30 research outputs found

    The effect of Social Networking in Privacy Management

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    Diese Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Privacy Management in Fragen der Online-Welt, die durch die rasche Entwicklung der Soziale-Netzwerke-Technologien entstehen. Die heutige Situation im Bereich der Sozial-Netzwerke-Gemeinden, zusammen mit den jeweiligen Gefahren in Bezug auf Privacy Wahrung werden gründlich untersucht und dargestellt. Spezifische Ziele werden ausgearbeitet, über die Richtung die Bemühungen der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft in naher Zukunft nehmen sollten. Die organische Lücken des Privacy Management Gebietes werden thematisiert und analysiert, da sie die Ursachen für eine Vielzahl von problematischen Situationen bieten, die kontinuierlich die gesellschaftspolitische Frieden unserer Gesellschaften in den letzten paar Jahren erregt haben. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit beginnt mit der Identifizierung derjenigen Punkte, die eine de facto Lösung auf jeden Fall zu erfüllen muss, um die oben genannten Themen zu behandeln. Bewaffnet mit spezifischen Anforderungen, folgt eine Analyse durch die Wahl der theoretischen und praktischen Methoden. Ein Modell, dass den Spiel- Theoretischen Ansatz der kollektiven Privacy Management mit dem Konzept der Aneignung Konstrukt zu kombinieren versucht wird vorgeschlagen. Eine erweiterte Analyse erfolgt, über wie der Clarke-Tax-Mechanismus für das Kollaborative Management, verbindet mit dem Adaptive Strukturationstheorie, in Online-Datenschutz- Management verwendet werden können. Bevor man zu den Schlussfolgerungen und Reflexionen der Arbeit kommt gibt es ein Kapitel über die Grenzen des vorgeschlagenen Modells. Es ist offensichtlich, dass das Konzept nicht generisch ist. Nichts desto trotz sollte eine deutliche Präsentation warum nicht aus dieser Studie fehlen. Ein Wunsch, der zu dieser Masterarbeit beigefügt kommt, ist dass es mehr als ein Einführungsschritt der als akademischen Aufstieg eines jungen Mannes dienen wird. Es ist mit Hingabe an die Moralität die mit ihren Zielen zusammen kommt geschrieben, und damit den Wunsch, dass es gelesen wird und hoffentlich auch begrüßt.This MSc Thesis deals with Privacy Management issues in the online world that arise through the rapid evolution of Social Networking technologies. The current situation in the field of Social Networking communities, along with the respective dangers in regard to privacy safeguarding are thoroughly examined and presented. Specific goals are being set, as to the direction the efforts of the scientific community should take in the near future. An extended survey in the field of Privacy Management on Social Networking Sites is followed by an analysis on the missing parts of this already huge living organism. These organic gaps need to be addressed firmly, as they constitute natural causes for a multitude of problematic situations that have continuously stirred the sociopolitical peace of our societies for the past few years. The main part of this study starts with the identification of the singular points that any de facto solution is required to fulfill in order to address the issues mentioned above. Armed with specific requirements, an analysis is followed by a choice of theoretical and practical methods. A model that attempts to combine the game-theoretical approach of Collective Privacy Management with the concept of the Appropriation Construct is proposed. An extended analysis, on how the Clarke-Tax mechanism for collaborative management, conjoined with the Adaptive Structuration Theory, can be used in online privacy management, ensues. Before coming to the conclusions and reflections of our work, a chapter is dedicated to the limitations of the proposed model. It is obvious that the present approach is not generic; however, a more explicit presentation should not be absent from this study. The wish that comes attached to this MSc Thesis is that it will become more than a launching step to the academic advancement of a young man. It is written with faith and devotion to the morality that goes with its goals and thus, the wish that follows it is that it will be read and, hopefully, appreciated

    Implementation of Privacy Policy Specification System for User Uploaded Images over Popular Content Sharing Sites

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    The regular use of social networking websites and application encompasses the collection and retention of personal and very often sensitive information about users. This information needs to remain private and each social network owns a privacy policy that describes in-depth how user’s information is managed and published. As there is increasing use of images for sharing through social sites, maintaining privacy has become a major problem. In light of these incidents, the need of tools to aid users control access to their shared content is necessary. This problem can be proposed by using an Privacy Policy Specification system to help users compose privacy settings for their shared images. Toward addressing this need, we propose Privacy Policy Specification system to help users to specify privacy settings for their images. Privacy Policy Specification System configure a policy for a group and apply appropriate policies (comment, share, expiry, download) on image for sharing in the group

    SoSharP:Recommending Sharing Policies in Multiuser Privacy Scenarios

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    Resolving Multi-party Privacy Conflicts in Social Media

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    Items shared through Social Media may affect more than one user's privacy --- e.g., photos that depict multiple users, comments that mention multiple users, events in which multiple users are invited, etc. The lack of multi-party privacy management support in current mainstream Social Media infrastructures makes users unable to appropriately control to whom these items are actually shared or not. Computational mechanisms that are able to merge the privacy preferences of multiple users into a single policy for an item can help solve this problem. However, merging multiple users' privacy preferences is not an easy task, because privacy preferences may conflict, so methods to resolve conflicts are needed. Moreover, these methods need to consider how users' would actually reach an agreement about a solution to the conflict in order to propose solutions that can be acceptable by all of the users affected by the item to be shared. Current approaches are either too demanding or only consider fixed ways of aggregating privacy preferences. In this paper, we propose the first computational mechanism to resolve conflicts for multi-party privacy management in Social Media that is able to adapt to different situations by modelling the concessions that users make to reach a solution to the conflicts. We also present results of a user study in which our proposed mechanism outperformed other existing approaches in terms of how many times each approach matched users' behaviour.Comment: Authors' version of the paper accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 201

    Beyond the Individual Privacy Paradigm: Implications for Interpersonal Interactions on Facebook

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    Privacy is widely viewed as an interpersonal boundary regulation process in the context of online social networks (OSNs). Mediated by technologies provided by the OSNs, users manage both identity information and social relationships on OSNs. While previous studies mainly focus on users’ information sharing and disclosure behaviors from an individual perspective, this work looks into the social nuances of users’ interactional privacy concerns within their social circles from an interpersonal perspective. Through a case analysis of launching “Friendship Pages” by Facebook, we aim to examine the trigger conditions under which users perceive the launch of such feature to aggregate interpersonal interactions as privacy problems. This work calls for more research in conceptualizing and measuring users’ interpersonal privacy concerns in the context of OSNs. We conclude this work with a discussion on research challenges in support of mitigating users’ interpersonal concerns in OSNs

    Multiparty Privacy in Social Media

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    Determining Multi Party Skirmishes Communal Media

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    Web-based social networking foundations makes clients unable to fittingly control to whom these items are really shared or not. Computational components that can combine the protection inclinations of numerous clients into a solitary arrangement for aitem can help take care of this issue. In any case, consolidating various clients' security inclinations isn't a simple undertaking, since protection inclinations may strife, so strategies to determine clashes are required. Besides, these strategies need to consider how clients' would really achieve an assention about an answer for the contention keeping in mind the end goal to propose arrangements that can be adequate by the greater part of the clients influenced by the item to be shared. Current methodologies are either excessively requesting or just consider settled methods for accumulating security inclinations. In this paper, we propose the primary computational instrument to determine clashes for multi-party protection administration in Social Media that can adjust to various circumstances by displaying the concessions that clients make to achieve an answer for the contentions

    Conflict Resolution Ethos on Concessions Users for Privacy Preferences

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    The absence of multi-party protection administration bolster in current standard Social Media foundations makes clients not able to suitably control to whom these things are really shared or not. Computational components that can consolidate the security inclinations of numerous clients into a solitary arrangement for a thing can help take care of this issue. Be that as it may, consolidating numerous clients' protection inclinations is not a simple undertaking, since security inclinations may struggle, so strategies to determine clashes are required. Additionally, these techniques need to consider how clients' would really achieve an understanding about an answer for the contention so as to propose arrangements that can be worthy by the greater part of the clients influenced by the thing to be shared. Current methodologies are either excessively requesting or just consider settled methods for accumulating protection inclinations. In this, we propose the principal computational system to determine clashes for multi-party protection administration in Social Media that can adjust to various circumstances by demonstrating the concessions that clients make to achieve an answer for the contentions