322 research outputs found

    Colorectal cancer outcome prediction from H&E whole slide images using machine learning and automatically inferred phenotype profiles

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    Digital pathology (DP) is a new research area which falls under the broad umbrella of health informatics. Owing to its potential for major public health impact, in recent years DP has been attracting much research attention. Nevertheless, a wide breadth of significant conceptual and technical challenges remain, few of them greater than those encountered in the field of oncology. The automatic analysis of digital pathology slides of cancerous tissues is particularly problematic due to the inherent heterogeneity of the disease, extremely large images, amongst numerous others. In this paper we introduce a novel machine learning based framework for the prediction of colorectal cancer outcome from whole digitized haematoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained histopathology slides. Using a real-world data set we demonstrate the effectiveness of the method and present a detailed analysis of its different elements which corroborate its ability to extract and learn salient, discriminative, and clinically meaningful content.PreprintNon peer reviewe

    A Comparative Study for Methodologies and Algorithms Used In Colon Cancer Diagnoses and Detection

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    Colon cancer is also referred to as colorectal cancer; it is a kind of cancer that starts with colon damage to the large intestine in the last section of the digestive tract. Elderly people typically suffer from colon cancer, but this may occur at any age. It normally starts as a little, noncancerous (benign) mass of cells named polyps that structure within the colon. After a period of time these polyps can turn into advanced malignant tumors that attack the human body and some of these polyps can become colon cancers. So far, no concrete causes have been identified and the complete cancer treatment is very difficult to be detected by doctors in the medical field. Colon cancer often has no symptoms in an early stage so detecting it at this stage is curable but colorectal cancer diagnosis in the final stages (stage IV), gives it the opportunity to spread into different pieces of the body, which are difficult to treat successfully, and the person\u27s opportunities of survival become much lower. False diagnosis of colorectal cancer which means wrong treatment for patients with long-term infections and they will be suffering from colon cancer this causing the death for these patients. Also, cancer treatment needs more time and a lot of money. This paper provides a comparative study for methodologies and algorithms used in the colon cancer diagnoses and detection this can help for proposing a prediction for risk levels of colon cancer disease using CNN algorithm of deep learning (Convolutional Neural Networks Algorithm)

    Automated detection and classification of desmoplastic reaction at the colorectal tumour front using deep learning

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    Funding: This study was funded by Medical Research Scotland, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the British Council and Indica Labs, Inc. who also provided in kind resource.The categorisation of desmoplastic reaction (DR) present at the colorectal cancer (CRC) invasive front into mature, intermediate or immature type has been previously shown to have high prognostic significance. However, the lack of an objective and reproducible assessment methodology for the assessment of DR has been a major hurdle to its clinical translation. In this study, a deep learning algorithm was trained to automatically classify immature DR on haematoxylin and eosin digitised slides of stage II and III CRC cases (n = 41). When assessing the classifier’s performance on a test set of patient samples (n = 40), a Dice score of 0.87 for the segmentation of myxoid stroma was reported. The classifier was then applied to the full cohort of 528 stage II and III CRC cases, which was then divided into a training (n = 396) and a test set (n = 132). Automatically classed DR was shown to have superior prognostic significance over the manually classed DR in both the training and test cohorts. The findings demonstrated that deep learning algorithms could be applied to assist pathologists in the detection and classification of DR in CRC in an objective, standardised and reproducible manner.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Quest for the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Whole Slide Imaging: Unique Prospective from New Advanced Tools

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    The introduction of machine learning in digital pathology has deeply impacted the field, especially with the advent of whole slide image (WSI) analysis. In this review, we tried to elucidate the role of machine learning algorithms in diagnostic precision, efficiency, and the reproducibility of the results. First, we discuss some of the most used tools, including QuPath, HistoQC, and HistomicsTK, and provide an updated overview of machine learning approaches and their application in pathology. Later, we report how these tools may simplify the automation of WSI analyses, also reducing manual workload and inter-observer variability. A novel aspect of this review is its focus on open-source tools, presented in a way that may help the adoption process for pathologists. Furthermore, we highlight the major benefits of these technologies, with the aim of making this review a practical guide for clinicians seeking to implement machine learning-based solutions in their specific workflows. Moreover, this review also emphasizes some crucial limitations related to data quality and the interpretability of the models, giving insight into future directions for research. Overall, this work tries to bridge the gap between the more recent technological progress in computer science and traditional clinical practice, supporting a broader, yet smooth, adoption of machine learning approaches in digital pathology

    Artificial Intelligence for Digital and Computational Pathology

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    Advances in digitizing tissue slides and the fast-paced progress in artificial intelligence, including deep learning, have boosted the field of computational pathology. This field holds tremendous potential to automate clinical diagnosis, predict patient prognosis and response to therapy, and discover new morphological biomarkers from tissue images. Some of these artificial intelligence-based systems are now getting approved to assist clinical diagnosis; however, technical barriers remain for their widespread clinical adoption and integration as a research tool. This Review consolidates recent methodological advances in computational pathology for predicting clinical end points in whole-slide images and highlights how these developments enable the automation of clinical practice and the discovery of new biomarkers. We then provide future perspectives as the field expands into a broader range of clinical and research tasks with increasingly diverse modalities of clinical data

    Whole slide pathology image patch based deep classification : an investigation of the effects of the latent autoencoder representation and the loss function form

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    The analysis of whole-slide pathological images is a major area of deep learning applications in medicine. The automation of disease identification, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment selection from whole-slide images (WSIs) has seen many advances in the last decade due to the progress made in the areas of computer vision and machine learning. The focus of this work is on patch level to slide image level analysis of WSIs, popular in the existing literature. In particular, we investigate the nature of the information content present in images on the local level of individual patches using autoencoding. Driven by our findings at this stage, which raise questions about the us of autoencoders, we next address the challenge posed by what we argue is an overly coarse classification of patches as tumorous and non-tumorous, which leads to the loss of important information. We showed that task specific modifications of the loss function, which take into account the content of individual patches in a more nuanced manner, facilitate a dramatic reduction in the false negative classification rate.Postprin

    Deep learning for whole slide image analysis : an overview

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    The widespread adoption of whole slide imaging has increased the demand for effective and efficient gigapixel image analysis. Deep learning is at the forefront of computer vision, showcasing significant improvements over previous methodologies on visual understanding. However, whole slide images have billions of pixels and suffer from high morphological heterogeneity as well as from different types of artifacts. Collectively, these impede the conventional use of deep learning. For the clinical translation of deep learning solutions to become a reality, these challenges need to be addressed. In this paper, we review work on the interdisciplinary attempt of training deep neural networks using whole slide images, and highlight the different ideas underlying these methodologies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Deep learning assessment of breast terminal duct lobular unit involution: Towards automated prediction of breast cancer risk

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    Terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU) involution is the regression of milk-producing structures in the breast. Women with less TDLU involution are more likely to develop breast cancer. A major bottleneck in studying TDLU involution in large cohort studies is the need for labor-intensive manual assessment of TDLUs. We developed a computational pathology solution to automatically capture TDLU involution measures. Whole slide images (WSIs) of benign breast biopsies were obtained from the Nurses\u27 Health Study. A set of 92 WSIs was annotated for acini, TDLUs and adipose tissue to train deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models for detection of acini, and segmentation of TDLUs and adipose tissue. These networks were integrated into a single computational method to capture TDLU involution measures including number of TDLUs per tissue area, median TDLU span and median number of acini per TDLU. We validated our method on 40 additional WSIs by comparing with manually acquired measures. Our CNN models detected acini with an F1 score of 0.73±0.07, and segmented TDLUs and adipose tissue with Dice scores of 0.84±0.13 and 0.87±0.04, respectively. The inter-observer ICC scores for manual assessments on 40 WSIs of number of TDLUs per tissue area, median TDLU span, and median acini count per TDLU were 0.71, 0.81 and 0.73, respectively. Intra-observer reliability was evaluated on 10/40 WSIs with ICC scores of \u3e0.8. Inter-observer ICC scores between automated results and the mean of the two observers were: 0.80 for number of TDLUs per tissue area, 0.57 for median TDLU span, and 0.80 for median acini count per TDLU. TDLU involution measures evaluated by manual and automated assessment were inversely associated with age and menopausal status. We developed a computational pathology method to measure TDLU involution. This technology eliminates the labor-intensiveness and subjectivity of manual TDLU assessment, and can be applied to future breast cancer risk studies