6 research outputs found

    Texture Image Segmentation using Morphology in Wavelet Transforms

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    One of the essential and crucial steps for image understanding, interpretation, analysis and recognition is the image segmentation. This paper advocates a new segme- ntation scheme using morphology on wavelet decomposed images. The present paper provides a good segmentation on natural images and textures by dividing an image into non overlapping regions, which are homogenous in terms of certain features such as texture, spatial coordinates etc. using simple morphological operations. Morphological enhancement technique based on Top Hat transforms enhances the local contrast in this paper. The morphological treatment and followed by Otsu2019;s threshold overcomes the problem of noise and thin gaps, and also smooth the final regions. The experimental results on four different databases demonstrate the success of the proposed method, compared to many other methods

    Cluster Analysis of Cell Nuclei in H&E-Stained Histological Sections of Prostate Cancer and Classification Based on Traditional and Modern Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    Biomarker identification is very important to differentiate the grade groups in the histopathological sections of prostate cancer (PCa). Assessing the cluster of cell nuclei is essential for pathological investigation. In this study, we present a computer-based method for cluster analyses of cell nuclei and performed traditional (i.e., unsupervised method) and modern (i.e., supervised method) artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for distinguishing the grade groups of PCa. Two datasets on PCa were collected to carry out this research. Histopathology samples were obtained from whole slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). In this research, state-of-the-art approaches were proposed for color normalization, cell nuclei segmentation, feature selection, and classification. A traditional minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm was employed to identify the clusters and better capture the proliferation and community structure of cell nuclei. K-medoids clustering and stacked ensemble machine learning (ML) approaches were used to perform traditional and modern AI-based classification. The binary and multiclass classification was derived to compare the model quality and results between the grades of PCa. Furthermore, a comparative analysis was carried out between traditional and modern AI techniques using different performance metrics (i.e., statistical parameters). Cluster features of the cell nuclei can be useful information for cancer grading. However, further validation of cluster analysis is required to accomplish astounding classification results.ope

    Segmentação de imagens coloridas por árvores bayesianas adaptativas

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    A segmentação de imagens consiste em urna tarefa de fundamental importância para diferentes aplicações em visão computacional, tais como por exemplo, o reconhecimento e o rastreamento de objetos, a segmentação de tomores/lesões em aplicações médicas, podendo também servir de auxílio em sistemas de reconhecimento facial. Embora exista uma extensa literatora abordando o problema de segmentação de imagens, tal tópico ainda continua em aberto para pesquisa. Particularmente, a tarefa de segmentar imagens coloridas é desafiadora devido as diversas inomogeneidades de cor, texturas e formas presentes nas feições descritivas das imagens. Este trabalho apresenta um novo método de clustering para abordar o problema da segmentação de imagens coloridas. Nós desenvolvemos uma abordagem Bayesiana para procura de máximos de densidade em urna distribuição discreta de dados, e representamos os dados de forma hierárquica originando clusters adaptativos a cada nível da hierarquia. Nós aplicamos o método de clustering proposto no problema de segmentação de imagens coloridas, aproveitando sua estrutura hierárquica, baseada em propriedades de árvores direcionadas, para representar hierarquicamente uma imagem colorida. Os experimentos realizados revelaram que o método de clustering proposto, aplicado ao problema de segmentação de imagens coloridas, obteve para a medida de performance Probabilistic Rand lndex (PRI) o valor de 0.8148 e para a medida Global Consistency Error (GCE) o valor 0.1701, superando um total de vinte e um métodos previamente propostos na literatura para o banco de dados BSD300. Comparações visuais confirmaram a competitividade da nossa abordagem em relação aos demais métodos testados. Estes resultados enfatizam a potencialidade do nosso método de clustering para abordar outras aplicações no domínio de Visão Computacional e Reconhecimento de Padrões.Image segmentation is an essential task for several computer vision applications, such as object recognition, tracking and image retrieval. Although extensively studied in the literature, the problem of image segmentation remains an open topic of research. Particularly, the task of segmenting color images is challenging due to the inhomogeneities in the color regions encountered in natural scenes, often caused by the shapes of surfaces and their interactions with the illumination sources (e.g. causing shading and highlights) This work presents a novel non-supervised classification method. We develop a Bayesian framework for seeking modes on the underlying discrete distribution of data and we represent data hierarchically originating adaptive clusters at each levei of hierarchy. We apply the prnposal clustering technique for tackling the problem of color irnage segmentation, taking advantage of its hierarchical structure based on hierarchy properties of directed trees for representing fine to coarse leveis of details in an image. The experiments herein conducted revealed that the proposed clustering method applied to the color image segmentation problem, achieved for the Probabilistic Rand Index (PRI) performance measure the value of 0.8148 and for the Global Consistency Error (GCE) the value of 0.1701, outperforming twenty-three methods previously proposed in the literature for the BSD300 dataset. Visual comparison confirmed the competitiveness of our approach towards state-of-art methods publicly available in the literature. These results emphasize the great potential of our proposed clustering technique for tackling other applications in computer vision and pattem recognition

    Color image segmentation using adaptive unsupervised clustering approach

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