22 research outputs found

    On conditional random fields: applications, feature selection, parameter estimation and hierarchical modelling

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    There has been a growing interest in stochastic modelling and learning with complex data, whose elements are structured and interdependent. One of the most successful methods to model data dependencies is graphical models, which is a combination of graph theory and probability theory. This thesis focuses on a special type of graphical models known as Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) (Lafferty et al., 2001), in which the output state spaces, when conditioned on some observational input data, are represented by undirected graphical models. The contributions of thesis involve both (a) broadening the current applicability of CRFs in the real world and (b) deepening the understanding of theoretical aspects of CRFs. On the application side, we empirically investigate the applications of CRFs in two real world settings. The first application is on a novel domain of Vietnamese accent restoration, in which we need to restore accents of an accent-less Vietnamese sentence. Experiments on half a million sentences of news articles show that the CRF-based approach is highly accurate. In the second application, we develop a new CRF-based movie recommendation system called Preference Network (PN). The PN jointly integrates various sources of domain knowledge into a large and densely connected Markov network. We obtained competitive results against well-established methods in the recommendation field.On the theory side, the thesis addresses three important theoretical issues of CRFs: feature selection, parameter estimation and modelling recursive sequential data. These issues are all addressed under a general setting of partial supervision in that training labels are not fully available. For feature selection, we introduce a novel learning algorithm called AdaBoost.CRF that incrementally selects features out of a large feature pool as learning proceeds. AdaBoost.CRF is an extension of the standard boosting methodology to structured and partially observed data. We demonstrate that the AdaBoost.CRF is able to eliminate irrelevant features and as a result, returns a very compact feature set without significant loss of accuracy. Parameter estimation of CRFs is generally intractable in arbitrary network structures. This thesis contributes to this area by proposing a learning method called AdaBoost.MRF (which stands for AdaBoosted Markov Random Forests). As learning proceeds AdaBoost.MRF incrementally builds a tree ensemble (a forest) that cover the original network by selecting the best spanning tree at a time. As a result, we can approximately learn many rich classes of CRFs in linear time. The third theoretical work is on modelling recursive, sequential data in that each level of resolution is a Markov sequence, where each state in the sequence is also a Markov sequence at the finer grain. One of the key contributions of this thesis is Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields (HCRF), which is an extension to the currently popular sequential CRF and the recent semi-Markov CRF (Sarawagi and Cohen, 2004). Unlike previous CRF work, the HCRF does not assume any fixed graphical structures.Rather, it treats structure as an uncertain aspect and it can estimate the structure automatically from the data. The HCRF is motivated by Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) (Fine et al., 1998). Importantly, the thesis shows that the HHMM is a special case of HCRF with slight modification, and the semi-Markov CRF is essentially a flat version of the HCRF. Central to our contribution in HCRF is a polynomial-time algorithm based on the Asymmetric Inside Outside (AIO) family developed in (Bui et al., 2004) for learning and inference. Another important contribution is to extend the AIO family to address learning with missing data and inference under partially observed labels. We also derive methods to deal with practical concerns associated with the AIO family, including numerical overflow and cubic-time complexity. Finally, we demonstrate good performance of HCRF against rivals on two applications: indoor video surveillance and noun-phrase chunking

    Generative modeling of dynamic visual scenes

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-312).Modeling visual scenes is one of the fundamental tasks of computer vision. Whereas tremendous efforts have been devoted to video analysis in past decades, most prior work focuses on specific tasks, leading to dedicated methods to solve them. This PhD thesis instead aims to derive a probabilistic generative model that coherently integrates different aspects, notably appearance, motion, and the interaction between them. Specifically, this model considers each video as a composite of dynamic layers, each associated with a covering domain, an appearance template, and a flow describing its motion. These layers change dynamically following the associated flows, and are combined into video frames according to a Z-order that specifies their relative depth-order. To describe these layers and their dynamic changes, three major components are incorporated: (1) An appearance model describes the generative process of the pixel values of a video layer. This model, via the combination of a probabilistic patch manifold and a conditional Markov random field, is able to express rich local details while maintaining global coherence. (2) A motion model captures the motion pattern of a layer through a new concept called geometric flow that originates from differential geometric analysis. A geometric flow unifies the trajectory-based representation and the notion of geometric transformation to represent the collective dynamic behaviors persisting over time. (3) A partial Z-order specifies the relative depth order between layers. Here, through the unique correspondence between equivalent classes of partial orders and consistent choice functions, a distribution over the spaces of partial orders is established, and inference can thus be performed thereon. The development of these models leads to significant challenges in probabilistic modeling and inference that need new techniques to address. We studied two important problems: (1) Both the appearance model and the motion model rely on mixture modeling to capture complex distributions. In a dynamic setting, the components parameters and the number of components in a mixture model can change over time. While the use of Dirichlet processes (DPs) as priors allows indefinite number of components, incorporating temporal dependencies between DPs remains a nontrivial issue, theoretically and practically. Our research on this problem leads to a new construction of dependent DPs, enabling various forms of dynamic variations for nonparametric mixture models by harnessing the connections between Poisson and Dirichlet processes. (2) The inference of partial Z-order from a video needs a method to sample from the posterior distribution of partial orders. A key challenge here is that the underlying space of partial orders is disconnected, meaning that one may not be able to make local updates without violating the combinatorial constraints for partial orders. We developed a novel sampling method to tackle this problem, which dynamically introduces virtual states as bridges to connect between different parts of the space, implicitly resulting in an ergodic Markov chain over an augmented space. With this generative model of visual scenes, many vision problems can be readily solved through inference performed on the model. Empirical experiments demonstrate that this framework yields promising results on a series of practical tasks, including video denoising and inpainting, collective motion analysis, and semantic scene understanding.by Dahua Lin.Ph.D

    Interpretation of Natural-language Robot Instructions: Probabilistic Knowledge Representation, Learning, and Reasoning

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    A robot that can be simply told in natural language what to do -- this has been one of the ultimate long-standing goals in both Artificial Intelligence and Robotics research. In near-future applications, robotic assistants and companions will have to understand and perform commands such as set the table for dinner'', make pancakes for breakfast'', or cut the pizza into 8 pieces.'' Although such instructions are only vaguely formulated, complex sequences of sophisticated and accurate manipulation activities need to be carried out in order to accomplish the respective tasks. The acquisition of knowledge about how to perform these activities from huge collections of natural-language instructions from the Internet has garnered a lot of attention within the last decade. However, natural language is typically massively unspecific, incomplete, ambiguous and vague and thus requires powerful means for interpretation. This work presents PRAC -- Probabilistic Action Cores -- an interpreter for natural-language instructions which is able to resolve vagueness and ambiguity in natural language and infer missing information pieces that are required to render an instruction executable by a robot. To this end, PRAC formulates the problem of instruction interpretation as a reasoning problem in first-order probabilistic knowledge bases. In particular, the system uses Markov logic networks as a carrier formalism for encoding uncertain knowledge. A novel framework for reasoning about unmodeled symbolic concepts is introduced, which incorporates ontological knowledge from taxonomies and exploits semantically similar relational structures in a domain of discourse. The resulting reasoning framework thus enables more compact representations of knowledge and exhibits strong generalization performance when being learnt from very sparse data. Furthermore, a novel approach for completing directives is presented, which applies semantic analogical reasoning to transfer knowledge collected from thousands of natural-language instruction sheets to new situations. In addition, a cohesive processing pipeline is described that transforms vague and incomplete task formulations into sequences of formally specified robot plans. The system is connected to a plan executive that is able to execute the computed plans in a simulator. Experiments conducted in a publicly accessible, browser-based web interface showcase that PRAC is capable of closing the loop from natural-language instructions to their execution by a robot

    High-Level Facade Image Interpretation using Marked Point Processes

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    In this thesis, we address facade image interpretation as one essential ingredient for the generation of high-detailed, semantic meaningful, three-dimensional city-models. Given a single rectified facade image, we detect relevant facade objects such as windows, entrances, and balconies, which yield a description of the image in terms of accurate position and size of these objects. Urban digital three-dimensional reconstruction and documentation is an active area of research with several potential applications, e.g., in the area of digital mapping for navigation, urban planning, emergency management, disaster control or the entertainment industry. A detailed building model which is not just a geometric object enriched with texture, allows for semantic requests as the number of floors or the location of balconies and entrances. Facade image interpretation is one essential step in order to yield such models. In this thesis, we propose the interpretation of facade images by combining evidence for the occurrence of individual object classes which we derive from data, and prior knowledge which guides the image interpretation in its entirety. We present a three-step procedure which generates features that are suited to describe relevant objects, learns a representation that is suited for object detection, and that enables the image interpretation using the results of object detection while incorporating prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects, which we learn from training data. According to these three sub-tasks, our major achievements are: We propose a novel method for facade image interpretation based on a marked point process. Therefor, we develop a model for the description of typical configurations of facade objects and propose an image interpretation system which combines evidence derived from data and prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects. In order to generate evidence from data, we propose a feature type which we call shapelets. They are scale invariant and provide large distinctiveness for facade objects. Segments of lines, arcs, and ellipses serve as basic features for the generation of shapelets. Therefor, we propose a novel line simplification approach which approximates given pixel-chains by a sequence of lines, circular, and elliptical arcs. Among others, it is based on an adaption to Douglas-Peucker's algorithm, which is based on circles as basic geometric elements We evaluate each step separately. We show the effects of polyline segmentation and simplification on several images with comparable good or even better results, referring to a state-of-the-art algorithm, which proves their large distinctiveness for facade objects. Using shapelets we provide a reasonable classification performance on a challenging dataset, including intra-class variations, clutter, and scale changes. Finally, we show promising results for the facade interpretation system on several datasets and provide a qualitative evaluation which demonstrates the capability of complete and accurate detection of facade objectsHigh-Level Interpretation von Fassaden-Bildern unter Benutzung von Markierten PunktprozessenDas Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Interpretation von Fassadenbildern als wesentlicher Beitrag zur Erstellung hoch detaillierter, semantisch reichhaltiger dreidimensionaler Stadtmodelle. In rektifizierten Einzelaufnahmen von Fassaden detektieren wir relevante Objekte wie Fenster, Türen und Balkone, um daraus eine Bildinterpretation in Form von präzisen Positionen und Größen dieser Objekte abzuleiten. Die digitale dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion urbaner Regionen ist ein aktives Forschungsfeld mit zahlreichen Anwendungen, beispielsweise der Herstellung digitaler Kartenwerke für Navigation, Stadtplanung, Notfallmanagement, Katastrophenschutz oder die Unterhaltungsindustrie. Detaillierte Gebäudemodelle, die nicht nur als geometrische Objekte repräsentiert und durch eine geeignete Textur visuell ansprechend dargestellt werden, erlauben semantische Anfragen, wie beispielsweise nach der Anzahl der Geschosse oder der Position der Balkone oder Eingänge. Die semantische Interpretation von Fassadenbildern ist ein wesentlicher Schritt für die Erzeugung solcher Modelle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit lösen wir diese Aufgabe, indem wir aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz für das Vorkommen einzelner Objekte mit Vorwissen kombinieren, das die Analyse der gesamten Bildinterpretation steuert. Wir präsentieren dafür ein dreistufiges Verfahren: Wir erzeugen Bildmerkmale, die für die Beschreibung der relevanten Objekte geeignet sind. Wir lernen, auf Basis abgeleiteter Merkmale, eine Repräsentation dieser Objekte. Schließlich realisieren wir die Bildinterpretation basierend auf der zuvor gelernten Repräsentation und dem Vorwissen über typische Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten, welches wir aus Trainingsdaten ableiten. Wir leisten dazu die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Beiträge: Wir schlagen eine neuartige Me-thode zur Interpretation von Fassadenbildern vor, die einen sogenannten markierten Punktprozess verwendet. Dafür entwickeln wir ein Modell zur Beschreibung typischer Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten und entwickeln ein Bildinterpretationssystem, welches aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz und a priori Wissen über typische Fassadenkonfigurationen kombiniert. Für die Erzeugung der Evidenz stellen wir Merkmale vor, die wir Shapelets nennen und die skaleninvariant und durch eine ausgesprochene Distinktivität im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte gekennzeichnet sind. Als Basismerkmale für die Erzeugung der Shapelets dienen Linien-, Kreis- und Ellipsensegmente. Dafür stellen wir eine neuartige Methode zur Vereinfachung von Liniensegmenten vor, die eine Pixelkette durch eine Sequenz von geraden Linienstücken und elliptischen Bogensegmenten approximiert. Diese basiert unter anderem auf einer Adaption des Douglas-Peucker Algorithmus, die anstelle gerader Linienstücke, Bogensegmente als geometrische Basiselemente verwendet. Wir evaluieren jeden dieser drei Teilschritte separat. Wir zeigen Ergebnisse der Liniensegmen-tierung anhand verschiedener Bilder und weisen dabei vergleichbare und teilweise verbesserte Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu bestehende Verfahren nach. Für die vorgeschlagenen Shapelets weisen wir in der Evaluation ihre diskriminativen Eigenschaften im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte nach. Wir erzeugen auf einem anspruchsvollen Datensatz von skalenvariablen Fassadenobjekten, mit starker Variabilität der Erscheinung innerhalb der Klassen, vielversprechende Klassifikationsergebnisse, die die Verwendbarkeit der gelernten Shapelets für die weitere Interpretation belegen. Schließlich zeigen wir Ergebnisse der Interpretation der Fassadenstruktur anhand verschiedener Datensätze. Die qualitative Evaluation demonstriert die Fähigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Lösungsansatzes zur vollständigen und präzisen Detektion der genannten Fassadenobjekte

    Learning Random Field Models For Computer Vision

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    Random fields are among the most popular models in computer vision due to their ability to model statistical interdependence between individual variables. Three key issues in the application of random fields to a given problem are (i) defining appropriate graph structures that represent the underlying task, (ii) finding suitable functions over the graph that encode certain preferences, and (iii) performing inference efficiently on the resulting model to obtain a solution. While a large body of recent research has been devoted to the last issue, this thesis will focus on the first two. We first study them in the context of three well-known low-level vision problems, namely image denoising, stereo vision, and optical flow, and demonstrate the benefit of using more appropriate graph structures and learning more suitable potential functions. Moreover we extend our study to landmark classification, a problem in the high-level vision domain where random field models have rarely been used. We show that higher classification accuracy can be achieved by considering multiple images jointly as a random field instead of regarding them as separate entities

    Structured representation learning from complex data

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    This thesis advances several theoretical and practical aspects of the recently introduced restricted Boltzmann machine - a powerful probabilistic and generative framework for modelling data and learning representations. The contributions of this study represent a systematic and common theme in learning structured representations from complex data