68 research outputs found

    A comparative study of algorithms for automatic segmentation of dermoscopic images

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    Melanoma is the most common as well as the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Nevertheless, it can be effectively treated if detected early. Dermoscopy is one of the major non-invasive imaging techniques for the diagnosis of skin lesions. The computer-aided diagnosis based on the processing of dermoscopic images aims to reduce the subjectivity and time-consuming analysis related to traditional diagnosis. The first step of automatic diagnosis is image segmentation. In this project, the implementation and evaluation of several methods were proposed for the automatic segmentation of lesion regions in dermoscopic images, along with the corresponding implemented phases for image preprocessing and postprocessing. The developed algorithms include methods based on different state of the art techniques. The main groups of techniques which have been selected to be studied and implemented are thresholding-based methods, region-based methods, segmentation based on deformable models, as well as a new proposed approach based on the bag-of-words model. The implemented methods incorporate modifications for a better adaptation to features associated with dermoscopic images. Each implemented method was applied to a database constituted by 724 dermoscopic images. The output of the automatic segmentation procedure for each image was compared with the corresponding manual segmentation in order to evaluate the performance. The comparison between algorithms was carried out regarding the obtained evaluation metrics. The best results were achieved by the combination of region-based segmentation based on the multi-region adaptation of the k-means algorithm and the subIngeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Combining Image Processing with Signal Processing to Improve Transmitter Geolocation Estimation

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    This research develops an algorithm which combines image processing with signal processing to improve transmitter geolocation capability. A building extraction algorithm is compiled from current techniques in order to provide the locations of rectangular buildings within an aerial, orthorectified, RGB image to a geolocation algorithm. The geolocation algorithm relies on measured TDOA data from multiple ground sensors to locate a transmitter by searching a grid of possible transmitter locations within the image region. At each evaluated grid point, theoretical TDOA values are computed for comparison to the measured TDOA values. To compute the theoretical values, the shortest path length between the transmitter and each of the sensors is determined. The building locations are used to determine if the LOS path between these two points is obstructed and what would be the shortest reflected path length. The grid location producing theoretical TDOA values closest to the measured TDOA values is the result of the algorithm. Measured TDOA data is simulated in this thesis. The thesis method performance is compared to that of a current geolocation method that uses Taylor series expansion to solve for the intersection of hyperbolic curves created by the TDOA data. The average online runtime of thesis simulations range from around 20 seconds to around 2 minutes, while the Taylor series method only takes about 0.02 seconds. The thesis method also includes an offline runtime of up to 30 minutes for a given image region and sensor configuration. The thesis method improves transmitter geolocation error by an average of 44m, or 53% in the obstructed simulation cases when compared with the current Taylor series method. However, in cases when all sensors have a direct LOS, the current method performs more accurately. Therefore, the thesis method is most applicable to missions requiring tracking of slower-moving targets in an urban environment with stationary sensors

    Improved support vector clustering algorithm for color image segmentation

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    Color image segmentation has attracted more and more attention in various application fields during the past few years. Essentially speaking, color image segmentation problem is a process of clustering according to the color of pixels. But, traditional clustering methods do not scale well with the number of training sample, which limits the ability of handling massive data effectively. With the utilization of an improved approximate Minimum Enclosing Ball algorithm, this article develops an fast support vector clustering algorithm for computing the different clusters of given color images in kernel-introduced space to segment the color images. We prove theoretically that the proposed algorithm converges to the optimum within any given precision quickly. Compared to other popular algorithms, it has the competitive performances both on training time and accuracy. Color image segmentation experiments on both synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm

    Програмна система для дослідження паралельних алгоритмів з використанням обчислень на графічному процесорі

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    Розроблено програмне забезпечення для дослідження паралельних алгоритмів сегментації зображень з використанням обчислень на графічному процесоріThe software for the study of parallel algorithms for image segmentation using computation on GPUs is developed and presente

    Multilevel minimum cross entropy threshold selection based on particle swarm optimization

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    Abstract Thresholding is one of the popular and fundamental techniques for conducting image segmentation. Many thresholding techniques have been proposed in the literature. Among them, the minimum cross entropy thresholding (MCET) have been widely adopted. Although the MCET method is effective in the bilevel thresholding case, it could be very time-consuming in the multilevel thresholding scenario for more complex image analysis. This paper first presents a recursive programming technique which reduces an order of magnitude for computing the MCET objective function. Then, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed for searching the near-optimal MCET thresholds. The experimental results manifest that the proposed PSO-based algorithm can derive multiple MCET thresholds which are very close to the optimal ones examined by the exhaustive search method. The convergence of the proposed method is analyzed mathematically and the results validate that the proposed method is efficient and is suited for real-time applications