505 research outputs found

    Moving Target Detection Based on an Adaptive Low-Rank Sparse Decomposition

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    For the exact detection of moving targets in video processing, an adaptive low-rank sparse decomposition algorithm is proposed in this paper. In the paper's algorithm, the background model and the solved frame vector are first used to construct an augmented matrix, then robust principal component analysis (RPCA) is used to perform a low-rank sparse decomposition on the enhanced augmented matrix. The separated low-rank part and sparse noise correspond to the background and motion foreground of the video frame, respectively, the incremental singular value decomposition method and the current background vector are used to update the background model. The experimental results show that the algorithm can deal with complex scenes such as light changes and background motion better, and the algorithm's delay and memory consumption can be reduced effectively

    Deep Representation Learning with Limited Data for Biomedical Image Synthesis, Segmentation, and Detection

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    Biomedical imaging requires accurate expert annotation and interpretation that can aid medical staff and clinicians in automating differential diagnosis and solving underlying health conditions. With the advent of Deep learning, it has become a standard for reaching expert-level performance in non-invasive biomedical imaging tasks by training with large image datasets. However, with the need for large publicly available datasets, training a deep learning model to learn intrinsic representations becomes harder. Representation learning with limited data has introduced new learning techniques, such as Generative Adversarial Networks, Semi-supervised Learning, and Self-supervised Learning, that can be applied to various biomedical applications. For example, ophthalmologists use color funduscopy (CF) and fluorescein angiography (FA) to diagnose retinal degenerative diseases. However, fluorescein angiography requires injecting a dye, which can create adverse reactions in the patients. So, to alleviate this, a non-invasive technique needs to be developed that can translate fluorescein angiography from fundus images. Similarly, color funduscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are also utilized to semantically segment the vasculature and fluid build-up in spatial and volumetric retinal imaging, which can help with the future prognosis of diseases. Although many automated techniques have been proposed for medical image segmentation, the main drawback is the model's precision in pixel-wise predictions. Another critical challenge in the biomedical imaging field is accurately segmenting and quantifying dynamic behaviors of calcium signals in cells. Calcium imaging is a widely utilized approach to studying subcellular calcium activity and cell function; however, large datasets have yielded a profound need for fast, accurate, and standardized analyses of calcium signals. For example, image sequences from calcium signals in colonic pacemaker cells ICC (Interstitial cells of Cajal) suffer from motion artifacts and high periodic and sensor noise, making it difficult to accurately segment and quantify calcium signal events. Moreover, it is time-consuming and tedious to annotate such a large volume of calcium image stacks or videos and extract their associated spatiotemporal maps. To address these problems, we propose various deep representation learning architectures that utilize limited labels and annotations to address the critical challenges in these biomedical applications. To this end, we detail our proposed semi-supervised, generative adversarial networks and transformer-based architectures for individual learning tasks such as retinal image-to-image translation, vessel and fluid segmentation from fundus and OCT images, breast micro-mass segmentation, and sub-cellular calcium events tracking from videos and spatiotemporal map quantification. We also illustrate two multi-modal multi-task learning frameworks with applications that can be extended to other domains of biomedical applications. The main idea is to incorporate each of these as individual modules to our proposed multi-modal frameworks to solve the existing challenges with 1) Fluorescein angiography synthesis, 2) Retinal vessel and fluid segmentation, 3) Breast micro-mass segmentation, and 4) Dynamic quantification of calcium imaging datasets

    Underwater Vehicles

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    For the latest twenty to thirty years, a significant number of AUVs has been created for the solving of wide spectrum of scientific and applied tasks of ocean development and research. For the short time period the AUVs have shown the efficiency at performance of complex search and inspection works and opened a number of new important applications. Initially the information about AUVs had mainly review-advertising character but now more attention is paid to practical achievements, problems and systems technologies. AUVs are losing their prototype status and have become a fully operational, reliable and effective tool and modern multi-purpose AUVs represent the new class of underwater robotic objects with inherent tasks and practical applications, particular features of technology, systems structure and functional properties

    Memory Models for Incremental Learning Architectures

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    Losing V. Memory Models for Incremental Learning Architectures. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.Technological advancement leads constantly to an exponential growth of generated data in basically every domain, drastically increasing the burden of data storage and maintenance. Most of the data is instantaneously extracted and available in form of endless streams that contain the most current information. Machine learning methods constitute one fundamental way of processing such data in an automatic way, as they generate models that capture the processes behind the data. They are omnipresent in our everyday life as their applications include personalized advertising, recommendations, fraud detection, surveillance, credit ratings, high-speed trading and smart-home devices. Thereby, batch learning, denoting the offline construction of a static model based on large datasets, is the predominant scheme. However, it is increasingly unfit to deal with the accumulating masses of data in given time and in particularly its static nature cannot handle changing patterns. In contrast, incremental learning constitutes one attractive alternative that is a very natural fit for the current demands. Its dynamic adaptation allows continuous processing of data streams, without the necessity to store all data from the past, and results in always up-to-date models, even able to perform in non-stationary environments. In this thesis, we will tackle crucial research questions in the domain of incremental learning by contributing new algorithms or significantly extending existing ones. Thereby, we consider stationary and non-stationary environments and present multiple real-world applications that showcase merits of the methods as well as their versatility. The main contributions are the following: One novel approach that addresses the question of how to extend a model for prototype-based algorithms based on cost minimization. We propose local split-time prediction for incremental decision trees to mitigate the trade-off between adaptation speed versus model complexity and run time. An extensive survey of the strengths and weaknesses of state-of-the-art methods that provides guidance for choosing a suitable algorithm for a given task. One new approach to extract valuable information about the type of change in a dataset. We contribute a biologically inspired architecture, able to handle different types of drift using dedicated memories that are kept consistent. Application of the novel methods within three diverse real-world tasks, highlighting their robustness and versatility. Investigation of personalized online models in the context of two real-world applications