11 research outputs found

    Toward Open-Set Face Recognition

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    Much research has been conducted on both face identification and face verification, with greater focus on the latter. Research on face identification has mostly focused on using closed-set protocols, which assume that all probe images used in evaluation contain identities of subjects that are enrolled in the gallery. Real systems, however, where only a fraction of probe sample identities are enrolled in the gallery, cannot make this closed-set assumption. Instead, they must assume an open set of probe samples and be able to reject/ignore those that correspond to unknown identities. In this paper, we address the widespread misconception that thresholding verification-like scores is a good way to solve the open-set face identification problem, by formulating an open-set face identification protocol and evaluating different strategies for assessing similarity. Our open-set identification protocol is based on the canonical labeled faces in the wild (LFW) dataset. Additionally to the known identities, we introduce the concepts of known unknowns (known, but uninteresting persons) and unknown unknowns (people never seen before) to the biometric community. We compare three algorithms for assessing similarity in a deep feature space under an open-set protocol: thresholded verification-like scores, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores, and an extreme value machine (EVM) probabilities. Our findings suggest that thresholding EVM probabilities, which are open-set by design, outperforms thresholding verification-like scores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in CVPR 2017 Biometrics Worksho

    Enhancing fingerprint biometrics in Automated Border Control with adaptive cohorts

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    Automated Border Control (ABC) systems are being increasingly used to perform a fast, accurate, and reliable verification of the travelers' identity. These systems use biometric technologies to verify the identity of the person crossing the border. In this context, fingerprint verification systems are widely adopted due to their high accuracy and user acceptance. Matching score normalization methods can improve the performance of fingerprint recognition in ABC systems and mitigate the effect of non-idealities typical of this scenario without modifying the existing biometric technologies. However, privacy protection regulations restrict the use of biometric data captured in ABC systems and can compromise the applicability of these techniques. Cohort score normalization methods based only on impostor scores provide a suitable solution, due to their limited use of sensible data and to their promising performance. In this paper, we propose a privacy-compliant and adaptive normalization approach for enhancing fingerprint recognition in ABC systems. The proposed approach computes cohort scores from an external public dataset and uses computational intelligence to learn and improve the matching score distribution. The use of a public dataset permits to apply cohort normalization strategies in contexts in which privacy protection regulations restrict the storage of biometric data. We performed a technological and a scenario evaluation using a commercial matcher currently adopted in real ABC systems and we used data simulating different conditions typical of ABC systems, obtaining encouraging results

    Advanced Techniques for Face Recognition under Challenging Environments

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    Automatically recognizing faces captured under uncontrolled environments has always been a challenging topic in the past decades. In this work, we investigate cohort score normalization that has been widely used in biometric verification as means to improve the robustness of face recognition under challenging environments. In particular, we introduce cohort score normalization into undersampled face recognition problem. Further, we develop an effective cohort normalization method specifically for the unconstrained face pair matching problem. Extensive experiments conducted on several well known face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of cohort normalization on these challenging scenarios. In addition, to give a proper understanding of cohort behavior, we study the impact of the number and quality of cohort samples on the normalization performance. The experimental results show that bigger cohort set size gives more stable and often better results to a point before the performance saturates. And cohort samples with different quality indeed produce different cohort normalization performance. Recognizing faces gone after alterations is another challenging problem for current face recognition algorithms. Face image alterations can be roughly classified into two categories: unintentional (e.g., geometrics transformations introduced by the acquisition devide) and intentional alterations (e.g., plastic surgery). We study the impact of these alterations on face recognition accuracy. Our results show that state-of-the-art algorithms are able to overcome limited digital alterations but are sensitive to more relevant modifications. Further, we develop two useful descriptors for detecting those alterations which can significantly affect the recognition performance. In the end, we propose to use the Structural Similarity (SSIM) quality map to detect and model variations due to plastic surgeries. Extensive experiments conducted on a plastic surgery face database demonstrate the potential of SSIM map for matching face images after surgeries

    Advanced Biometric Technologies: Emerging Scenarios and Research Trends

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    Biometric systems are the ensemble of devices, procedures, and algorithms for the automatic recognition of individuals by means of their physiological or behavioral characteristics. Although biometric systems are traditionally used in high-security applications, recent advancements are enabling the application of these systems in less-constrained conditions with non-ideal samples and with real-time performance. Consequently, biometric technologies are being increasingly used in a wide variety of emerging application scenarios, including public infrastructures, e-government, humanitarian services, and user-centric applications. This chapter introduces recent biometric technologies, reviews emerging scenarios for biometric recognition, and discusses research trends


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    Il termine Ambient Intelligence (AmI) si riferisce a un ambiente in grado di riconoscere e rispondere alla presenza di diversi individui in modo trasparente, non intrusivo e spesso invisibile. In questo tipo di ambiente, le persone sono circondate da interfacce uomo macchina intuitive e integrate in oggetti di ogni tipo. Gli scopi dell\u2019AmI sono quelli di fornire un supporto ai servizi efficiente e di facile utilizzo per accrescere le potenzialit\ue0 degli individui e migliorare l\u2019interazioni uomo-macchina. Le tecnologie di AmI possono essere impiegate in contesti come uffici (smart offices), case (smart homes), ospedali (smart hospitals) e citt\ue0 (smart cities). Negli scenari di AmI, i sistemi biometrici rappresentano tecnologie abilitanti al fine di progettare servizi personalizzati per individui e gruppi di persone. La biometria \ue8 la scienza che si occupa di stabilire l\u2019identit\ue0 di una persona o di una classe di persone in base agli attributi fisici o comportamentali dell\u2019individuo. Le applicazioni tipiche dei sistemi biometrici includono: controlli di sicurezza, controllo delle frontiere, controllo fisico dell\u2019accesso e autenticazione per dispositivi elettronici. Negli scenari basati su AmI, le tecnologie biometriche devono funzionare in condizioni non controllate e meno vincolate rispetto ai sistemi biometrici comunemente impiegati. Inoltre, in numerosi scenari applicativi, potrebbe essere necessario utilizzare tecniche in grado di funzionare in modo nascosto e non cooperativo. In questo tipo di applicazioni, i campioni biometrici spesso presentano una bassa qualit\ue0 e i metodi di riconoscimento biometrici allo stato dell\u2019arte potrebbero ottenere prestazioni non soddisfacenti. \uc8 possibile distinguere due modi per migliorare l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e la diffusione delle tecnologie biometriche negli scenari basati su AmI. Il primo modo consiste nel progettare tecnologie biometriche innovative che siano in grado di funzionare in modo robusto con campioni acquisiti in condizioni non ideali e in presenza di rumore. Il secondo modo consiste nel progettare approcci biometrici multimodali innovativi, in grado di sfruttare a proprio vantaggi tutti i sensori posizionati in un ambiente generico, al fine di ottenere un\u2019elevata accuratezza del riconoscimento ed effettuare autenticazioni continue o periodiche in modo non intrusivo. Il primo obiettivo di questa tesi \ue8 la progettazione di sistemi biometrici innovativi e scarsamente vincolati in grado di migliorare, rispetto allo stato dell\u2019arte attuale, la qualit\ue0 delle tecniche di interazione uomo-macchine in diversi scenari applicativi basati su AmI. Il secondo obiettivo riguarda la progettazione di approcci innovativi per migliorare l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e l\u2019integrazione di tecnologie biometriche eterogenee negli scenari che utilizzano AmI. In particolare, questa tesi considera le tecnologie biometriche basate su impronte digitali, volto, voce e sistemi multimodali. Questa tesi presenta le seguenti ricerche innovative: \u2022 un metodo per il riconoscimento del parlatore tramite la voce in applicazioni che usano AmI; \u2022 un metodo per la stima dell\u2019et\ue0 dell\u2019individuo da campioni acquisiti in condizioni non-ideali nell\u2019ambito di scenari basati su AmI; \u2022 un metodo per accrescere l\u2019accuratezza del riconoscimento biometrico in modo protettivo della privacy e basato sulla normalizzazione degli score biometrici tramite l\u2019analisi di gruppi di campioni simili tra loro; \u2022 un approccio per la fusione biometrica multimodale indipendente dalla tecnologia utilizzata, in grado di combinare tratti biometrici eterogenei in scenari basati su AmI; \u2022 un approccio per l\u2019autenticazione continua multimodale in applicazioni che usano AmI. Le tecnologie biometriche innovative progettate e descritte in questa tesi sono state validate utilizzando diversi dataset biometrici (sia pubblici che acquisiti in laboratorio), i quali simulano le condizioni che si possono verificare in applicazioni di AmI. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato la realizzabilit\ue0 degli approcci studiati e hanno mostrato che i metodi progettati aumentano l\u2019accuratezza, l\u2019applicabilit\ue0 e l\u2019usabilit\ue0 delle tecnologie biometriche rispetto allo stato dell\u2019arte negli scenari basati su AmI.Ambient Intelligence (AmI) refers to an environment capable of recognizing and responding to the presence of different individuals in a seamless, unobtrusive and often invisible way. In this environment, people are surrounded by intelligent intuitive interfaces that are embedded in all kinds of objects. The goals of AmI are to provide greater user-friendliness, more efficient services support, user-empowerment, and support for human interactions. Examples of AmI scenarios are smart cities, smart homes, smart offices, and smart hospitals. In AmI, biometric technologies represent enabling technologies to design personalized services for individuals or groups of people. Biometrics is the science of establishing the identity of an individual or a class of people based on the physical, or behavioral attributes of the person. Common applications include: security checks, border controls, access control to physical places, and authentication to electronic devices. In AmI, biometric technologies should work in uncontrolled and less-constrained conditions with respect to traditional biometric technologies. Furthermore, in many application scenarios, it could be required to adopt covert and non-cooperative technologies. In these non-ideal conditions, the biometric samples frequently present poor quality, and state-of-the-art biometric technologies can obtain unsatisfactory performance. There are two possible ways to improve the applicability and diffusion of biometric technologies in AmI. The first one consists in designing novel biometric technologies robust to samples acquire in noisy and non-ideal conditions. The second one consists in designing novel multimodal biometric approaches that are able to take advantage from all the sensors placed in a generic environment in order to achieve high recognition accuracy and to permit to perform continuous or periodic authentications in an unobtrusive manner. The first goal of this thesis is to design innovative less-constrained biometric systems, which are able to improve the quality of the human-machine interaction in different AmI environments with respect to the state-of-the-art technologies. The second goal is to design novel approaches to improve the applicability and integration of heterogeneous biometric systems in AmI. In particular, the thesis considers technologies based on fingerprint, face, voice, and multimodal biometrics. This thesis presents the following innovative research studies: \u2022 a method for text-independent speaker identification in AmI applications; \u2022 a method for age estimation from non-ideal samples acquired in AmI scenarios; \u2022 a privacy-compliant cohort normalization technique to increase the accuracy of already deployed biometric systems; \u2022 a technology-independent multimodal fusion approach to combine heterogeneous traits in AmI scenarios; \u2022 a multimodal continuous authentication approach for AmI applications. The designed novel biometric technologies have been tested on different biometric datasets (both public and collected in our laboratory) simulating the acquisitions performed in AmI applications. Results proved the feasibility of the studied approaches and shown that the studied methods effectively increased the accuracy, applicability, and usability of biometric technologies in AmI with respect to the state-of-the-art

    Speaker Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Speaker recognition is applied in smart home devices, interactive voice response systems, call centers, online banking and payment solutions as well as in forensic scenarios. This dissertation is concerned with speaker recognition systems in unconstrained environments. Before this dissertation, research on making better decisions in unconstrained environments was insufficient. Aside from decision making, unconstrained environments imply two other subjects: security and privacy. Within the scope of this dissertation, these research subjects are regarded as both security against short-term replay attacks and privacy preservation within state-of-the-art biometric voice comparators in the light of a potential leak of biometric data. The aforementioned research subjects are united in this dissertation to sustain good decision making processes facing uncertainty from varying signal quality and to strengthen security as well as preserve privacy. Conventionally, biometric comparators are trained to classify between mated and non-mated reference,--,probe pairs under idealistic conditions but are expected to operate well in the real world. However, the more the voice signal quality degrades, the more erroneous decisions are made. The severity of their impact depends on the requirements of a biometric application. In this dissertation, quality estimates are proposed and employed for the purpose of making better decisions on average in a formalized way (quantitative method), while the specifications of decision requirements of a biometric application remain unknown. By using the Bayesian decision framework, the specification of application-depending decision requirements is formalized, outlining operating points: the decision thresholds. The assessed quality conditions combine ambient and biometric noise, both of which occurring in commercial as well as in forensic application scenarios. Dual-use (civil and governmental) technology is investigated. As it seems unfeasible to train systems for every possible signal degradation, a low amount of quality conditions is used. After examining the impact of degrading signal quality on biometric feature extraction, the extraction is assumed ideal in order to conduct a fair benchmark. This dissertation proposes and investigates methods for propagating information about quality to decision making. By employing quality estimates, a biometric system's output (comparison scores) is normalized in order to ensure that each score encodes the least-favorable decision trade-off in its value. Application development is segregated from requirement specification. Furthermore, class discrimination and score calibration performance is improved over all decision requirements for real world applications. In contrast to the ISOIEC 19795-1:2006 standard on biometric performance (error rates), this dissertation is based on biometric inference for probabilistic decision making (subject to prior probabilities and cost terms). This dissertation elaborates on the paradigm shift from requirements by error rates to requirements by beliefs in priors and costs. Binary decision error trade-off plots are proposed, interrelating error rates with prior and cost beliefs, i.e., formalized decision requirements. Verbal tags are introduced to summarize categories of least-favorable decisions: the plot's canvas follows from Bayesian decision theory. Empirical error rates are plotted, encoding categories of decision trade-offs by line styles. Performance is visualized in the latent decision subspace for evaluating empirical performance regarding changes in prior and cost based decision requirements. Security against short-term audio replay attacks (a collage of sound units such as phonemes and syllables) is strengthened. The unit-selection attack is posed by the ASVspoof 2015 challenge (English speech data), representing the most difficult to detect voice presentation attack of this challenge. In this dissertation, unit-selection attacks are created for German speech data, where support vector machine and Gaussian mixture model classifiers are trained to detect collage edges in speech representations based on wavelet and Fourier analyses. Competitive results are reached compared to the challenged submissions. Homomorphic encryption is proposed to preserve the privacy of biometric information in the case of database leakage. In this dissertation, log-likelihood ratio scores, representing biometric evidence objectively, are computed in the latent biometric subspace. Conventional comparators rely on the feature extraction to ideally represent biometric information, latent subspace comparators are trained to find ideal representations of the biometric information in voice reference and probe samples to be compared. Two protocols are proposed for the the two-covariance comparison model, a special case of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis. Log-likelihood ratio scores are computed in the encrypted domain based on encrypted representations of the biometric reference and probe. As a consequence, the biometric information conveyed in voice samples is, in contrast to many existing protection schemes, stored protected and without information loss. The first protocol preserves privacy of end-users, requiring one public/private key pair per biometric application. The latter protocol preserves privacy of end-users and comparator vendors with two key pairs. Comparators estimate the biometric evidence in the latent subspace, such that the subspace model requires data protection as well. In both protocols, log-likelihood ratio based decision making meets the requirements of the ISOIEC 24745:2011 biometric information protection standard in terms of unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability properties of the protected voice data

    Adaptive Client-Impostor Centric Score Normalization: A Case Study in Fingerprint Verification

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    Abstract — Cohort-based score normalization as examplified by the T-norm (for Test normalization) has been the state-of-the-art approach to account for the variability of signal quality in testing. On the other hand, user-specific score normalization such as the Z-norm and the F-norm, designed to handle variabil-ity in performance across different reference models, has also been shown to be very effective. Exploiting the strenghth of both approaches, this paper proposes a novel score normalization called adaptive F-norm, which is client-impostor centric, i.e., utilizing both the genuine and impostor score information, as well as adaptive, i.e, adaptive to the test condition thanks to the use of a pool of cohort models. Experiments based on the BioSecure DS2 database which contains 6 fingers of 415 subjects, each acquired using a thermal and an optical device, show that the proposed adaptive F-norm is better or at least as good as the other alternatives, including those recently proposed in the literature. I

    Seguimiento de locutor para autenticación biométrica en dispositivos móviles

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    Este proyecto consiste en el diseño de un sistema de seguimiento de locutor. El sistema recibe audio en tiempo real y, en caso de detectar voz, determina si esta es la de un usuario conocido o la de un impostor. Se procura que sus requerimientos de memoria y capacidad de procesado sean mínimos, para su uso en dispositivos móviles. La implementación se realiza en lenguaje Python, como parte de un entorno de trabajo que facilita el desarrollo continuado del mismo así como su evaluación. El sistema se basa en el esquema básico para realizar verificación de locutor, aplicando la tecnología UBM-GMM y utilizando coeficientes cepstrales de mel (MFCC) normalizados en media y varianza y normalización de puntuaciones en base a cohortes. Este esquema es descrito en la primera parte del documento. A continuación se presenta el diseño propuesto, que amplía dicho esquema para trabajar en tiempo real, y se detalla el proceso de desarrollo de cada parte del mismo. De igual manera, se presenta el entorno de trabajo creado. Finalmente, se presentan resultados obtenidos de acuerdo a las directrices de la convocatoria NIST SRE 2008 de evaluación de sistemas de biometría de voz, y se proponen varias lineas de investigación para la posible continuación del desarrollo. Abstract: This project consists on the design of a speaker tracking system. The system captures audio in real time and, if voice is detected, it must determine if the speaker is a known user or an impostor. Its memory and processing power requirements are sought to be minimum, in order to be implemented in mobile devices. The system is implemented in Python, as part of a environment that seeks to facilitate the subsequent development work. The system is based on the basic scheme of a speaker verification system based on UBM-GMM, using MFCCs normalized with the CMVN technique and cohort-based score normalization. This design is described in the first part of the document. Then the proposed design is presented, which extends said scheme to work on real time, and the development process is detailed. The implemented environment is also presented. Finally, results are shown for the NIST SRE 2008 evaluation of speaker recognition systems, and a number of lines of research are proposed