16 research outputs found

    Similitud entre documentos multilingües de carácter científico-técnico en un entorno Web

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    En este artículo se presenta un sistema para la agrupación multilingüe de documentos que tratan temas similares. Para la representación de los documentos se ha empleado el modelo de espacio vectorial, utilizando criterios lingüísticos para la selección de las palabras clave, la fórmula tf-idf para el cálculo de sus relevancias, y RSS feedback y wrappers para actualizar el repositorio. Respecto al tratamiento multilingüe se ha seguido una estrategia basada en diccionarios bilingües con desambiguación. Debido al carácter científico-técnico de los textos se han empleado diccionarios técnicos combinados con diccionarios de carácter general. Los resultados obtenidos han sido evaluados manualmente.In this paper we present a system to identify documents of similar content. To represent the documents we’ve used the vector space model using linguistic knowledge to choose keywords and tf-idf to calculate the relevancy. The documents repository is updated by RSS and HTML wrappers. As for the multilingual treatment we have used a strategy based in bilingual dictionaries. Due to the scientific-technical nature of the texts, the translation of the vector has been carried off by technical dictionaries combined with general dictionaries. The obtained results have been evaluated in order to estimate the precision of the system.Este trabajo está subvencionado por el Departamento de Industria del Gobierno Vasco (proyectos Dokusare SA-2005/00272, Dokusare SA-2006/00167)

    Hierarchical multi-label news article classification with distributed semantic model based features

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    Automatic news categorization is essential to automatically handle the classification of multi-label news articles in online portal. This research employs some potential methods to improve performance of hierarchical multi-label classifier for Indonesian news article. First potential method is using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to build the top level classifier. The second method could improve the classification performance by calculating the average of the word vectors obtained from distributed semantic model. The third method combines lexical and semantic method to extract documents features, which multiplied word term frequency (lexical) with word vector average (semantic). Model build using Calibrated Label Ranking as multi-label classification method, and trained using Naïve Bayes algorithm has the best F1-measure of 0.7531. Multiplication of word term frequency and the average of word vectors were also used to build this classifiers. This configuration improved multi-label classification performance by 4.25%, compared to the baseline. The distributed semantic model that gave best performance in this experiment obtained from 300-dimension word2vec of Wikipedia’s articles. The multi-label classification model performance is also influenced by news’ released date. The difference period between training and testing data would also decrease models’ performance

    Novelty and redundancy detection in adaptive filtering

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    A model for Anticipatory Event Detection

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    Analyzing feature trajectories for event detection

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    Automatic online news topic ranking using media focus and user attention based on aging theory

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    Modeling Anticipatory Event Transitions

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    Combining Semantic and Syntactic Document Classifiers to Improve First Story Detection

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    In this paper we describe a type of data fusion involving the combination of evidence derived from multiple document representations. Our aim is to investigate if a composite representation can improve the online detection of novel events in a stream of broadcast news stories. This classification process otherwise known as first story detection FSD (or in the Topic Detection and Tracking pilot study as online new event detection [1]), is one of three main classification tasks defined by the TDT initiative. Our composite document representation consists of a semantic representation (based on the lexical chains derived from a text) and a syntactic representation (using proper nouns). Using the TDT1 evaluation methodology, we evaluate a number of document representation combinations using these document classifiers