data, to produce records and to analyze medical records depending on their contents. Since data gathering involve very different devices (not only wearable medical sensors, but also environmental smart devices, like weather, pollution and other sensors) it is very difficult to classify data depending their contents, in order to enable better management of patients. Data from smart devices couple with medical records written in natural language: we describe here an architecture that is able to determine best features for classification, depending on existent medical records. The architecture is based on pre-filtering phase based on Natural Language Processing, that is able to enhance Machine learning classification based on Random Forests. We carried on experiments on about 5000 medical records from real (anonymized) case studies from various health-care organizations in Italy. We show accuracy of the presented approach in terms of Accuracy-Rejection curves


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    Textual understanding is the process of automatically extracting accurate high-quality information from text. The amount of textual data available from different sources such as news, blogs and social media is growing exponentially. These data encode significant latent information which if extracted accurately can be valuable in a variety of applications such as medical report analyses, news understanding and societal studies. Natural language processing techniques are often employed to develop customized algorithms to extract such latent information from text. Journalistic 5Ws refer to the basic information in news articles that describes an event and include where, when, who, what and why. Extracting them accurately may facilitate better understanding of many social processes including social unrest, human rights violations, propaganda spread, and population migration. Furthermore, the 5Ws information can be combined with socio-economic and demographic data to analyze state and trajectory of these processes. In this thesis, a data driven pipeline has been developed to extract the 5Ws from text using syntactic and semantic cues in the text. First, a classifier is developed to identify articles specifically related to social unrest. The classifier has been trained with a dataset of over 80K news articles. We then use NLP algorithms to generate a set of candidates for the 5Ws. Then, a series of algorithms to extract the 5Ws are developed. These algorithms based on heuristics leverage specific words and parts-of-speech customized for individual Ws to compute their scores. The heuristics are based on the syntactic structure of the document as well as syntactic and semantic representations of individual words and sentences. These scores are then combined and ranked to obtain the best answers to Journalistic 5Ws. The classification accuracy of the algorithms is validated using a manually annotated dataset of news articles

    Optimizing text mining methods for improving biomedical natural language processing

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    The overwhelming amount and the increasing rate of publication in the biomedical domain make it difficult for life sciences researchers to acquire and maintain all information that is necessary for their research. Pubmed (the primary citation database for the biomedical literature) currently contains over 21 million article abstracts and more than one million of them were published in 2020 alone. Even though existing article databases provide capable keyword search services, typical everyday-life queries usually return thousands of relevant articles. For instance, a cancer research scientist may need to acquire a complete list of genes that interact with BRCA1 (breast cancer 1) gene. The PubMed keyword search for BRCA1 returns over 16,500 article abstracts, making manual inspection of the retrieved documents impractical. Missing even one of the interacting gene partners in this scenario may jeopardize successful development of a potential new drug or vaccine. Although manually curated databases of biomolecular interactions exist, they are usually not up-to-date and they require notable human effort to maintain. To summarize, new discoveries are constantly being shared within the community via scientific publishing, but unfortunately the probability of missing vital information for research in life sciences is increasing. In response to this problem, the biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP) community of researchers has emerged and strives to assist life sciences researchers by building modern language processing and text mining tools that can be applied at large-scale and scan the whole publicly available literature and extract, classify, and aggregate the information found within, thus keeping life sciences researchers always up-to-date with the recent relevant discoveries and facilitating their research in numerous fields such as molecular biology, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, genetics engineering and biochemistry. My research has almost exclusively focused on biomedical relation and event extraction tasks. These foundational information extraction tasks deal with automatic detection of biological processes, interactions and relations described in the biomedical literature. Precisely speaking, biomedical relation and event extraction systems can scan through a vast amount of biomedical texts and automatically detect and extract the semantic relations of biomedical named entities (e.g. genes, proteins, chemical compounds, and diseases). The structured outputs of such systems (i.e., the extracted relations or events) can be stored as relational databases or molecular interaction networks which can easily be queried, filtered, analyzed, visualized and integrated with other structured data sources. Extracting biomolecular interactions has always been the primary interest of BioNLP researcher because having knowledge about such interactions is crucially important in various research areas including precision medicine, drug discovery, drug repurposing, hypothesis generation, construction and curation of signaling pathways, and protein function and structure prediction. State-of-the-art relation and event extraction methods are based on supervised machine learning, requiring manually annotated data for training. Manual annotation for the biomedical domain requires domain expertise and it is time-consuming. Hence, having minimal training data for building information extraction systems is a common case in the biomedical domain. This demands development of methods that can make the most out of available training data and this thesis gathers all my research efforts and contributions in that direction. It is worth mentioning that biomedical natural language processing has undergone a revolution since I started my research in this field almost ten years ago. As a member of the BioNLP community, I have witnessed the emergence, improvement– and in some cases, the disappearance–of many methods, each pushing the performance of the best previous method one step further. I can broadly divide the last ten years into three periods. Once I started my research, feature-based methods that relied on heavy feature engineering were dominant and popular. Then, significant advancements in the hardware technology, as well as several breakthroughs in the algorithms and methods enabled machine learning practitioners to seriously utilize artificial neural networks for real-world applications. In this period, convolutional, recurrent, and attention-based neural network models became dominant and superior. Finally, the introduction of transformer-based language representation models such as BERT and GPT impacted the field and resulted in unprecedented performance improvements on many data sets. When reading this thesis, I demand the reader to take into account the course of history and judge the methods and results based on what could have been done in that particular period of the history

    Knowledge Extraction from Textual Resources through Semantic Web Tools and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Applications in Various Domains

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    Nowadays there is a tremendous amount of unstructured data, often represented by texts, which is created and stored in variety of forms in many domains such as patients' health records, social networks comments, scientific publications, and so on. This volume of data represents an invaluable source of knowledge, but unfortunately it is challenging its mining for machines. At the same time, novel tools as well as advanced methodologies have been introduced in several domains, improving the efficacy and the efficiency of data-based services. Following this trend, this thesis shows how to parse data from text with Semantic Web based tools, feed data into Machine Learning methodologies, and produce services or resources to facilitate the execution of some tasks. More precisely, the use of Semantic Web technologies powered by Machine Learning algorithms has been investigated in the Healthcare and E-Learning domains through not yet experimented methodologies. Furthermore, this thesis investigates the use of some state-of-the-art tools to move data from texts to graphs for representing the knowledge contained in scientific literature. Finally, the use of a Semantic Web ontology and novel heuristics to detect insights from biological data in form of graph are presented. The thesis contributes to the scientific literature in terms of results and resources. Most of the material presented in this thesis derives from research papers published in international journals or conference proceedings
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