16 research outputs found

    'It all kind of symbolises something doesn't it?' How students present their career image online.

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    It has become common to share images of yourself online. There is evidence that employers are using these images as part of selection decisions. This article presents a research project which explored these issues with current undergraduates. It found that students had a clear understanding of what a professional online career image would look like, but that this was not reflected in the images that they shared. However, students were careful and considered in the images that they did share; they just did not want employers looking at them. For careers professionals this situation presents an ethical challenge as to how far we want to curb students’ online identities to ensure their employability.University of Derb

    Understanding Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites - A Literature Review

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    User-generated content is the backbone of any social networking site (SNS) and an important pillar of many business models online. While there is a growing body of research on self-disclosure on SNSs, existing insights remain scattered. To fill this gap, we undertake a systematic literature review by examining 50 studies to identify the factors behind self-disclosure on SNSs. We find that social exchange theory and its extension ‘privacy calculus’ represent a dominant theoretical perspective. Hence, we focus on perceived benefits and costs, as well as cost-mitigating factors as main areas of our investigation. Since personality traits are commonly controlled for or studied within the context of SNS disclosure, we additionally include an exploration of this factor group into our review

    Modeling Facebook users' behavior towards the use of pages related to healthy diet and sport activities

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    Purpose: In this article we aim to model social media users’ behavior in relation with the use of specified Facebook pages and groups, related to eHealth, specifically to healthy diet and sport activities. The study represents to the best of our knowledge the first region-focused on a specific geographical area research. Methods: The users’ personality is measured through the well-known Big Five model and the behavior is predicted with the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Structural Equation Modeling is used in order to statistically control the associations among the diverse observed and latent variables. Results: The results suggest an extended theory of planned behavior in combination with personality traits, on eHealth field. Openness and Extraversion do not seem to have positive effect on Attitude. Users’ attitude can be affected positively from Agreeableness and Subjective Norms, guiding to finally positive affection of users’ actual behavior. Agreeableness cannot influence behavior, directly, nor through SN, since the hypothesis path A-SN is not verified, but it can through Attitude. Neuroticism was negatively correlated to PBC but this hypothesis was not, also, confirmed in the proposed model. Implications: While literature confirms all of our hypotheses, in our study only 8 in 12 are finally confirmed. The difference between the present model and literature findings can be located on the different cultural dimensions among the different studies. The present survey is focused on the Greek region with all the participants to be Greeks. This location-based limitation could be surpassed by conducting the same research on different geographical regions and then confront the outcomes


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    Disclosing personal information to a crowd, with all its risks and benefits, is almost ubiquitous in Web 2.0. Drawing on privacy calculus (PC) theory, we investigate whether cultural differences moderate the effect of risk and benefit assessment on online self-disclosure (OSD) in person-to-crowd settings. Empirically, our study relies on a (statistical) meta-analysis of 38 studies. Our findings support the assumptions regarding the effect of privacy calculus on OSD: benefits and trust beliefs increase OSD, privacy concerns and risk beliefs reduce it. Furthermore, the positive effect of the former PC aspects on OSD is larger than the negative effect of the latter. The effects of benefits and risk beliefs on OSD are moderated by cultural differences, unlike those of privacy concerns and trust beliefs. Uncertainty avoidance and indulgence reduce the positive effect of benefits on OSD, masculinity and power distance enhance it. The negative effect of risk beliefs is reduced by uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation, but aggravated by indulgence. In addition to advocating increased cultural awareness for online service providers, our findings support PC as a useful concept in OSD research, but suggest that the most prominent cultural dimensions might not be the most relevant ones in intercultural OSD research


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    Social networking sites (SNSs) have emerged as a center for daily social interactions. Every day, millions of users contribute information about themselves, and consume information about others on SNSs. In recent years, we have witnessed a growing number of studies on the issue of social information contribution and consumption behaviors on SNSs. This paper aims to provide a systematic literature review on this topic across different disciplines to understand the current research state and shed light on controversial findings of SNS usage regarding users’ well-being. We identified 126 relevant articles published between 2008 and 2014, and provide an overview of their antecedents and associated outcomes. Our analysis reveals that a majority of existing work focused primarily on social information contribution, its antecedents and favorable outcomes. Only few studies have dealt with contribution behavior and the dark sides of SNS use. Nevertheless, we could identify different characteristics of social information determining the favorability of contribution behavior. Further, we categorized the scarce papers of consumption behavior regarding the social information characteristics and identified different underlying processes: social comparison, monitoring and browsing. These findings contribute to the Information Systems (IS) discipline by consolidating previous knowledge about SNS usage patterns and individual well-being

    Factors influencing user participation in social media: Evidence from twitter usage during COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

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    With increasing frequency, people are using social media sites to obtain timely information about the world's grand challenges and this phenomenon is amplified during crises. However, little research has been conducted to determine how people participate and how their involvement can be promoted on social media sites, although the critical role played by those sites has been well documented. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study develops and tests a theoretical model to establish the effect of several factors with survey data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Saudi Arabia. The relationship was verified on a sample of 213 respondents active on Twitter, using Partial Least Square (PLS). The study found that attitude, perceived behavioural control and subjective norm affect Twitter users' active participation significantly within the context of a time of crisis. It also found a positive effect of utilitarian and hedonic values and trust. These results will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of Twitter users in grand challenges (and more specifically during a crisis) and furnish academics and managers with instructive guidance. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    Understanding students’ behavior in online social networks: a systematic literature review

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    The use of online social networks (OSNs) has increasingly attracted attention from scholars’ in different disciplines. Recently, student behaviors in online social networks have been extensively examined. However, limited efforts have been made to evaluate and systematically review the current research status to provide insights into previous study findings. Accordingly, this study conducted a systematic literature review on student behavior and OSNs to explicate to what extent students behave on these platforms. This study reviewed 104 studies to discuss the research focus and examine trends along with the important theories and research methods utilized. Moreover, the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model was utilized to classify the factors that influence student behavior. This study’s results demonstrate that the number of studies that address student behaviors on OSNs have recently increased. Moreover, the identified studies focused on five research streams, including academic purpose, cyber victimization, addiction, personality issues, and knowledge sharing behaviors. Most of these studies focused on the use and effect of OSNs on student academic performance. Most importantly, the proposed study framework provides a theoretical basis for further research in this context

    Informational Privacy and Self-Disclosure Online: A Critical Mixed-Methods Approach to Social Media

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    This thesis investigates the multifaceted processes that have contributed to normalising identifiable self-disclosure in online environments and how perceptions of informational privacy and self-disclosure behavioural patterns have evolved in the relatively brief history of online communication. Its investigative mixed-methods approach critically examines a wide and diverse variety of primary and secondary sources and material to bring together aspects of the social dynamics that have contributed to the generalised identifiable self-disclosure. This research also utilises the results of the exploratory statistical as well as qualitative analysis of an extensive online survey completed by UCL students as a snapshot in time. This is combined with arguments developed from an analysis of existing published sources and looks ahead to possible future developments. This study examines the time when people online proved to be more trusting, and how users of the Internet responded to the development of the growing societal need to share personal information online. It addresses issues of privacy ethics and how they evolved over time to allow a persistent association of online self-disclosure to real-life identity that had not been seen before the emergence of social network sites. The resistance to identifiable self-disclosure before the widespread use of social network sites was relatively resolved by a combination of elements and circumstances. Some of these result from the demographics of young users, users' attitudes to deception, ideology and trust-building processes. Social and psychological factors, such as gaining social capital, peer pressure and the overall rewarding and seductive nature of social media, have led users to waive significant parts of their privacy in order to receive the perceived benefits. The sociohistorical context allows this research to relate evolving phenomena like the privacy paradox, lateral surveillance and self-censorship to the revamped ethics of online privacy and self-disclosure

    An online information security Aaareness model: the disclosure of personal data

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    Social media has revolutionized the way people send and receive information by creating a new level of interconnected communication. However, the use of the Internet and social media brings about various ways in which a user’s personal data can be put at risk. This study aims to investigate what drives the disclosure of personal information online and whether an increase in awareness of the value of personal information motivates users to safeguard their information. Fourteen university students participated in a mixed-methods experiment, where they completed a questionnaire before and after being shown the data stored about them by online platforms to determine if changes occur in their intention to disclose. Following completing the initial questionnaire, the participant viewed the personal data stored about them by Facebook, Google, and Instagram. Other online tools such as Social Profile Checker, Facebook View As, and HaveIBeenPawned were used to see the information publicly available about each participant. Together these findings were discussed in a semi-structured interview to determine the influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and awareness on the cost-benefit analysis users conduct when disclosing information online. Overall, the findings indicate that users are able to disregard their concerns due to a resigned and apathetic attitude towards privacy. Furthermore, subjective norms enhanced by FOMO further allow users to overlook potential risks to their information in order to avoid social isolation and sanction. Alternatively, an increased awareness of the personal value of information and having experienced a previous privacy violation encourage the protection of information and limited disclosure. Thus, this study provides insight into privacy and information disclosure on social media in South Africa. It reveals more insight into the cost-benefit analysis users conduct by combining the Theory of Planned Behaviour with the Privacy Calculus Model, as well as the antecedent factors of Trust in the Social Media Provider, FOMO, and Personal Valuation of Information