4 research outputs found

    Coloring the rationals in reverse mathematics

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    Ramsey’s theorem for pairs asserts that every 2-coloring of the pairs of integers has an infinite monochromatic subset. In this paper, we study a strengthening of Ramsey’s theorem for pairs due to Erdős and Rado, which states that every 2-coloring of the pairs of rationals has either an infinite 0-homogeneous set or a 1-homogeneous set of order type η, where η is the order type of the rationals. This theorem is a natural candidate to lie strictly between the arithmetic comprehension axiom and Ramsey’s theorem for pairs. This Erdős–Rado theorem, like the tree theorem for pairs, belongs to a family of Ramsey-type statements whose logical strength remains a challenge

    On the Weihrauch degree of the additive Ramsey theorem

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    We characterize the strength, in terms of Weihrauch degrees, of certain problems related to Ramsey-like theorems concerning colourings of the rationals and of the natural numbers. The theorems we are chiefly interested in assert the existence of almost-homogeneous sets for colourings of pairs of rationals respectively natural numbers satisfying properties determined by some additional algebraic structure on the set of colours. In the context of reverse mathematics, most of the principles we study are equivalent to Σ20\Sigma^0_2-induction over RCA0\mathrm{RCA}_0. The associated problems in the Weihrauch lattice are related to TCN∗\mathrm{TC}_\mathbb{N}^*, (LPO′)∗(\mathrm{LPO}')^* or their product, depending on their precise formalizations

    The strength of the tree theorem for pairs in reverse mathematics

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    International audienceNo natural principle is currently known to be strictly between the arithmetic comprehension axiom (ACA0) and Ramsey's theorem for pairs (RT 2 2) in reverse mathematics. The tree theorem for pairs (TT 2 2) is however a good candidate. The tree theorem states that for every finite coloring over tuples of comparable nodes in the full binary tree, there is a monochromatic subtree isomorphic to the full tree. The principle TT 2 2 is known to lie between ACA0 and RT 2 2 over RCA0, but its exact strength remains open. In this paper, we prove that RT 2 2 together with weak König's lemma (WKL0) does not imply TT 2 2 , thereby answering a question of Montálban. This separation is a case in point of the method of Lerman, Solomon and Towsner for designing a computability-theoretic property which discriminates between two statements in reverse mathematics. We therefore put the emphasis on the different steps leading to this separation in order to serve as a tutorial for separating principles in reverse mathematics

    Le direzioni della logica in Italia: la reverse mathematics e l'analisi computazionale

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    Nelle conversazioni tra matematici non \ue8 infrequente sentire affermazioni del tipo \u201ci teoremi \u3a6 e \u3a8 sono equivalenti\u201d, oppure \u201cil teorema \u3a6 \ue8 pi\uf9 forte del teorema \u3a8\u201d. Dato che \u3a6 e \u3a8 (essendo teoremi) sono entrambi dimostrabili, prendendo alla lettera le due affermazioni abbiamo che la prima \ue8 banalmente vera e la seconda banalmente falsa. Sappiamo tutti per\uf2 che queste affermazioni hanno un altro significato, molto meno banale, e c\u2019\ue8 quindi una ragione per cui vengono fatte. Negli ultimi decenni la logica matematica ha sviluppato alcuni strumenti in grado di rendere precise, e suscettibili di dimostrazione o refutazione, affermazioni come le precedenti. In particolare ci riferiamo alla reverse mathematics e all\u2019analisi computazionale. Questi sono due programmi di ricerca di origine diverse che nell\u2019ultimo decennio, anche grazie al contributo di alcuni ricercatori italiani, hanno trovato significativi punti di contatto. In questo lavoro presenteremo i due programmi, con particolare riferimento alle loro aree di contatto. Evidenzieremo in particolare i contributi dei ricercatori italiani attivi in queste aree, e concluderemo indicando alcune prospettive di sviluppo su cui anche in Italia si sta cercando di lavorare