8 research outputs found

    Aplicación del enfoque multi-índice con imágenes Sentinel-2 para obtener áreas urbanas en la estación seca (Zonas semiáridas en el noreste de Argelia)

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    [EN] The mapping of urban areas mostly presents a big difficulty, particularly, in arid and semi-arid environments. For that reason, in this research, we expect to increase built up accuracy mapping for Bordj Bou Arreridj city in semi-arid regions (North-East Algeria) by focusing on the identification of appropriate combination of the remotely sensed spectral indices. The study applies the ‘k–means’ classifier. In this regard, four spectral indexes were selected, namely normalized difference tillage index (NDTI) for built-up, and both bare soil index (BSI) and dry bare-soil index (DBSI), which are related to bare soil, as well as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). All previous spectral indices mentioned were derived from Sentinel-2 data acquired during the dry season. Two combinations of them were generated using layer stack process, keeping both of NDTI and NDVI index constant in both combinations so that the multi-index NDTI/BSI/NDVI was the first single dataset combination, and the multi-index NDTI/DBSI/NDVI as the second component. The results show that BSI index works better with NDTI index compared to the use of DBSI index. Therefore, BSI index provides improvements: bare soil classes and built-up were better discriminated, where the overall accuracy increased by 5.67% and the kappa coefficient increased by 12.05%. The use of k-means as unsupervised classifier provides an automatic and a rapid urban area detection. Therefore, the multi-index dataset NDTI/ BSI / NDVI was suitable for mapping the cities in dry climate, and could provide a better urban management and future remote sensing applications in semi-arid areas particularly.[ES] La cartografía de las zonas urbanas presenta una gran dificultad, especialmente en los entornos áridos y semiáridos. Por esa razón, en esta investigación esperamos aumentar la precisión de la cartografía de la ciudad de Bordj Bou Arreridj en las regiones semiáridas (noreste de Argelia) centrándose en la identificación de la combinación adecuada de los índices espectrales obtenidos por teledetección. El estudio aplica el clasificador ‘k-means’. A este respecto, se seleccionaron cuatro índices espectrales, a saber, el índice de labranza de diferencia normalizada (NDTI) para el área construida, el índice de suelo desnudo (BSI) y el índice de suelo desnudo seco (DBSI), que están relacionados con el suelo desnudo, así como el índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada (NDVI). Todos los índices espectrales anteriores mencionados se derivaron de datos Sentinel-2 adquiridos durante la estación seca (agosto). Se generaron dos combinaciones de ellas utilizando el proceso de superposición de capas, manteniendo constante tanto el índice NDTI como el índice NDVI en ambas combinaciones, de modo que el multi-índice NDTI/BSI/NDVI fue la primera combinación de conjuntos de datos, y el multi-índice NDTI/DBSI/NDVI fue el segundo componente. Los resultados muestran que el índice BSI funciona mejor con NDTI en comparación con el uso de DBSI. Por lo tanto, BSI proporciona mejoras: las clases de suelo desnudo y la de construcciones fueron mejor discriminadas, aumentando la precisión global en un 5,67%, y el coeficiente kappa un 12,05%. El uso de k-means como clasificador no supervisado proporciona una detección del área urbana automática y rápida. Por lo tanto, el conjunto de datos de varios índices NDTI/ BSI/ NDVI fue adecuado para cartografiar las ciudades en clima seco, y podría proporcionar una mejor gestión urbana y futuras aplicaciones de teledetección en zonas semiáridas en particular.Rouibah, K.; Belabbas, M. (2020). Applying Multi-Index approach from Sentinel-2 Imagery to Extract Urban Area in dry season (Semi-Arid Land in North East Algeria). Revista de Teledetección. 0(56):89-101. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13787OJS89101056Al-Quraishi, A. ( 2011). Drought mapping using Geoinformation technology for some sites in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. 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    Exploring Spectral Index Band and Vegetation Indices for Estimating Vegetation Area

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    Visual analysis and transformation of vegetation indices have been widely applied in studies of vegetation density using remote sensing data. However, visual analysis is time intensive compared to index transformation. On the other hand, the index transformation from medium resolution imagery is not fully representative for urban vegetation studies. Meanwhile, the spectral range of high-resolution imagery is usually limited to visible wavelengths for the image transformation. Worldview-2 imagery provides a new breakthrough with a high spatial resolution and supports various spectral resolutions. This study aims to explore the spectral value of the Worldview-2 image index for estimation of vegetation density. Normalized indices were made for 56 band combinations and Otsu thresholding was implemented for the threshold selection to separate vegetation and non-vegetation areas. This thresholding was done by minimizing classes’ variances between two groups of pixels which are distinguished by system or classification. The image binarization process was performed to differentiate between vegetation and non-vegetation. For the accuracy testing, a total of 250 samples was produced by a stratified random sampling method. Our results show that the combination of indices from red channel, red-edge, NIR-1, and NIR-2 provides the best accuracy for semantic accuracy. Vegetation area extracted from the index was then compared with the results of the visual analysis. Although the index results in area difference of 2.32 m2 compared to visual analysis, the combination of NIR-2 and red bands can give an accuracy of 96.29 %

    Geospatial techniques for comparative case study of spatiotemporal changes in New Karachi and North Karachi parks

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    The well-known fact is that parks play a significant role in sustaining the urban environment. Megacities like Karachi are developing rapidly with a simultaneous increase in the city area, putting immense pressure on open green spaces. The widespread built-up development is replacing the previously existing vegetative cover. The lack of green spaces is the main concern, and this problem will only worsen due to overpopulation associated with the rapid growth of cities. The lack of evidence-based planning contributes to the unbalanced spatial distribution of parks in quantity and quality. The present research aimed to compare and find out the quality and status of parks such as park areas under encroachment and temporal changes in the vegetative cover of parks in the predominantly low to middle-income residential areas of New Karachi and North Karachi Towns of Karachi metropolitan. Geospatial techniques have been used for mapping, assessments, and analyses. Results indicate that boundary walls are a good solution to stop or reduce park encroachments as correlation indicates the parks with boundary walls have a significantly lower percentage of encroachment in 2022. The existing work indicated that the number of trees has increased in most parks in both towns in 2022. The overall correlation results indicate that factors affecting park quality positively have a positive association with other positively affecting factors and a negative association with factors that affect park quality negatively. There is a dire need to implement better planning strategies to enhance the quality of existing parks and construct new parks in the study area

    Combinational Build-Up Index (CBI) for Effective Impervious Surface Mapping in Urban Areas

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    A Modified Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (MNDISI) for Automatic Urban Mapping from Landsat Imagery

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    Impervious surface area (ISA) is a key factor for monitoring urban environment and land development. Automatic mapping of impervious surfaces has attracted growing attention in recent years. Spectral built-up indices are considered promising to map ISA distributions due to their easy, parameter-free implementations. This study explores the potentials of impervious surface indices for ISA mapping from Landsat imagery using a case study area in Boston, USA. A modified normalized difference impervious surface index (MNDISI) is proposed, and a Gaussian-based automatic threshold selection method is used to identify the optimal MNDISI threshold for delineating impervious surfaces from background features. To evaluate its effectiveness, comparison analysis is conducted between MNDISI and the original NDISI using Landsat images from three sensors (TM/ETM+/OLI-TIRS) acquired in four seasons. Our results suggest that built-up indices are sensitive to image seasonality, and summer is the best time phase for ISA mapping. With reduced uncertainties from automatic threshold selection, the MNDISI extracts impervious surfaces from all Landsat images in summer with an overall accuracy higher than 87% and an overall Kappa coefficient higher than 0.74. The proposed method is superior to previous index-based ISA mapping from the enhanced thermal integration and automatic threshold selection. The ISA maps from the TM, ETM+ and OLI-TIRS images are not significantly different. With enlarged data pool when all Landsat sensors are considered and automation of threshold selection proposed in this study, the MNDISI could be an effective built-up index for rapid and automatic ISA mapping at regional and global scales

    Multisource Remote Sensing based Impervious Surface Mapping

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    Impervious surface (IS) not only serves as a key indicator of urbanization, but also affects the micro-ecosystem. Therefore, it is essential to monitor IS distribution timely and accurately. Remote sensing is an effective approach as it can provide straightforward and consistent information over large area with low cost. This thesis integrates multi-source remote sensing data to interpretate urban patterns and provide more reliable IS mapping results. Registration of optical daytime and nighttime lights (NTL) data is developed in the first contribution. An impervious surface based optical-to-NTL image registration algorithm with iterative blooming effect reduction (IS_iBER) algorithm is proposed. This coarse-to-fine procedure investigates the correlation between optical and NTL features. The iterative registration and blooming effect reduction method obtains precise matching results and reduce the spatial extension of NTL. Considering the spatial transitional nature of urban-rural fringes (URF) areas, the second study proposed approach for URF delineation, namely optical and nighttime lights (NTL) data based multi-scale URF (msON_URF).The landscape heterogeneity and development vitality derived from optical and NTL features are analyzed at a series of scales to illustrate the urban-URF-rural pattern. Results illustrate that msON_URF is effective and practical for not only concentric, but also polycentric urban patterns. The third study proposes a nighttime light adjusted impervious surface index (NAISI) to detect IS area. Parallel to baseline subtraction approaches, NAISI takes advantage of features, rather than spectral band information to map IS. NAISI makes the most of independence between NTL-ISS and pervious surface to address the high spectral similarity between IS and bare soil in optical image. An optical and NTL based spectral mixture analysis (ON_SMA) is proposed to achieve sub-pixel IS mapping result in the fourth study. It integrates characteristics of optical and NTL imagery to adaptively select local endmembers. Results illustrate the proposed method yields effective improvement and highlight the potential of NTL data in IS mapping. In the fifth study, GA-SVM IS mapping algorithm is investigated with introduction of the achieved urban-URF-rural spatial structure. The combination of optical, NTL and SAR imagery is discussed. GA is implemented for feature selection and parameter optimization in each urban scenario

    Remote sensing of impervious surface area and its interaction with land surface temperature variability in Pretoria, South Africa

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    Includes summary for chapter 1-5Pretoria, City of Tshwane (COT), Gauteng Province, South Africa is one of the cities that continues to experience rapid urban sprawl as a result of population growth and various land use, leading to the change of natural vegetation lands into impervious surface area (ISA). These are associated with transportation (paved roads, streets, highways, parking lots and sidewalks) and cemented buildings and rooftops, made of completely or partly impermeable artificial materials (e.g., asphalt, concrete, and brick). These landscapes influence the micro-climate (e.g., land surface temperature, LST) of Pretoria City as evidenced by the recent heat waves characterized by high temperature. Therefore, understanding ISA changes will provide information for city planning and environmental management. Conventionally, deriving ISA information has been dependent on field surveys and manual digitizing from hard copy maps, which is laborious and time-consuming. Remote sensing provides an avenue for deriving spatially explicit and timely ISA information. Numerous methods have been developed to estimate and retrieve ISA and LST from satellite imagery. There are limited studies focusing on the extraction of ISA and its relationship with LST variability across major cities in Africa. The objectives of the study were: (i) to explore suitable spectral indices to improve the delineation of built-up impervious surface areas from very high resolution multispectral data (e.g., WorldView-2), (ii) to examine exposed rooftop impervious surface area based on different colours, and their interplay with surface temperature variability, (iii) to determine if the spatio-temporal built-up ISA distribution pattern in relation to elevation influences urban heat island (UHI) extent using an optimal analytical scale and (iv) to assess the spatio-temporal change characteristics of ISA expansion using the corresponding surface temperature (LST) at selected administrative subplace units (i.e., local region scale). The study objectives were investigated using remote sensing data such as WorldView-2 (a very high-resolution multispectral sensor), medium resolution Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) at multiple scales. The ISA mapping methods used in this study can be grouped into two major categories: (i) the classification-based approach consisting of an object-based multi-class classification with overall accuracy ~90.4% and a multitemporal pixel-based binary classification. The latter yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) = 0.8572 for 1995, AUROC = 0.8709 for 2005, AUROC = 0.8949 for 2015. (ii) the spectral index-based approach such as a new built-up extraction index (NBEI) derived in this study which yielded a high AUROC = ~0.82 compared to Built-up Area Index (BAI) (AUROC = ~0.73), Built-up spectral index (BSI) (AUROC = ~0.78), Red edge / Green Index (RGI) (AUROC = ~0.71) and WorldView-Built-up Index (WV-BI) (AUROC = ~0.67). The multitemporal built-up Index (BUI) also estimated with AUROC = 0.8487 for 1993, AUROC = 0.8302 for 2003, AUROC = 0.8790 for 2013. This indicates that all these methods employed, mapped ISA with high predictive accuracy from remote sensing data. Furthermore, the single-channel algorithm (SCA) was employed to retrieve LST from the thermal infrared (TIR) band of the Landsat images. The LST overall retrieval error for the entire study generally was quite low (overall root mean square RMSE ≤ ~1.48OC), which signifies that the Landsat TIR used provided good results for further analysis. In conclusion, the study showed the potential of multispectral remote sensing data to quantify ISA and evaluate its interaction with surface temperature variability despite the complex urban landscape in Pretoria. Also, using impervious surface LST as a complementary metric in this research helped to reveal urban heat island distribution and improve understanding of the spatio-temporal developing trend of urban expansion at a local spatial scale.Rapid urbanization because of population growth has led to the conversion of natural lands into large man-made landscapes which affects the micro-climate. Rooftop reflectivity, material, colour, slope, height, aspect, elevation are factors that potentially contribute to temperature variability. Therefore, strategically designed rooftop impervious surfaces have the potential to translate into significant energy, long-term cost savings, and health benefits. In this experimental study, we used the semi-automated Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) Feature Extraction that uses an object-based image analysis approach to classify rooftop based on colours from WorldView-2 (WV-2) image with overall accuracy ~90.4% and kappa coefficient ~0.87 respectively. The daytime retrieved surface temperatures were derived from 15m pan-sharpened Landsat 8 TIRS with a range of ~14.6OC to ~65OC (retrieval error = 0.38OC) for the same month covering Lynwood Ridge a residential area in Pretoria. Thereafter, the relationship between the rooftops and surface temperature (LST) were examined using multivariate statistical analysis. The results of this research reveal that the interaction between the applicable rooftop explanatory features (i.e., reflectance, texture measures and topographical properties) can explain over 22.10% of the variation in daytime rooftop surface temperatures. Furthermore, analysis of spatial distribution between mean daytime surface temperature and the residential rooftop indicated that the red, brown and green roof surfaces show lower LST values due to high reflectivity, high emissivity and low heat capacity during the daytime. The study concludes that in any study related to the spatial distribution of rooftop impervious surface area surface temperature, effect of various explanatory variables must be considered. The results of this experimental study serve as a useful approach for further application in urban planning and sustainable development.Evaluating changes in built-up impervious surface area (ISA) to understand the urban heat island (UHI) extent is valuable for governments in major cities in developing countries experiencing rapid urbanization and industrialization. This work aims at assessing built-up ISA spatio-temporal and influence on land surface temperature (LST) variability in the context of urban sprawl. Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) were used to quantify ISA using built-up Index (BUI) and spatio-temporal dynamics from 1993-2013. Thereafter using a suitable analytical sampling scale that represents the estimated ISA-LST, we examined its distribution in relation to elevation using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and also create Getis-Ord Gi* statistics hotspot maps to display the UHI extent. The BUI ISA extraction results show a high predictive accuracy with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AUROC = 0.8487 for 1993, AUROC = 0.8302 for 2003, AUROC = 0.8790 for 2013. The ISA spatio-temporal changes within ten years interval time frame results revealed a 14% total growth rate during the study year. Based on a suitable analytical scale (90x90) for the hexagon polygon grid, the majority of ISA distribution across the years was at an elevation range of between >1200m – 1600m. Also, Getis-Ord Gi* statistics hotspot maps revealed that hotspot regions expanded through time with a total growth rate of 19% and coldspot regions decreased by 3%. Our findings can represent useful information for policymakers by providing a scientific basis for sustainable urban planning and management.Over the years, rapid urban growth has led to the conversion of natural lands into large man-made landscapes due to enhanced political and economic growth. This study assessed the spatio-temporal change characteristics of impervious surface area (ISA) expansion using its surface temperature (LST) at selected administrative subplace units (i.e., local region scale). ISA was estimated for 1995, 2005 and 2015 from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and TIRS (Thermal Infrared Sensor) images using a Random Forest (RF) algorithm. The spatio-temporal trends of ISA were assessed using an optimal analytical scale to aggregate ISA LST coupled with weighted standard deviational ellipse (SDE) method. The ISA was quantified with high predictive accuracy (i.e., AUROC = 0.8572 for 1995, AUROC = 0.8709 for 2005, AUROC = 0.8949 for 2015) using RF classifier. More than 70% of the selected administrative subplaces in Pretoria experienced an increase in growth rate (415.59%) between 1995 and 2015. LST computations from the Landsat TIRS bands yielded good results (RMSE = ~1.44OC, 1.40OC, ~0.86OC) for 1995, 2005 and 2015 respectively. Based on the hexagon polygon grid (90x90), the aggregated ISA surface temperature weighted SDE analysis results indicated ISA expansion in different directions at the selected administrative subplace units. Our findings can represent useful information for policymakers in evaluating urban development trends in Pretoria, City of Tshwane (COT).Globally, the unprecedented increase in population in many cities has led to rapid changes in urban landscape, which requires timely assessments and monitoring. Accurate determination of built-up information is vital for urban planning and environmental management. Often, the determination of the built-up area information has been dependent on field surveys, which is laborious and time-consuming. Remote sensing data is the only option for deriving spatially explicit and timely built-up area information. There are few spectral indices for built-up areas and often not accurate as they are specific to impervious material, age, colour, and thickness, especially using higher resolution images. The objective of this study is to test the utility of a new built-up extraction index (NBEI) using WorldView-2 to improve built-up material mapping irrespective of material type, age and colour. The new index was derived from spectral bands such as Green, Red edge, NIR1 and NIR2 bands that profoundly explain the variation in built-up areas on WorldView-2 image (WV-2). The result showed that NBEI improves the extraction of built-up areas with high accuracy (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AUROC = ~0.82) compared to the existing indices such as Built-up Area Index (BAI) (AUROC = ~0.73), Built-up spectral index (BSI) (AUROC = ~0.78 ), Red edge / Green Index (RGI) (AUROC = ~0.71) and WorldView-Built-up Index (WV-BI) (AUROC = ~0.67). The study demonstrated that the new built-up index could extract built-up areas using high-resolution images. The performance of NBEI could be attributed to the fact that it is not material specific, and would be necessary for urban area mapping.Environmental SciencesD. Phil. (Environmental Sciences