3 research outputs found

    Magnetic suspension turbine flow meter

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    Measurement of liquid flow in certain area such as industrial plant is in critical. Inaccurate measurement can cause serious result. Most of the liquid flow are using Bernoulli principle‘s but in turbine flow meter the flow rate is determine differently by using kinetic energy. Turbine flow meter is one of flow rate transducer that widely used in metallurgical, petroleum, chemical and other industrial and agricultural areas, as shown in Figure 1.1. It is present as high precision of flow meter and when fluid flow troughs it the impeller that faces the fluid will rotate due to flow force exist. The rotation speed is directly proportional to the speed of fluid. During the process, the working states of impeller and bearing are very complicated due the interactive effects from the fluid axial thrust, impeller rotating, and static and dynamic components. In current turbine flow meter design, the common material use for meter bulk body is 1Cr18Ni9Ti, while for the blade 2Gr13 are used. Axis and bearing are made from stainless steel or carbide alloy. The space between the axis and bearing determines it minimum flow rate and life span, and also determines its measurement range (1:10~1:15 - maximum flow rate to minimum flow rate). Since the turbine has movable parts it can produce friction between the axis and ring during the operation. This will cause accuracy of the measurement decrease and can damage the impeller blade. In this research, the friction can be reduced by adopting the principle of magnetic suspension. Rotating shaft will levitate in the magnetic field due to the forces. Friction coefficient reduced because of rotating shaft rotates without abrasion and mechanical contact in space

    Optimal parameters for a hierarchical grid data structure for contact detection in arbitrarily polydisperse particle systems.

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    The objective of this paper is to find the optimum number of hierarchy levels and their cell sizes for contact detection algorithms based on a versatile hierarchical grid data structure, for polydisperse particle systems with arbitrary distribution of particle radii. These algorithms perform as fast as O(N) for N particles, but the prefactor can be as large as N for a given system, depending on the algorithm parameters chosen, making a recipe for choosing these parameters necessary. We estimate theoretically the calculation time of two distinct algorithms for particle systems with various packing fractions, where the sizes of the particles are modelled by an arbitrary probability density function. We suggest several methods for choosing the number of hierarchy levels and the respective cell sizes, based on truncated power-law radii distributions with different exponents and widths. The theoretical estimations are then compared with simulation results for particle systems with up to one million particles. The proposed recipe for selecting the optimal hierarchical grid parameters allows to find contacts in arbitrarily polydisperse particle systems as fast as the commonly-used linked-cell method in purely monodisperse particle systems, i.e., extra work is avoided in presence of polydispersity. Furthermore, the contact detection time per particle even decreases slightly with increasing polydispersity or decreasing particle packing fraction

    Chemical analysis of polymer blends via synchrotron X-ray tomography

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    Material properties of industrial polymer blends are of great importance. X-ray tomography has been used to obtain spatial chemical information about various polymer blends. The spatial images are acquired with synchrotron X-ray tomography because of its rapidity, good spatial resolution, large field-of-view, and elemental sensitivity. The spatial absorption data acquired from X-ray tomography experiments is converted to spatial chemical information via a linear least squares fit of multi-spectral X-ray absorption data. A fiberglass-reinforced polymer blend with a new-generation flame retardant is studied with multi-energy synchrotron X-ray tomography to assess the blend homogeneity. Relative to other composite materials, this sample is difficult to image due to low x-ray contrast between the fiberglass reinforcement and the polymer blend. To investigate chemical composition surrounding the glass fibers, new procedures were developed to find and mark the fiberglass, then assess the flame retardant distribution near the fiber. Another polymer blending experiment using three-dimensional chemical analysis techniques to look at a polymer additive problem called blooming was done. To investigate the chemical process of blooming, new procedures are developed to assess the flame retardant distribution as a function of annealing time in the sample. With the spatial chemical distribution we fit the concentrations to a diffusion equation to each time step in the annealing process. Finally the diffusion properties of a polymer blend composed of hexabromobenzene and o-terphenyl was studied. The diffusion properties were compared with computer simulations of the blend