21 research outputs found

    Color Constancy from Mutual Reflection

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    Mutual reflection occurs when light reflected from one surface illuminates a second surface. In this situation, the color of one or both surfaces can be modified by a color-bleeding effect. In this article we examine how sensor values (e.g., RGB values) are modified in the mutual reflection region and show that a good approximation of the surface spectral reflectance function for each surface can be recovered by using the extra information from mutual reflection. Thus color constancy results from an examination of mutual reflection. Use is made of finite dimensional linear models for ambient illumination and for surface spectral reflectance. If m and n are the number of basis functions required to model illumination and surface spectral reflectance respectively, then we find that the number of different sensor classes p must satisfy the condition p≥(2 n+m)/3. If we use three basis functions to model illumination and three basis functions to model surface spectral reflectance, then only three classes of sensors are required to carry out the algorithm. Results are presented showing a small increase in error over the error inherent in the underlying finite dimension models

    The use of subtle illumination cues for human judgement of spatial layout

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    Journal ArticleThe interaction of light with surfaces creates complex lighting effects that provide potentially useful information about the spatial relationships between objects. Previous research has shown cast shadows to be effective in determining the 3D layout of a scene. Interreflections are another are another source of information for spatial relationships; these, however, have been largely ignored in studies of human perception. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of interreflection for providing cues to contact, and to investigate how interreflection and shadow information combine in the perception of object contact

    Scene illumination classification based on histogram quartering of CIE-Y component

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    Despite the rapidly expanding research into various aspects of illumination estimation methods, there are limited number of studies addressing illumination classification for different purposes. The increasing demand for color constancy process, wide application of it and high dependency of color constancy to illumination estimation makes this research topic challenging. Definitely, an accurate estimation of illumination in the image will provide a better platform for doing correction and finally will lead in better color constancy performance. The main purpose of any illumination estimation algorithm from any type and class is to estimate an accurate number as illumination. In scene illumination estimation dealing with large range of illumination and small variation of it is critical. Those algorithms which performed estimation carrying out lots of calculation that leads in expensive methods in terms of computing resources. There are several technical limitations in estimating an accurate number as illumination. In addition using light temperature in all previous studies leads to have complicated and computationally expensive methods. On the other hand classification is appropriate for applications like photography when most of the images have been captured in a small set of illuminants like scene illuminant. This study aims to develop a framework of image illumination classifier that is capable of classifying images under different illumination levels with an acceptable accuracy. The method will be tested on real scene images captured with illumination level is measured. This method is a combination of physic based methods and data driven (statistical) methods that categorize the images based on statistical features extracted from illumination histogram of image. The result of categorization will be validated using inherent illumination data of scene. Applying the improving algorithm for characterizing histograms (histogram quartering) handed out the advantages of high accuracy. A trained neural network which is the parameters are tuned for this specific application has taken into account in order to sort out the image into predefined groups. Finally, for performance and accuracy evaluation misclassification error percentages, Mean Square Error (MSE), regression analysis and response time are used. This developed method finally will result in a high accuracy and straightforward classification system especially for illumination concept. The results of this study strongly demonstrate that light intensity with the help of a perfectly tuned neural network can be used as the light property to establish a scene illumination classification system

    Coloresia : An Interactive Colour Perception Device for the Visually Impaired

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    A significative percentage of the human population suffer from impairments in their capacity to distinguish or even see colours. For them, everyday tasks like navigating through a train or metro network map becomes demanding. We present a novel technique for extracting colour information from everyday natural stimuli and presenting it to visually impaired users as pleasant, non-invasive sound. This technique was implemented inside a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) portable device. In this implementation, colour information is extracted from the input image and categorised according to how human observers segment the colour space. This information is subsequently converted into sound and sent to the user via speakers or headphones. In the original implementation, it is possible for the user to send its feedback to reconfigure the system, however several features such as these were not implemented because the current technology is limited.We are confident that the full implementation will be possible in the near future as PDA technology improves

    Illumination Estimation using a Multilinear Constraint on Dichromatic Planes

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    A new multilinear constraint on the color of the scene illuminant based on the dichromatic reflection model is proposed. The formulation avoids the problem, common to previous dichromatic methods, of having to first identify pixels corresponding to the same surface material. Once pixels from two or more materials have been identified, their corresponding dichromatic planes can be intersected to yield the illuminant color. However, it is not always easy to determine which pixels from an arbitrary region of an image belong to which dichromatic plane. The image region may cover an area of the scene encompassing several different materials and hence pixels from several different dichromatic planes. The new multilinear constraint accounts for this multiplicity of materials and provides a mechanism for choosing the most plausible illuminant from a finite set of candidate illuminants. The performance of this new method is tested on a database of real images

    Ridge Regression Approach to Color Constancy

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    This thesis presents the work on color constancy and its application in the field of computer vision. Color constancy is a phenomena of representing (visualizing) the reflectance properties of the scene independent of the illumination spectrum. The motivation behind this work is two folds:The primary motivation is to seek ‘consistency and stability’ in color reproduction and algorithm performance respectively because color is used as one of the important features in many computer vision applications; therefore consistency of the color features is essential for high application success. Second motivation is to reduce ‘computational complexity’ without sacrificing the primary motivation.This work presents machine learning approach to color constancy. An empirical model is developed from the training data. Neural network and support vector machine are two prominent nonlinear learning theories. The work on support vector machine based color constancy shows its superior performance over neural networks based color constancy in terms of stability. But support vector machine is time consuming method. Alternative approach to support vectormachine, is a simple, fast and analytically solvable linear modeling technique known as ‘Ridge regression’. It learns the dependency between the surface reflectance and illumination from a presented training sample of data. Ridge regression provides answer to the two fold motivation behind this work, i.e., stable and computationally simple approach. The proposed algorithms, ‘Support vector machine’ and ‘Ridge regression’ involves three step processes: First, an input matrix constructed from the preprocessed training data set is trained toobtain a trained model. Second, test images are presented to the trained model to obtain the chromaticity estimate of the illuminants present in the testing images. Finally, linear diagonal transformation is performed to obtain the color corrected image. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms on both calibrated and uncalibrated data set in comparison to the methods discussed in literature review. Finally, thesis concludes with a complete discussion and summary on comparison between the proposed approaches and other algorithms

    Estimating varying illuminant colours in images

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    Colour Constancy is the ability to perceive colours independently of varying illumi-nation colour. A human could tell that a white t-shirt was indeed white, even under the presence of blue or red illumination. These illuminant colours would actually make the reflectance colour of the t-shirt bluish or reddish. Humans can, to a good extent, see colours constantly. Getting a computer to achieve the same goal, with a high level of accuracy has proven problematic. Particularly if we wanted to use colour as a main cue in object recognition. If we trained a system on object colours under one illuminant and then tried to recognise the objects under another illuminant, the system would likely fail. Early colour constancy algorithms assumed that an image contains a single uniform illuminant. They would then attempt to estimate the colour of the illuminant to apply a single correction to the entire image. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where a scene is lit by more than one illuminant. If we take the case of an outdoors scene on a typical summers day, we would see objects brightly lit by sunlight and others that are in shadow. The ambient light in shadows is known to be a different colour to that of direct sunlight (bluish and yellowish respectively). This means that there are at least two illuminant colours to be recovered in this scene. This thesis focuses on the harder case of recovering the illuminant colours when more than one are present in a scene. Early work on this subject made the empirical observation that illuminant colours are actually very predictable compared to surface colours. Real-world illuminants tend not to be greens or purples, but rather blues, yellows and reds. We can think of an illuminant mapping as the function which takes a scene from some unknown illuminant to a known illuminant. We model this mapping as a simple multiplication of the Red, Green and Blue channels of a pixel. It turns out that the set of realistic mappings approximately lies on a line segment in chromaticity space. We propose an algorithm that uses this knowledge and only requires two pixels of the same surface under two illuminants as input. We can then recover an estimate for the surface reflectance colour, and subsequently the two illuminants. Additionally in this thesis, we propose a more robust algorithm that can use vary-ing surface reflectance data in a scene. One of the most successful colour constancy algorithms, known Gamut Mappping, was developed by Forsyth (1990). He argued that the illuminant colour of a scene naturally constrains the surfaces colours that are possible to perceive. We couldn’t perceive a very chromatic red under a deep blue illuminant. We introduce our multiple illuminant constraint in a Gamut Mapping context and are able to further improve it’s performance. The final piece of work proposes a method for detecting shadow-edges, so that we can automatically recover estimates for the illuminant colours in and out of shadow. We also formulate our illuminant estimation algorithm in a voting scheme, that probabilistically chooses an illuminant estimate on both sides of the shadow edge. We test the performance of all our algorithms experimentally on well known datasets, as well as our new proposed shadow datasets

    Crowd-sourced data and its applications for new algorithms in photographic imaging

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    This thesis comprises two main themes. The first of these is concerned primarily with the validity and utility of data acquired from web-based psychophysical experiments. In recent years web-based experiments, and the crowd-sourced data they can deliver, have been rising in popularity among the research community for several key reasons – primarily ease of administration and easy access to a large population of diverse participants. However, the level of control with which traditional experiments are performed, and the severe lack of control we have over web-based alternatives may lead us to believe that these benefits come at the cost of reliable data. Indeed, the results reported early in this thesis support this assumption. However, we proceed to show that it is entirely possible to crowd-source data that is comparable with lab-based results. The second theme of the thesis explores the possibilities presented by the use of crowd-sourced data, taking a popular colour naming experiment as an example. After using the crowd-sourced data to construct a model for computational colour naming, we consider the value of colour names as image descriptors, with particular relevance to illuminant estimation and object indexing. We discover that colour names represent a particularly useful quantisation of colour space, allowing us to construct compact image descriptors for object indexing. We show that these descriptors are somewhat tolerant to errors in illuminant estimation and that their perceptual relevance offers even further utility. We go on to develop a novel algorithm which delivers perceptually-relevant, illumination-invariant image descriptors based on colour names

    Algorithms for the enhancement of dynamic range and colour constancy of digital images & video

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    One of the main objectives in digital imaging is to mimic the capabilities of the human eye, and perhaps, go beyond in certain aspects. However, the human visual system is so versatile, complex, and only partially understood that no up-to-date imaging technology has been able to accurately reproduce the capabilities of the it. The extraordinary capabilities of the human eye have become a crucial shortcoming in digital imaging, since digital photography, video recording, and computer vision applications have continued to demand more realistic and accurate imaging reproduction and analytic capabilities. Over decades, researchers have tried to solve the colour constancy problem, as well as extending the dynamic range of digital imaging devices by proposing a number of algorithms and instrumentation approaches. Nevertheless, no unique solution has been identified; this is partially due to the wide range of computer vision applications that require colour constancy and high dynamic range imaging, and the complexity of the human visual system to achieve effective colour constancy and dynamic range capabilities. The aim of the research presented in this thesis is to enhance the overall image quality within an image signal processor of digital cameras by achieving colour constancy and extending dynamic range capabilities. This is achieved by developing a set of advanced image-processing algorithms that are robust to a number of practical challenges and feasible to be implemented within an image signal processor used in consumer electronics imaging devises. The experiments conducted in this research show that the proposed algorithms supersede state-of-the-art methods in the fields of dynamic range and colour constancy. Moreover, this unique set of image processing algorithms show that if they are used within an image signal processor, they enable digital camera devices to mimic the human visual system s dynamic range and colour constancy capabilities; the ultimate goal of any state-of-the-art technique, or commercial imaging device