47 research outputs found

    Rainbow saturation and graph capacities

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    The tt-colored rainbow saturation number rsatt(n,F)rsat_t(n,F) is the minimum size of a tt-edge-colored graph on nn vertices that contains no rainbow copy of FF, but the addition of any missing edge in any color creates such a rainbow copy. Barrus, Ferrara, Vandenbussche and Wenger conjectured that rsatt(n,Ks)=Θ(nlogn)rsat_t(n,K_s) = \Theta(n\log n) for every s3s\ge 3 and t(s2)t\ge \binom{s}{2}. In this short note we prove the conjecture in a strong sense, asymptotically determining the rainbow saturation number for triangles. Our lower bound is probabilistic in spirit, the upper bound is based on the Shannon capacity of a certain family of cliques.Comment: 5 pages, minor change

    Colored Saturation Parameters for Bipartite Graphs

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    Let F and H be fixed graphs and let G be a spanning subgraph of H. G is an F-free subgraph of H if F is not a subgraph of G. We say that G is an F-saturated subgraph of H if G is F-free and for any edge e in E(H)-E(G), F is a subgraph of G+e. The saturation number of F in K_{n,n}, denoted sat(K_{n,n}, F), is the minimum size of an F-saturated subgraph of K_{n,n}. A t-edge-coloring of a graph G is a labeling f: E(G) to [t], where [t] denotes the set { 1, 2, ..., t }. The labels assigned to the edges are called colors. A rainbow coloring is a coloring in which all edges have distinct colors. Given a family F of edge-colored graphs, a t-edge-colored graph H is (F, t)-saturated if H contains no member of F but the addition of any edge in any color completes a member of F. In this thesis we study the minimum size of ( F,t)-saturated subgraphs of edge-colored complete bipartite graphs. Specifically we provide bounds on the minimum size of these subgraphs for a variety of families of edge-colored bipartite graphs, including monochromatic matchings, rainbow matchings, and rainbow stars

    Two Ramsey-related Problems

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    Extremal combinatorics is one of the central branches of discrete mathematics and has experienced an impressive growth during the last few decades. It deals with the problem of determining or estimating the maximum or minimum possible size of a combinatorial structure which satisfies certain requirements. In this dissertation, we focus on studying the minimum number of edges of certain co-critical graphs. Given an integer r ≥ 1 and graphs G; H1; : : : ;Hr, we write → G (H1; : : : ;Hr) if every r-coloring of the edges of G contains a monochromatic copy of Hi in color i for some i ϵ {1; : : : ; r}. A non-complete graph G is (H1; : : : ;Hr)-co-critical if -/ \u3e (H1; : : : ;Hr), but G + uv → (H1; : : : ;Hr) for every pair of non-adjacent vertices u; v in G. Motivated in part by Hanson and Toft\u27s conjecture from 1987, we study the minimum number of edges over all (Kt; Tk)-co-critical graphs on n vertices, where Tk denotes the family of all trees on k vertices. We apply graph bootstrap percolation on a not necessarily Kt-saturated graph to prove that for all t ≥ 4 and k ≥ max{6, t}, there exists a constant c(t, k) such that, for all n ≥ (t - 1)(k - 1) + 1, if G is a (Kt; Tk)-co-critical graph on n vertices, then e(G) ≥ (4t-9/2 + 1/2 [K/2]) n - c _t, k). We then show that this is asymptotically best possible for all sufficiently large n when t ϵ {4, 5} and k ≥ 6. The method we developed may shed some light on solving Hanson and Toft\u27s conjecture, which is wide open. We also study Ramsey numbers of even cycles and paths under Gallai colorings, where a Gallai coloring is a coloring of the edges of a complete graph without rainbow triangles, and a Gallai k-coloring is a Gallai coloring that uses at most k colors. Given an integer k ≥ 1 and graphs H1, : : : ,Hk, the Gallai-Ramsey number GR(H1; : : : ;Hk) is the least integer n such that every Gallai k-coloring of the complete graph Kn contains a monochromatic copy of Hi in color i for some i ϵ {1; : : : ; k}. We completely determine the exact values of GR(H1; : : : ;Hk) for all k ≥ 2 when each Hi is a path or an even cycle on at most 13 vertices

    Extremal Graph Theory and Dimension Theory for Partial Orders

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    This dissertation analyses several problems in extremal combinatorics.In Part I, we study the following problem proposed by Barrus, Ferrara, Vandenbussche, and Wenger. Given a graph H and an integer t, what is the minimum number of coloured edges in a t-edge-coloured graph G on n vertices such that G does not contain a rainbow copy of H, but adding a new edge to G in any colour creates a rainbow copy of H? We determine the growth rates of these numbers for almost all graphs H and all t e(H).In Part II, we study dimension theory for finite partial orders. In Chapter 1, we introduce and define the concepts we use in the succeeding chapters.In Chapter 2, we determine the dimension of the divisibility order on [n] up to a factor of (log log n).In Chapter 3, we answer a question of Kim, Martin, Masak, Shull, Smith, Uzzell, and Wang on the local bipartite covering numbers of difference graphs.In Chapter 4, we prove some bounds on the local dimension of any pair of layers of the Boolean lattice. In particular, we show that the local dimension of the first and middle layers is asymptotically n / log n.In Chapter 5, we introduce a new poset parameter called local t-dimension. We also discuss the fractional variants of this and other dimension-like parameters.All of Part I is joint work with Antnio Giro of the University of Cambridge and Kamil Popielarz of the University of Memphis.Chapter 2 of Part II is joint work with Victor Souza of IMPA (Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro).Chapter 3 of Part II is joint work with Antnio Giro