5 research outputs found

    Functional Renormalization of Noncommutative Scalar Field Theory

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    In this paper we apply the Functional Renormalization Group Equation (FRGE) to the non-commutative scalar field theory proposed by Grosse and Wulkenhaar. We derive the flow equation in the matrix representation and discuss the theory space for the self-dual model. The features introduced by the external dimensionful scale provided by the non-commutativity parameter, originally pointed out in \cite{Gurau:2009ni}, are discussed in the FRGE context. Using a technical assumption, but without resorting to any truncation, it is then shown that the theory is asymptotically safe for suitably small values of the ϕ4\phi^4 coupling, recovering the result of \cite{disertori:2007}. Finally, we show how the FRGE can be easily used to compute the one loop beta-functions of the duality covariant model.Comment: 38 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Scientific exploration in the era of ocean observatories

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    Journal ArticleSociety's critical and urgent need to better understand the world's oceans is amply documented and has led to a unique convergence of operational and scientific interests in the US, organized around the concept of ocean observatories: cyber-­facilitated integrations of observations, simulations, and stakeholders. In particular, programs are emerging aimed at creating an operational Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)1 to address broad society needs and an open, ocean-observing research infrastruc­ture (the Ocean Observatories Initia­tive [OOI]).

    An innovative approach to learning combinatorics for primary school students

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    Neki od osnovnih principa kombinatorike su produktno pravilo, varijacije, kombinacije i permutacije. Kombinatoričke metode imaju važnu ulogu u računarstvu. Neke od važnijih primjena su permutacijska mreža u AES algoritmu, ali i općenite primjene u kriptografiji koja je ključ računalne sigurnosti, optimizacija algoritama, teorija grafova i algoritmi umjetne inteligencije. Potrebno je mladima što ranije ukazati na važnost kombinatorike u računarstvu i pokazati im osnovne principe jer već u osnovnoj školi kreću s učenjem računarstva i programiranja. Zato sam napravio mobilnu aplikaciju koja na interaktivan i ilustrativan način djecu uči osnovnim principima kombinatorike. Aplikacija je izrađena koristeći radni okvir React Native.Some of the basic principles of combinatorics are product rule, variation, combination and permutation. Combinatorial methods play an important role in computing. Some of the more important applications are permutation net in AES algorithm, but also general applications in cryptography which is the key to computer security, algorithm optimization , graph theory and artificial intelligence algorithms. It is necessary to point out the importance of combinatorics in computing to young people as early as possible and show them the basic principles, because they start learning computing and programming already in primary school. That is why I created a mobile application that teaches children the basic principles of combinatorics in an interactive and illustrative way. The application was created using the React Native framework

    An innovative approach to learning combinatorics for primary school students

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    Neki od osnovnih principa kombinatorike su produktno pravilo, varijacije, kombinacije i permutacije. Kombinatoričke metode imaju važnu ulogu u računarstvu. Neke od važnijih primjena su permutacijska mreža u AES algoritmu, ali i općenite primjene u kriptografiji koja je ključ računalne sigurnosti, optimizacija algoritama, teorija grafova i algoritmi umjetne inteligencije. Potrebno je mladima što ranije ukazati na važnost kombinatorike u računarstvu i pokazati im osnovne principe jer već u osnovnoj školi kreću s učenjem računarstva i programiranja. Zato sam napravio mobilnu aplikaciju koja na interaktivan i ilustrativan način djecu uči osnovnim principima kombinatorike. Aplikacija je izrađena koristeći radni okvir React Native.Some of the basic principles of combinatorics are product rule, variation, combination and permutation. Combinatorial methods play an important role in computing. Some of the more important applications are permutation net in AES algorithm, but also general applications in cryptography which is the key to computer security, algorithm optimization , graph theory and artificial intelligence algorithms. It is necessary to point out the importance of combinatorics in computing to young people as early as possible and show them the basic principles, because they start learning computing and programming already in primary school. That is why I created a mobile application that teaches children the basic principles of combinatorics in an interactive and illustrative way. The application was created using the React Native framework