40,442 research outputs found

    Dual Superconformal Symmetry from AdS5 x S5 Superstring Integrability

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    We discuss 2d duality transformations in the classical AdS5 x S5 superstring and their effect on the integrable structure. T-duality along four directions in Poincare parametrization of AdS5 maps the bosonic part of the superstring action into itself. On bosonic level, this duality may be understood as a symmetry of the first-order (phase space) system of equations for the coset components of the current. The associated Lax connection is invariant modulo the action of an so(2,4)-automorphism. We then show that this symmetry extends to the full superstring, provided one supplements the transformation of the bosonic components of the current with a transformation on the fermionic ones. At the level of the action, this symmetry can be seen by combining the bosonic duality transformation with a similar one applied to part of the fermionic superstring coordinates. As a result, the full superstring action is mapped into itself, albeit in a different kappa-symmetry gauge. One implication is that the dual model has the same superconformal symmetry group as the original one, and this may be seen as a consequence of the integrability of the superstring. The invariance of the Lax connection under the duality implies a map on the full set of conserved charges that should interchange some of the Noether (local) charges with hidden (non-local) ones and vice versa.Comment: V2: 33 pages, clarifications added and minor corrections, replaced with version to appear in PR

    Hamiltonian cycles in Cayley graphs of imprimitive complex reflection groups

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    Generalizing a result of Conway, Sloane, and Wilkes for real reflection groups, we show the Cayley graph of an imprimitive complex reflection group with respect to standard generating reflections has a Hamiltonian cycle. This is consistent with the long-standing conjecture that for every finite group, G, and every set of generators, S, of G the undirected Cayley graph of G with respect to S has a Hamiltonian cycle.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; minor revisions according to referee comments, to appear in Discrete Mathematic

    Chern-Simons Supergravities with Off-Shell Local Superalgebras

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    A new family of supergravity theories in odd dimensions is presented. The Lagrangian densities are Chern-Simons forms for the connection of a supersymmetric extension of the anti-de Sitter algebra. The superalgebras are the supersymmetric extensions of the AdS algebra for each dimension, thus completing the analysis of van Holten and Van Proeyen, which was valid for N=1 and for D=2,3,4,mod 8. The Chern-Simons form of the Lagrangian ensures invariance under the gauge supergroup by construction and, in particular, under local supersymmetry. Thus, unlike standard supergravity, the local supersymmetry algebra closes off-shell and without requiring auxiliary fields. The Lagrangian is explicitly given for D=5, 7 and 11. In all cases the dynamical field content includes the vielbein, the spin connection, N gravitini, and some extra bosonic ``matter'' fields which vary from one dimension to another. The superalgebras fall into three families: osp(m|N) for D=2,3,4, mod 8, osp(N|m) for D=6,7,8, mod 8, and su(m-2,2|N) for D=5 mod 4, with m=2^{[D/2]}. The possible connection between the D=11 case and M-Theory is also discussed.Comment: 13pages, RevTeX, no figures, two column

    Blowing-Up the Four-Dimensional Z_3 Orientifold

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    We study the blowing-up of the four-dimensional Z_3 orientifold of Angelantonj, Bianchi, Pradisi, Sagnotti and Stanev (ABPSS) by giving nonzero vacuum expectation values (VEV's) to the twisted sector moduli blowing-up modes. The blowing-up procedure induces a Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term for the ``anomalous'' U(1), whose magnitude depends linearly on the VEV's of the blowing-up modes. To preserve the N=1 supersymmetry, non-Abelian matter fields are forced to acquire nonzero VEV's, thus breaking (some of) the non-Abelian gauge structure and decoupling some of the matter fields. We determine the form of the FI term, construct explicit examples of (non-Abelian) D and F flat directions, and determine the surviving gauge groups of the restabilized vacua. We also determine the mass spectra, for which the restabilization reduces the number of families.Comment: 19 pages, Late

    Quantum matter in quantum space-time

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    Quantum matter in quantum space-time is discussed using general properties of energy-conservation laws. As a rather radical conclusion, it is found that standard methods of differential geometry and quantum field theory on curved space-time are inapplicable in canonical quantum gravity, even at the level of effective equations.Comment: 17 pages, v2: further references and more detailed conclusion

    Semiclassical Trace Formulas for Noninteracting Identical Particles

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    We extend the Gutzwiller trace formula to systems of noninteracting identical particles. The standard relation for isolated orbits does not apply since the energy of each particle is separately conserved causing the periodic orbits to occur in continuous families. The identical nature of the particles also introduces discrete permutational symmetries. We exploit the formalism of Creagh and Littlejohn [Phys. Rev. A 44, 836 (1991)], who have studied semiclassical dynamics in the presence of continuous symmetries, to derive many-body trace formulas for the full and symmetry-reduced densities of states. Numerical studies of the three-particle cardioid billiard are used to explicitly illustrate and test the results of the theory.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PR
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