9 research outputs found

    Estudi de la transformació de l'espai de color RGB a l'espai de color HSV

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    S’apliquen les tècniques clàssiques de propagació de l’error a la transformació de l’espai de color RGB en l’espai de color HSV a un conjunt de 1098 imatges test. El conjunt d’imatges test són 183 paletes de color i sis nivells d’il·luminació diferents. Els resultats que es presenten indiquen com varien la mitjana i la variància per la transformació.Preprin

    Food Processing and Its Impact on Phenolic and other Bioactive Constituents in Food

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    It is our pleasure to present this Special Issue of Molecules entitled “Food Processing and Its Impact on Phenolic and other Bioactive Constituents in Food”. Bioactive compounds including phenolic ingredients have long been used as important constituents of a healthy diet. As a result, consumer awareness about the important role of high-quality products rich in bioactive compounds—especially phenolic compounds—in human nutrition, health, and prevention against diseases has increased. Additionally, methods for food processing, regardless of the technology used, have a huge impact on the quality of the final products. Therefore, the big challenges for scientists lie in the monitoring of changes during food processing and the optimization of technology to achieve the minimal degradation of nutrients (including phenolic compounds). Thus, for this Special Issue, I encourage you to read some interesting papers aimed at bringing the latest scientific news, insights, and advances in the field of food processing and its impact on bioactive constituents in food, especially phenolic compounds. The information presented will certainly arouse considerable interest among a large group of our readers from different disciplines and research fields

    The VTTVIS line imaging spectrometer - principles, error sources, and calibration

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    Hyperspectral imaging with a spatial resolution of a few mm 2 has proved to have a great potential within crop and weed classification and also within nutrient diagnostics. A commonly used hyperspectral imaging system is based on the Prism-Grating-Prism (PGP) principles produced by Specim Ltd. Finland. One of the novel systems based on the PGP spectrograph (VTTVIS) was build by The Department of Agricultural Sciences, AgroTechnology, KVL, Denmark, in 1995. Several other agricultural institutions have now implemented the technology in their research. None of these has published any thoroughly work describing the basic principles, potential error sources, and/or adjustment and calibration procedures. This report fulfils the need for such documentation with special focus on the system at KVL. The PGP based system has several severe error sources, which should be removed prior to any analysis. Most of the random noise sources can be minimised by carefully selecting high-grade components especially wit