182 research outputs found

    Color correction for mobile panorama imaging

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    This paper presents a simple and efficient color and lumi-nance compensation approach for image sequences for con-structing panoramic images on mobile devices. In this ap-proach, constant compensation coefficients for adjacent im-ages are computed from the corresponding pixels in the over-lapping areas of the adjacent images in the linearized RGB color space. A global adjustment for all compensation coeffi-cients is performed so that the correction for each image is as small as possible. This can smooth color transition between adjacent images in the image sequence globally and reduce cumulative errors in the color correction process. The com-pensation coefficients, together with the global adjustment factor, are applied to correct color and luminance of source images in the image sequence before they are stitched into a panoramic image. Our algorithm is not sensitive to the quality of spatial registration since it does not need exact pixel correspon-dences between the overlapped images. The computation of compensation coefficients for each adjacent image takes the gamma correction factor into account, producing better re-sults. Running the method separately on the three channels matches the color balance that may not match due to auto-white-balancing algorithm. A global adjustment for the compensation coefficients minimizes color transitions and re-duces cumulative errors. The approach is integrated into a sequential image stitching procedure and implemented in a mobile panorama system, good results have been obtained for both indoor and outdoor scenes

    Bi-directional Photogoniometer for the Assessment of the Luminous Properties of Fenestration Systems

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    Most energy saving applications of advanced fenestration systems (solar blinds, novel types of glazing and daylight redirecting devices) require a precise knowledge of their directional light transmission features. These photometric properties can be described by a Bi-directional Transmission Distribution Function (BTDF) whose experimental assessment requires appropriate equipment. A novel bi-directional transmission photogoniometer, based on digital imaging techniques, was designed and set up for that purpose. The apparatus takes advantage of a modern video image capturing device (CCD digital camera) as well as of powerful image analysis software (pattern recognition) to considerably reduce the scanning time of a BTDF measurement, in comparison to existing devices that use a conventional approach (mobile photometer). A detailed calibration and validation procedure was used to obtain optimal experimental accuracy for the device during the assessment of BTDF data. It included a spectral, a photometric and a geometrical calibration of the digital video system, as well as several additional corrections, leading to an overall relative accuracy better than 11% for BTDF data. A special effort was made to improve the user-friendliness of BTDF measurement by facilitating the data acquisition and treatment (definition of a data acquisition and electronic data format) and by offering different possibilities of BTDF visualisation (hemispherical representation, axonometric view of photometric solids, C-planes). Overall, the photometric equipment was used to assess the BTDFs of more than 20 novel fenestration products of the industrial partner of the project (Baumann-HĂĽppe Storen AG). The experimental data produced was successfully used by the company to optimise the visual and energy saving performance of their products, which confirms the adequacy of the novel bi-directional photogoniometer for practical building applications

    Intensity Mapping Functions For HDR Panorama Imaging: Weighted Histogram Averaging

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    It is challenging to stitch multiple images with different exposures due to possible color distortion and loss of details in the brightest and darkest regions of input images. In this paper, a novel intensity mapping algorithm is first proposed by introducing a new concept of weighted histogram averaging (WHA). The proposed WHA algorithm leverages the correspondence between the histogram bins of two images which are built up by using the non-decreasing property of the intensity mapping functions (IMFs). The WHA algorithm is then adopted to synthesize a set of differently exposed panorama images. The intermediate panorama images are finally fused via a state-of-the-art multi-scale exposure fusion (MEF) algorithm to produce the final panorama image. Extensive experiments indicate that the proposed WHA algorithm significantly surpasses the related state-of-the-art intensity mapping methods. The proposed high dynamic range (HDR) stitching algorithm also preserves details in the brightest and darkest regions of the input images well. The related materials will be publicly accessible at https://github.com/yilun-xu/WHA for reproducible research.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Remote Visual Observation of Real Places Through Virtual Reality Headsets

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    Virtual Reality has always represented a fascinating yet powerful opportunity that has attracted studies and technology developments, especially since the latest release on the market of powerful high-resolution and wide field-of-view VR headsets. While the great potential of such VR systems is common and accepted knowledge, issues remain related to how to design systems and setups capable of fully exploiting the latest hardware advances. The aim of the proposed research is to study and understand how to increase the perceived level of realism and sense of presence when remotely observing real places through VR headset displays. Hence, to produce a set of guidelines that give directions to system designers about how to optimize the display-camera setup to enhance performance, focusing on remote visual observation of real places. The outcome of this investigation represents unique knowledge that is believed to be very beneficial for better VR headset designs towards improved remote observation systems. To achieve the proposed goal, this thesis presents a thorough investigation of existing literature and previous researches, which is carried out systematically to identify the most important factors ruling realism, depth perception, comfort, and sense of presence in VR headset observation. Once identified, these factors are further discussed and assessed through a series of experiments and usability studies, based on a predefined set of research questions. More specifically, the role of familiarity with the observed place, the role of the environment characteristics shown to the viewer, and the role of the display used for the remote observation of the virtual environment are further investigated. To gain more insights, two usability studies are proposed with the aim of defining guidelines and best practices. The main outcomes from the two studies demonstrate that test users can experience an enhanced realistic observation when natural features, higher resolution displays, natural illumination, and high image contrast are used in Mobile VR. In terms of comfort, simple scene layouts and relaxing environments are considered ideal to reduce visual fatigue and eye strain. Furthermore, sense of presence increases when observed environments induce strong emotions, and depth perception improves in VR when several monocular cues such as lights and shadows are combined with binocular depth cues. Based on these results, this investigation then presents a focused evaluation on the outcomes and introduces an innovative eye-adapted High Dynamic Range (HDR) approach, which the author believes to be of great improvement in the context of remote observation when combined with eye-tracked VR headsets. Within this purpose, a third user study is proposed to compare static HDR and eye-adapted HDR observation in VR, to assess that the latter can improve realism, depth perception, sense of presence, and in certain cases even comfort. Results from this last study confirmed the author expectations, proving that eye-adapted HDR and eye tracking should be used to achieve best visual performances for remote observation in modern VR systems

    Real-Time Computational Gigapixel Multi-Camera Systems

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    The standard cameras are designed to truthfully mimic the human eye and the visual system. In recent years, commercially available cameras are becoming more complex, and offer higher image resolutions than ever before. However, the quality of conventional imaging methods is limited by several parameters, such as the pixel size, lens system, the diffraction limit, etc. The rapid technological advancements, increase in the available computing power, and introduction of Graphics Processing Units (GPU) and Field-Programmable-Gate-Arrays (FPGA) open new possibilities in the computer vision and computer graphics communities. The researchers are now focusing on utilizing the immense computational power offered on the modern processing platforms, to create imaging systems with novel or significantly enhanced capabilities compared to the standard ones. One popular type of the computational imaging systems offering new possibilities is a multi-camera system. This thesis will focus on FPGA-based multi-camera systems that operate in real-time. The aim of themulti-camera systems presented in this thesis is to offer a wide field-of-view (FOV) video coverage at high frame rates. The wide FOV is achieved by constructing a panoramic image from the images acquired by the multi-camera system. Two new real-time computational imaging systems that provide new functionalities and better performance compared to conventional cameras are presented in this thesis. Each camera system design and implementation are analyzed in detail, built and tested in real-time conditions. Panoptic is a miniaturized low-cost multi-camera system that reconstructs a 360 degrees view in real-time. Since it is an easily portable system, it provides means to capture the complete surrounding light field in dynamic environment, such as when mounted on a vehicle or a flying drone. The second presented system, GigaEye II , is a modular high-resolution imaging system that introduces the concept of distributed image processing in the real-time camera systems. This thesis explains in detail howsuch concept can be efficiently used in real-time computational imaging systems. The purpose of computational imaging systems in the form of multi-camera systems does not end with real-time panoramas. The application scope of these cameras is vast. They can be used in 3D cinematography, for broadcasting live events, or for immersive telepresence experience. The final chapter of this thesis presents three potential applications of these systems: object detection and tracking, high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, and observation of multiple regions of interest. Object detection and tracking, and observation of multiple regions of interest are extremely useful and desired capabilities of surveillance systems, in security and defense industry, or in the fast-growing industry of autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, high dynamic range imaging is becoming a common option in the consumer market cameras, and the presented method allows instantaneous capture of HDR videos. Finally, this thesis concludes with the discussion of the real-time multi-camera systems, their advantages, their limitations, and the future predictions

    World textile: selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 20th AUTEX World Textile Conference

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    This volume contains selected papers from the 20th AUTEX World Textile Conference (AUTEX 2021, September 5-9, 2021, Portugal, online). Collected articles present to readers' attention a series of research on actual issues of development of the textile industry and the modern status of fashion design. Particular attention is also devoted to some issues of organisation of textile industry engineers' and fashion designers' education. The presented collection will be helpful for specialists whose activities are related to the textile industry and fashion design

    Non-parametric Methods for Automatic Exposure Control, Radiometric Calibration and Dynamic Range Compression

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    Imaging systems are essential to a wide range of modern day applications. With the continuous advancement in imaging systems, there is an on-going need to adapt and improve the imaging pipeline running inside the imaging systems. In this thesis, methods are presented to improve the imaging pipeline of digital cameras. Here we present three methods to improve important phases of the imaging process, which are (i) ``Automatic exposure adjustment'' (ii) ``Radiometric calibration'' (iii) ''High dynamic range compression''. These contributions touch the initial, intermediate and final stages of imaging pipeline of digital cameras. For exposure control, we propose two methods. The first makes use of CCD-based equations to formulate the exposure control problem. To estimate the exposure time, an initial image was acquired for each wavelength channel to which contrast adjustment techniques were applied. This helps to recover a reference cumulative distribution function of image brightness at each channel. The second method proposed for automatic exposure control is an iterative method applicable for a broad range of imaging systems. It uses spectral sensitivity functions such as the photopic response functions for the generation of a spectral power image of the captured scene. A target image is then generated using the spectral power image by applying histogram equalization. The exposure time is hence calculated iteratively by minimizing the squared difference between target and the current spectral power image. Here we further analyze the method by performing its stability and controllability analysis using a state space representation used in control theory. The applicability of the proposed method for exposure time calculation was shown on real world scenes using cameras with varying architectures. Radiometric calibration is the estimate of the non-linear mapping of the input radiance map to the output brightness values. The radiometric mapping is represented by the camera response function with which the radiance map of the scene is estimated. Our radiometric calibration method employs an L1 cost function by taking advantage of Weisfeld optimization scheme. The proposed calibration works with multiple input images of the scene with varying exposure. It can also perform calibration using a single input with few constraints. The proposed method outperforms, quantitatively and qualitatively, various alternative methods found in the literature of radiometric calibration. Finally, to realistically represent the estimated radiance maps on low dynamic range display (LDR) devices, we propose a method for dynamic range compression. Radiance maps generally have higher dynamic range (HDR) as compared to the widely used display devices. Thus, for display purposes, dynamic range compression is required on HDR images. Our proposed method generates few LDR images from the HDR radiance map by clipping its values at different exposures. Using contrast information of each LDR image generated, the method uses an energy minimization approach to estimate the probability map of each LDR image. These probability maps are then used as label set to form final compressed dynamic range image for the display device. The results of our method were compared qualitatively and quantitatively with those produced by widely cited and professionally used methods

    Cubic-panorama image dataset analysis for storage and transmission

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    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches
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