310 research outputs found

    Colouring of Graphs with Ramsey-Type Forbidden Subgraphs

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    A colouring of a graph G = (V;E) is a mapping c : V ! f1; 2; : : :g such that c(u) 6= c(v) if uv 2 E; if jc(V )j k then c is a k-colouring. The Colouring problem is that of testing whether a given graph has a k-colouring for some given integer k. If a graph contains no induced subgraph isomorphic to any graph in some family H, then it is called H-free. The complexity of Colouring for H-free graphs with jHj = 1 has been completely classied. When jHj = 2, the classication is still wide open, although many partial results are known. We continue this line of research and forbid induced subgraphs fH1;H2g, where we allow H1 to have a single edge and H2 to have a single nonedge. Instead of showing only polynomial-time solvability, we prove that Colouring on such graphs is xed-parameter tractable when parameterized by jH1j + jH2j. As a byproduct, we obtain the same result both for the problem of determining a maximum independent set and for the problem of determining a maximum clique

    Ramsey properties of randomly perturbed graphs: cliques and cycles

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    Given graphs H1,H2H_1,H_2, a graph GG is (H1,H2)(H_1,H_2)-Ramsey if for every colouring of the edges of GG with red and blue, there is a red copy of H1H_1 or a blue copy of H2H_2. In this paper we investigate Ramsey questions in the setting of randomly perturbed graphs: this is a random graph model introduced by Bohman, Frieze and Martin in which one starts with a dense graph and then adds a given number of random edges to it. The study of Ramsey properties of randomly perturbed graphs was initiated by Krivelevich, Sudakov and Tetali in 2006; they determined how many random edges must be added to a dense graph to ensure the resulting graph is with high probability (K3,Kt)(K_3,K_t)-Ramsey (for t3t\ge 3). They also raised the question of generalising this result to pairs of graphs other than (K3,Kt)(K_3,K_t). We make significant progress on this question, giving a precise solution in the case when H1=KsH_1=K_s and H2=KtH_2=K_t where s,t5s,t \ge 5. Although we again show that one requires polynomially fewer edges than in the purely random graph, our result shows that the problem in this case is quite different to the (K3,Kt)(K_3,K_t)-Ramsey question. Moreover, we give bounds for the corresponding (K4,Kt)(K_4,K_t)-Ramsey question; together with a construction of Powierski this resolves the (K4,K4)(K_4,K_4)-Ramsey problem. We also give a precise solution to the analogous question in the case when both H1=CsH_1=C_s and H2=CtH_2=C_t are cycles. Additionally we consider the corresponding multicolour problem. Our final result gives another generalisation of the Krivelevich, Sudakov and Tetali result. Specifically, we determine how many random edges must be added to a dense graph to ensure the resulting graph is with high probability (Cs,Kt)(C_s,K_t)-Ramsey (for odd s5s\ge 5 and t4t\ge 4).Comment: 24 pages + 12-page appendix; v2: cited independent work of Emil Powierski, stated results for cliques in graphs of low positive density separately (Theorem 1.6) for clarity; v3: author accepted manuscript, to appear in CP

    Combinatorial theorems relative to a random set

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    We describe recent advances in the study of random analogues of combinatorial theorems.Comment: 26 pages. Submitted to Proceedings of the ICM 201

    Erdos-Hajnal-type theorems in hypergraphs

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    The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture states that if a graph on n vertices is H-free, that is, it does not contain an induced copy of a given graph H, then it must contain either a clique or an independent set of size n^{d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on the graph H. Except for a few special cases, this conjecture remains wide open. However, it is known that a H-free graph must contain a complete or empty bipartite graph with parts of polynomial size. We prove an analogue of this result for 3-uniform hypergraphs, showing that if a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices is H-free, for any given H, then it must contain a complete or empty tripartite subgraph with parts of order c(log n)^{1/2 + d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on H. This improves on the bound of c(log n)^{1/2}, which holds in all 3-uniform hypergraphs, and, up to the value of the constant d(H), is best possible. We also prove that, for k > 3, no analogue of the standard Erdos-Hajnal conjecture can hold in k-uniform hypergraphs. That is, there are k-uniform hypergraphs H and sequences of H-free hypergraphs which do not contain cliques or independent sets of size appreciably larger than one would normally expect.Comment: 15 page

    On the Geometric Ramsey Number of Outerplanar Graphs

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    We prove polynomial upper bounds of geometric Ramsey numbers of pathwidth-2 outerplanar triangulations in both convex and general cases. We also prove that the geometric Ramsey numbers of the ladder graph on 2n2n vertices are bounded by O(n3)O(n^{3}) and O(n10)O(n^{10}), in the convex and general case, respectively. We then apply similar methods to prove an nO(log(n))n^{O(\log(n))} upper bound on the Ramsey number of a path with nn ordered vertices.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Degrees in oriented hypergraphs and sparse Ramsey theory

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    Let GG be an rr-uniform hypergraph. When is it possible to orient the edges of GG in such a way that every pp-set of vertices has some pp-degree equal to 00? (The pp-degrees generalise for sets of vertices what in-degree and out-degree are for single vertices in directed graphs.) Caro and Hansberg asked if the obvious Hall-type necessary condition is also sufficient. Our main aim is to show that this is true for rr large (for given pp), but false in general. Our counterexample is based on a new technique in sparse Ramsey theory that may be of independent interest.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure