10 research outputs found

    Time-lapse ratios of cone excitations in natural scenes

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    The illumination in natural environments varies through the day. Stable inferences about surface color might be supported by spatial ratios of cone excitations from the reflected light, but their invariance has been quantified only for global changes in illuminant spectrum. The aim here was to test their invariance under natural changes in both illumination spectrum and geometry, especially in the distribution of shadows. Time-lapse hyperspectral radiance images were acquired from five outdoor vegetated and nonvegetated scenes. From each scene, 10,000 pairs of points were sampled randomly and ratios measured across time. Mean relative deviations in ratios were generally large, but when sampling was limited to short distances or moderate time intervals, they fell below the level for detecting violations in ratio invariance. When illumination changes with uneven geometry were excluded, they fell further, to levels obtained with global changes in illuminant spectrum alone. Within sampling constraints, ratios of cone excitations, and also of opponent-color combinations, provide an approximately invariant signal for stable surface-color inferences, despite spectral and geometric variations in scene illumination.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom (Grant Nos. GR/R39412/01, EP/B000257/1, and EP/E056512/1). We thank Iván Marín-Franch for advice on statistical analysis and Oscar González for critical comments on the manuscript

    Cast shadow segmentation using invariant colour features

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    Shadows are integral parts of natural scenes and one of the elements contributing to naturalness of synthetic scenes. In many image analysis and interpretation applications, shadows interfere with fundamental tasks such as object extraction and description. For this reason, shadow segmentation is an important step in image analysis. In this paper, we propose a new cast shadow segmentation algorithm for both still and moving images. The proposed technique exploits spectral and geometrical properties of shadows in a scene to perform this task. The presence of a shadow is first hypothesized with an initial and simple evidence based on the fact that shadows darken the surface which they are cast upon. The validity of detected regions as shadows is further verified by making use of more complex hypotheses on color invariance and geometric properties of shadows. Finally, an information integration stage confirms or rejects the initial hypothesis for every detected region. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is robust and efficient in detecting shadows for a large class of scenes

    Ridge Regression Approach to Color Constancy

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    This thesis presents the work on color constancy and its application in the field of computer vision. Color constancy is a phenomena of representing (visualizing) the reflectance properties of the scene independent of the illumination spectrum. The motivation behind this work is two folds:The primary motivation is to seek ‘consistency and stability’ in color reproduction and algorithm performance respectively because color is used as one of the important features in many computer vision applications; therefore consistency of the color features is essential for high application success. Second motivation is to reduce ‘computational complexity’ without sacrificing the primary motivation.This work presents machine learning approach to color constancy. An empirical model is developed from the training data. Neural network and support vector machine are two prominent nonlinear learning theories. The work on support vector machine based color constancy shows its superior performance over neural networks based color constancy in terms of stability. But support vector machine is time consuming method. Alternative approach to support vectormachine, is a simple, fast and analytically solvable linear modeling technique known as ‘Ridge regression’. It learns the dependency between the surface reflectance and illumination from a presented training sample of data. Ridge regression provides answer to the two fold motivation behind this work, i.e., stable and computationally simple approach. The proposed algorithms, ‘Support vector machine’ and ‘Ridge regression’ involves three step processes: First, an input matrix constructed from the preprocessed training data set is trained toobtain a trained model. Second, test images are presented to the trained model to obtain the chromaticity estimate of the illuminants present in the testing images. Finally, linear diagonal transformation is performed to obtain the color corrected image. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms on both calibrated and uncalibrated data set in comparison to the methods discussed in literature review. Finally, thesis concludes with a complete discussion and summary on comparison between the proposed approaches and other algorithms

    Detection of diffuse and specular interface reflections and inter-reflections by color image segmentation

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    We present a computational model and algorithm for detecting diffuse and specular interface reflections and some inter-reflections. Our color reflection model is based on the dichromatic model for dielectric materials and on a color space, called S space, formed with three orthogonal basis functions. We transform color pixels measured in RGB into the S space and analyze color variations on objects in terms of brightness, hue and saturation which are defined in the S space. When transforming the original RGB data into the S space, we discount the scene illumination color that is estimated using a white reference plate as an active probe. As a result, the color image appears as if the scene illumination is white. Under the whitened illumination, the interface reflection clusters in the S space are all aligned with the brightness direction. The brightness, hue and saturation values exhibit a more direct correspondence to body colors and to diffuse and specular interface reflections, shading, shadows and inter-reflections than the RGB coordinates. We exploit these relationships to segment the color image, and to separate specular and diffuse interface reflections and some inter-reflections from body reflections. The proposed algorithm is effications for uniformly colored dielectric surfaces under singly colored scene illumination. Experimental results conform to our model and algorithm within the liminations discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41303/1/11263_2004_Article_BF00128233.pd

    Estimation of illuminants from color signals of illuminated objects

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    Color constancy is the ability of the human visual systems to discount the effect of the illumination and to assign approximate constant color descriptions to objects. This ability has long been studied and widely applied to many areas such as color reproduction and machine vision, especially with the development of digital color processing. This thesis work makes some improvements in illuminant estimation and computational color constancy based on the study and testing of existing algorithms. During recent years, it has been noticed that illuminant estimation based on gamut comparison is efficient and simple to implement. Although numerous investigations have been done in this field, there are still some deficiencies. A large part of this thesis has been work in the area of illuminant estimation through gamut comparison. Noting the importance of color lightness in gamut comparison, and also in order to simplify three-dimensional gamut calculation, a new illuminant estimation method is proposed through gamut comparison at separated lightness levels. Maximum color separation is a color constancy method which is based on the assumption that colors in a scene will obtain the largest gamut area under white illumination. The method was further derived and improved in this thesis to make it applicable and efficient. In addition, some intrinsic questions in gamut comparison methods, for example the relationship between the color space and the application of gamut or probability distribution, were investigated. Color constancy methods through spectral recovery have the limitation that there is no effective way to confine the range of object spectral reflectance. In this thesis, a new constraint on spectral reflectance based on the relative ratios of the parameters from principal component analysis (PCA) decomposition is proposed. The proposed constraint was applied to illuminant detection methods as a metric on the recovered spectral reflectance. Because of the importance of the sensor sensitivities and their wide variation, the influence from the sensor sensitivities on different kinds of illuminant estimation methods was also studied. Estimation method stability to wrong sensor information was tested, suggesting the possible solution to illuminant estimation on images with unknown sources. In addition, with the development of multi-channel imaging, some research on illuminant estimation for multi-channel images both on the correlated color temperature (CCT) estimation and the illuminant spectral recovery was performed in this thesis. All the improvement and new proposed methods in this thesis are tested and compared with those existing methods with best performance, both on synthetic data and real images. The comparison verified the high efficiency and implementation simplicity of the proposed methods

    Learning efficient image representations: Connections between statistics and neuroscience

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    This thesis summarizes different works developed in the framework of analyzing the relation between image processing, statistics and neuroscience. These relations are analyzed from the efficient coding hypothesis point of view (H. Barlow [1961] and Attneave [1954]). This hypothesis suggests that the human visual system has been adapted during the ages in order to process the visual information in an efficient way, i.e. taking advantage of the statistical regularities of the visual world. Under this classical idea different works in different directions are developed. One direction is analyzing the statistical properties of a revisited, extended and fitted classical model of the human visual system. No statistical information is used in the model. Results show that this model obtains a representation with good statistical properties, which is a new evidence in favor of the efficient coding hypothesis. From the statistical point of view, different methods are proposed and optimized using natural images. The models obtained using these statistical methods show similar behavior to the human visual system, both in the spatial and color dimensions, which are also new evidences of the efficient coding hypothesis. Applications in image processing are an important part of the Thesis. Statistical and neuroscience based methods are employed to develop a wide set of image processing algorithms. Results of these methods in denoising, classification, synthesis and quality assessment are comparable to some of the most successful current methods

    Shadow segmentation and tracking in real-world conditions

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    Visual information, in the form of images and video, comes from the interaction of light with objects. Illumination is a fundamental element of visual information. Detecting and interpreting illumination effects is part of our everyday life visual experience. Shading for instance allows us to perceive the three-dimensional nature of objects. Shadows are particularly salient cues for inferring depth information. However, we do not make any conscious or unconscious effort to avoid them as if they were an obstacle when we walk around. Moreover, when humans are asked to describe a picture, they generally omit the presence of illumination effects, such as shadows, shading, and highlights, to give a list of objects and their relative position in the scene. Processing visual information in a way that is close to what the human visual system does, thus being aware of illumination effects, represents a challenging task for computer vision systems. Illumination phenomena interfere in fact with fundamental tasks in image analysis and interpretation applications, such as object extraction and description. On the other hand, illumination conditions are an important element to be considered when creating new and richer visual content that combines objects from different sources, both natural and synthetic. When taken into account, illumination effects can play an important role in achieving realism. Among illumination effects, shadows are often integral part of natural scenes and one of the elements contributing to naturalness of synthetic scenes. In this thesis, the problem of extracting shadows from digital images is discussed. A new analysis method for the segmentation of cast shadows in still and moving images without the need of human supervision is proposed. The problem of separating moving cast shadows from moving objects in image sequences is particularly relevant for an always wider range of applications, ranging from video analysis to video coding, and from video manipulation to interactive environments. Therefore, particular attention has been dedicated to the segmentation of shadows in video. The validity of the proposed approach is however also demonstrated through its application to the detection of cast shadows in still color images. Shadows are a difficult phenomenon to model. Their appearance changes with changes in the appearance of the surface they are cast upon. It is therefore important to exploit multiple constraints derived from the analysis of the spectral, geometric and temporal properties of shadows to develop effective techniques for their extraction. The proposed method combines an analysis of color information and of photometric invariant features to a spatio-temporal verification process. With regards to the use of color information for shadow analysis, a complete picture of the existing solutions is provided, which points out the fundamental assumptions, the adopted color models and the link with research problems such as computational color constancy and color invariance. The proposed spatial verification does not make any assumption about scene geometry nor about object shape. The temporal analysis is based on a novel shadow tracking technique. On the basis of the tracking results, a temporal reliability estimation of shadows is proposed which allows to discard shadows which do not present time coherence. The proposed approach is general and can be applied to a wide class of applications and input data. The proposed cast shadow segmentation method has been evaluated on a number of different video data representing indoor and outdoor real-world environments. The obtained results have confirmed the validity of the approach, in particular its ability to deal with different types of content and its robustness to different physically important independent variables, and have demonstrated the improvement with respect to the state of the art. Examples of application of the proposed shadow segmentation tool to the enhancement of video object segmentation, tracking and description operations, and to video composition, have demonstrated the advantages of a shadow-aware video processing