18 research outputs found

    Productivity Analysis on Real-time Path Monitoring of Dumps

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    ��� ��������������� GIS ��������� ������ Global Map��� ������������ ��������������� ������������ ��������� ������������, ��������� ������������ ������ ��������������� GPS (Global Positioning System)��� ������������ ��������� ��������� ������, ������, ������, ������������ Data��� ������������ ��������� ��������������� ������������, Data��������������� ��������� ��������� ������������ ������ ������ ��������� ������������ ������������������ ��������� ��������������� ��������������� ������ ������ ��������������� ��������� ��� ��������� ��������� ������ ��� ������ 30%������ ������ ��������� ������ ��� ��� ���������. This study check the construction site and borrow pit location using GIS-based Open Global Map. Construction Equipment (Dump, Grader) utilizes the GPS (Global Positioning System) to gain equipment`s real-time position, speed, altitude, using the data such as directions to perform real-time monitoring. The analysis of the productivity is completed through using the data, and the optimal number of equipment is calculated. It was found that the analysis results showed approximately 30% less cost compared to the actual design plan.��� ��������� ��������������� ������������������������(������������ : 14SCIPB079344-01)��� ��������� ��������� ������ ���������������

    Designing Digital Topography: Opportunities for Greater Efficiency with a Primitives and Operators Approach

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    This paper focuses on characterizing proposed human-built topographic forms and describing them parametrically. Two basic approaches exist for characterizing shape algorithmically: parametric descriptions, which describe discrete geometries, and non-parametric methods, which for the most part work on fields. This paper offers a brief overview of the range of parametric modeling options for topography, a set of criteria that need to be fulfilled for any successful landform design system, and a primitives and operators approach that offers some specific advantages in the AMG context

    Real-time task attributes and temporal constraints

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    Real-time tasks need attributes for monitoring their execution and performing recovery actions in case of failures. Temporal constraints are a class of real-time task attributes where the constraints relate the status of the task to temporal entities. Violating temporal constraints can produce consequences of unknown severity. This paper is part of our on-going research on real-time multi agent systems constraints. We discuss the importance of temporal constraints and present a task model that explicitly represents temporal constraints. We also present our preliminary results from our initial implementation in the domain of Meeting Schedules Management involving multiple users assisted by agents

    Decreasing time-waste in production through digitalization

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    The low productivity of the construction industry has been in the headlines for years and now companies are waking up in the reality and become interested in enhancing the productivity. Lean theory enables to find waste sources in production and to replace non-value-added activities by value-adding activities. In the construction environment, the challenges are cyclical nature of construction, continuously changing working group, unstable environment and connection problems on construction site. Waste happens constantly and this research focuses in time-waste caused by lack of communication and real-time information flow. The research was limited to building phase, when work is ongoing on construction site. The research has two parts: literature review and empirical research. The literature review concerns communication and technological solutions concerning communication, defines waste and especially time-waste, and explores existing research concerning productivity and communication on a construction site. Empirical research is design science research observing current situation of a case company by interviewing and piloting. The first phase was interviewing and the questions were based on existing problems according to the literature and own experience. Interviewees were 32 including site workers, site managers, responsible site managers, and construction managers. Additionally, to the interviews, a survey was sent for site managers and responsible site managers to get more quantitative results. The objective of the interviews and survey was to chart nowadays’ situations of what kind of factors cause time-waste, use of digital tools to support work, information flow, and communication. The major time-waste causes and factors affecting information flow were found by way of interviews. According to the interviewees, time is wasted because of poor planning, searching materials and people, and working places’ unreadiness. In addition, many does neither use phones on a construction site nor pass the information in real-time. The solution proposals try to ease to make real-time observations, enhance informing, and decrease time used in searching

    Real-time motion planning and simulation of cranes in construction

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    Real-time planning the motion of heavy equipment (e.g. cranes) is an important issue in construction projects, where rapid and accurate planning directly affects the safety and productivity of operation. The work presented in this thesis is directed towards automatically generating an accurate motion plan in space and time for cranes by: (1) Investigating and utilizing motion planning algorithms to generate feasible paths with respect to all considered constraints; (2) Extending the efficiency of motion planning under complex global constraints (Le. geometrical constraints) that represent static and dynamic obstacles found in the construction site; and (3) Considering local constraints that are related to the stability of the crane itself. Local constraints include engineering constraints (e.g. workloads for cranes) in addition to kinematic and dynamic constraints for the crane joints. The methodology presented in this thesis was applied to develop a specialized motion planning system for construction equipment called Intelligent Construction Equipment motion Planner (ICE-Planner). This system was integrated into the 3D software to define, solve and visualize motion planning in real time. The proposed methodology provides: (1) A motion planning framework for supporting cranes with the ability of generalizing over different types of equipment; (2) practical equipment planning which is aware of local constraints derived from engineering and kinematics properties of the equipment itself; (3) more accurate and realistic motion planning with efficiency in re-planning dynamic cases found in actual sites; and (4) the ability of visualizing and simulating motion planning results in real-time

    Plataforma de simulação em Repast Simphony para análise da divulgação de novas ideias em mercado

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    Modelação e simulação baseadas em agentes estão a ganhar cada vez mais importância e adeptos devido à sua flexibilidade e potencialidade em reproduzir comportamentos e estudar um sistema na perspetiva global ou das interações individuais. Neste trabalho, criou-se um sistema baseado em agentes e desenvolvido em Repast Simphony com o objectivo de analisar a difusão de um novo produto ou serviço através de uma rede de potenciais clientes, tentando compreender, assim, como ocorre e quanto tempo demora esta passagem de informação (inovação) com diversas topologias de rede, no contato direto entre pessoas. A simulação baseia-se no conceito da existencia de iniciadores, que são os primeiros consumidores a adotar um produto quando este chega ao mercado e os seguidores, que são os potenciais consumidores que, apesar de terem alguma predisposição para adotar um novo produto, normalmente só o fazem depois de terem sido sujeitos a algum tipo de influência. Com a aplicação criada, simularam-se diversas situações com a finalidade de obter e observar os resultados gerados a partir de definições iniciais diferentes. Com os resultados gerados pelas simulações foram criados gráficos representativos dos diversos cenários. A finalidade prática desta aplicação, poderá ser o seu uso em sala de aula para simulação de casos de estudo e utilização, em casos reais, como ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão, das empresas.Modeling and agent-based simulation are increasingly gaining importance and supporters due to its flexibility and capability to reproduce behaviors and study a system in the global perspective of the individual interaction. In this work, an agent-based system has been created and developed in Repast Simphony in order to analyze the diffusion of a new product or service through a network of potential customers while trying to understand how it happens and how long it takes to pass the information (innovation) among people using various network topologies, through direct contact among people. The simulation is based on the concept of the existence of starters, which are the first consumers to adopt a product when it hits the market and the followers, who are potential consumers who, despite having some predisposition to adopt a new product, usually only do it after they have been subject to some sort of influence. With the system, different situations were simulated in order to attain and observe the results generated from different initial settings. With the generated results through the simulations, graphics were created to express the results of the various scenarios. The practical purposes of this application are its use in a classroom context for simulation of case studies, and its use in real cases as a tool to support decision making in companies

    Information Technology and Human Factors to Enhance Design and Constructability Review Processes in Construction

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    abstract: Emerging information and communication technology (ICT) has had an enormous effect on the building architecture, engineering, construction and operation (AECO) fields in recent decades. The effects have resonated in several disciplines, such as project information flow, design representation and communication, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) approaches. However, these effects can potentially impact communication and coordination of the virtual design contents in both design and construction phases. Therefore, and with the great potential for emerging technologies in construction projects, it is essential to understand how these technologies influence virtual design information within the organizations as well as individuals’ behaviors. This research focusses on understanding current emerging technologies and its impacts on projects virtual design information and communication among projects stakeholders within the AECO organizations.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 201

    Improving crane safety by agent-based dynamic motion planning using UWB real-time location system

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    The safe operation of cranes requires not only the experience of the operator, but also sufficient and appropriate support in real time. Due to the dynamic nature of construction sites, unexpected changes in the site layout may create new obstacles for the crane that can result in collisions and accidents. Limited research has been done on efficient re-planning for cranes with near real-time environment updating while considering communications between construction crews. To improve the safety of mobile crane operations and to provide more awareness on site, the present research proposes a near real-time monitoring and motion planning approach to improve crane safety on construction sites using an ultra wideband (UWB) real-time location system (RTLS) technology. In addition, an agent system framework is proposed to guide crane operators for safe crane operations by enhancing environment awareness and by providing intelligent re-planning. Location data are collected from tags attached to cranes and are processed by the agent system to identify the poses of dynamic objects, which is used to generate a new motion plan to guide the crane movement and thus to avoid potential collision. A motion planning algorithm, RRT-Con-Con-Mod, is proposed to efficiently generate safe and smooth paths for crane motions, mainly for the boom movement, while taking into account the engineering constraints and the path quality. A dynamic motion planning algorithm, DRRT-Con-Con-Mod, is proposed to ensure safety during the execution phase by quickly re-planning and avoiding collisions. In addition, an anytime algorithm is proposed to search for better solutions during a given time period by improving the path smoothness and by reducing the path execution time. The proposed algorithms are compared with other motion planning and re-planning algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithms can quickly find a safe and smooth motion plan. Several tests of a UWB system have been applied in the laboratory and in indoor and outdoor environments to investigate the requirements of applying UWB on construction sites, that is, requirements including accuracy, visibility, scalability, and real-time. To satisfy these requirements, the configuration of the UWB system has been analyzed in detail to decide the sensors’ and tags’ locations and numbers based on heuristic rules. These tests show a good potential for using UWB tracking technology in construction sites by processing and organizing location data into useful information for near real-time environment updating. Furthermore, the framework of an agent system is proposed to integrate the proposed methodologies of motion planning and near real-time tracking. Different agents are created to represent the equipment, to coordinate tasks, and to update the site information. The functions of these agents include exchanging information, deciding priorities, etc. The current research will benefit the construction industry by providing more awareness of dynamic construction site conditions, a safer and more efficient work site, and more reliable decision support based on good communications

    Enhanced Path Planning Method for Improving Safety and Productivity of Excavation Operations

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    Improving safety and productivity of earthwork operations is of paramount importance, especially in congested sites where collisions are more probable. Real-time Location Systems and Automated Machine Guidance and Control technologies are expected to improve both safety and productivity of earthwork operations by providing excavator operators a higher level of support regarding the path planning of excavators based on site conditions. However, in spite of the large number of studies related to automated path planning of excavators using well established algorithms from robotics, such as Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM), these studies do not fully consider the engineering constrains of the equipment and do not result in smooth and optimal paths that can be applied in practice. This research aims to improve the path planning of excavators in a congested site where the speed of the algorithm and the quality of the path significantly influence the overall performance of the earthwork operations. The proposed method is implemented and tested in Unity 3D game engine environment for visualization and verification purposes. The efficiency of the proposed method in generating a collision-free path, which can ensure improved productivity, is verified both quantitatively and visually. The comparative results with other recent and modified versions of the RRT algorithm show that the proposed algorithm is able to find a higher quality path in a shorter time