676,181 research outputs found

    Promising Practices: BPA&O Collaboration with One-Stop Centers, Part I. Co-location of One Stop and BPA&O Services: Resource Partnership (Massachusetts)

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    The 1997 Workforce Investment Act reformed the national workforce development system and created One Stop Employment Centers in each state. As part of this reform, state vocational rehabilitation agencies and other employment services are brought together to serve individuals with employment training and support needs, including individuals with disabilities. This brief describes a successful partnership between a Social Security Administration-funded Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPAO) project and a One Stop agency in Western Massachusetts. The collaboration has resulted in mutual benefit for the agencies and for the One Stop recipients

    Tax Evasion in Interrelated Taxes

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    In 1969, Shoup postulated that the presence of interrelated taxes in a tax system would reinforce the system of tax penalty ("self-reinforcing penalty system of taxes"). In this paper, we have tried to formally develop this idea. We find that in order that tax re-enforcement holds, it is necessary that the interrelated taxes are administered by a single tax administration, or in the case that they are administered by different tax administrations, the level of collaboration between them has to be high enough. If that is the case, tax evasion in interrelated taxes might be considered as an alternative explanation of the existing gap between the levels of tax evasion that can be guessed in practice and those much lower predicted by the classical theory of tax evasion (Allingham and Sandmo, 1972; Yitzhaki, 1974). Otherwise, the result expected by Shoup might even reverse. Moreover, as long as collaboration is imperfect, the classical results of the comparative statics might change, since in some cases although global tax compliance increases in front of a variation in a tax parameter, it can decrease in a tax.Tax Evasion

    Standpipe maintenance in Luanda, Angola

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    This paper describes the experience of a community-based standpost maintenance system which was pilot-tested at 17 standposts in Luanda, Angola. The system was implemented with the joint collaboration of: the standpost users, the Provincial Water Company (EPAL), the Rangel Municipal Administration and the NGO Development Workshop (DW)

    Investigating Innovative Models of Governance and Collaboration for Effective Public Administration in a Multi-Stakeholder Landscape

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    This thesis investigates innovative models of governance and collaboration in public administration to address the complexities of a multi-stakeholder landscape. The study explores the principles, characteristics, types, benefits, and challenges of collaborative governance, public-private partnerships, networked governance, and cross-sectoral collaboration. The research utilizes qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews, surveys, and document analysis, to gather comprehensive insights. The findings showcase the importance of embracing new approaches that involve government agencies, private sector organizations, and civil society groups working together to tackle complex societal challenges. Tables present the key elements of each model, providing a visual comparison of their features and real-world applications. Additionally, the study highlights evaluation frameworks, such as the Logic Model, Results-Based Management (RBM), Theory of Change, Impact Evaluation, and Utilization-Focused Evaluation, to assess effectiveness and measure impact. The thesis contributes to the field of public administration by emphasizing the significance of collaborative governance and cross-sectoral collaboration. The research provides insights for policymakers, public administrators, and practitioners to adopt effective approaches in addressing challenges and achieving desired outcomes. By embracing innovative models of governance and collaboration, public administration can foster cooperation, inclusivity, and collective problem-solving among stakeholders. The study concludes with a call for further research and implementation of these approaches to create a resilient, responsive, and sustainable public administration system that delivers meaningful impact to society

    E-Administration as a Way of Increasing the Managerial Capacity in Public Sector

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    This paper deals with a developing concept, that of public sector reform, and explores it within the boundaries of e-administration practices. International competition and internal raising expectations have lead governments across the world to reconfigure their relationships with the surrounding environments. In doing so, they mostly switched to a newer paradigm, based not on affirmation and mechanical theories, but on the concept of a living, biological system. Following this trend, many governments and their subsequent organizations choose to become flexible and decentralized, to recognize once again the importance of horizontal collaboration and internal partnerships and to value information. In this trend, ITC represents one of the modern instruments that may help implementing democracy and developing current public services as well as educational systems. Fully aware of the need for a revolution in the organizational culture of public administration and of a transition towards a horizontal, service-oriented administration with intensive information exchange among all its partners, Romania has adopted the European vision on e-government and e-governance, preparing itself for a complete transformation that the new technologies both produce and allow. In this context, 'The Government’s Strategy concerning the National Action Plan e-administration', enacted in October 2001 by the Romanian Parliament supports the European idea of getting the governance closer to its citizens. As this vision is described within the paper, the authors will analyze the Romanian solutions to increasing administrative efficiency. In doing so, the most relevant scientific contributions to defining the 'e-administration' concept are to be summarized and implications of its content, exercised against a Romanian backgroundpublic sector reform, e-administration, ITC

    Structured Land Domain Modeling for Sustainable Land Administration in Sri Lanka

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    Developing countries face challenges in identifying suitable land due to insufficient administration systems, leading to governance issues and economic decline. A well-functioning land administration system is crucial for development. This technical paper elaborates an easy pathway to develop a local land administration Domains toward an effective and efficient Land Administration. Introduction of Land Fabric Domain (LFD) and the Localized Land Domains (LLD), are new concept for structuring of land parcels at comparatively low accuracy but well-defined topologically adjusted feature classes to manipulate as electronic information base to sustain the national land administration, real estate management and spatial data infrastructure development. The system architecture designs and the descriptive feature class overview elaborate the land administration system developers to begin their own LLD systems and interactive collaboration with national domains in order to manage overall system compatibility and consistency. The research focuses on the land information system (LIS) currently maintained and operated by the Survey Department and national issues in sustainable land administration of the country. Research focuses to analyze the prevailing process and outcomes of the LIS and introduces possible successive system architectures for implementation. The introductory LFD will be discussed against the feature topology on the basis of geospatial data science and then detailed feature classification will further be discussed accommodating entity relation diagrams. Proposed LLD with process architecture models will be conceptualized for successive implementation. The localized land domains will be structured and interactively linked through national LADM ISO-19152 guidelines for sustainable land administration of the country

    Essential Programs and Services Report of Findings: System Administration Component

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    SUMMARY This analysis of the System Administration component of Maine’s Essential Programs and Services school funding model was prepared for the Commissioner of Education as part of the ongoing review of the cost formula, as required by Maine statute. Specific elements for analysis were determined in collaboration with the Maine Department of Education

    Reducing the risks to health: the role of social protection: report of the Social Protection Task Group for the Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post 2010.

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    We demonstrate that the introduction of social protection systems as well as their generosity and coverage have significant impacts on health. Who receives the benefits within the household affects the health outcomes for the family. The eligibility for and administration of benefits matters. We examine the growth of means testing in the UK and its recent modifications. We find serious difficulties facing those with long term medical conditions who are on the margins of the labour force. Collaboration between the health and social protection systems is poor. We give particular attention to gender and health and the implications this has for the social protection system. We also consider the fate of groups like asylum seekers who are excluded from its normal working.

    Data Model for the Collaboration between Land Administration Systems and Agricultural Land Parcel Identification Systems

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    The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU) has dramatically changed after 1992, and from then on forward the CAP focussed on the management of direct income subsidies instead of production-based subsidies. For this purpose, Member States (MS) are expected to establish Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), including a Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) as the spatial part of IACS. Different MS have chosen different solutions for their LPIS. Currently, some MS based their IACS/LPIS on data from their Land Administration Systems (LAS), and many others use purpose built special systems for their IACS/LPIS. The issue with different IACS/LPIS is that they do not have standardized structures; rather, each represents a unique design in each MS, both in the case of LAS or special systems. In this study, we aim at designing a core data model for those IACS/LPIS based on LAS. For this purpose, we make use of the ongoing standardization initiatives for LAS (Land Administration Domain Model: LADM) and IACS/LPIS (LPIS Core Model: LCM). The data model we propose in this study implies the collaboration between LADM and LCM and includes some extensions. Some basic issues with the collaboration model are discussed within this study: registration of farmers, land use rights and farming limitations, geometry/topology, temporal data management etc. For further explanation of the model structure, sample instance level diagrams illustrating some typical situations are included. Key words: CAP, Rural Land Administration, IACS/LPIS, LADM, LCM, Standardization.JRC.H.4-Monitoring Agricultural Resource

    Collaboration or Collusion? The New Era of Commercial Online Resources for Students in the Digital Age: an Opinion Piece

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    The purpose of this paper is to share online resources available to students at a global level, to include healthcare administration programs and any other course of study. While somewhat daunting in nature, this editorial offers faculty of healthcare administration (and other related programs of study) the opportunity to explore what course materials (of any format) may be posted to commercial external websites by current and/or previous students for ongoing collaboration among academic cohorts. Findings include an opportunity for students in any program, at any level, to post individual and/or copyrighted course materials on public, external websites, often with an underlying motivation of financial remuneration for their efforts. Best practices for identifying individual course resources posted externally to the course are provided, while a potential solution for more effective and productive collaboration within the course and the internal course online learning management system is offered
