177 research outputs found

    Coherent multiple-antenna block-fading channels at finite blocklength

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    In this paper we consider a channel model that is often used to describe the mobile wireless scenario: multiple-antenna additive white Gaussian noise channels subject to random (fading) gain with full channel state information at the receiver. Dynamics of the fading process are approximated by a piecewise-constant process (frequency non-selective isotropic block fading). This work addresses the finite blocklength fundamental limits of this channel model. Specifically, we give a formula for the channel dispersion -- a quantity governing the delay required to achieve capacity. Multiplicative nature of the fading disturbance leads to a number of interesting technical difficulties that required us to enhance traditional methods for finding channel dispersion. Alas, one difficulty remains: the converse (impossibility) part of our result holds under an extra constraint on the growth of the peak-power with blocklength. Our results demonstrate, for example, that while capacities of nt×nrn_t\times n_r and nr×ntn_r \times n_t antenna configurations coincide (under fixed received power), the coding delay can be quite sensitive to this switch. For example, at the received SNR of 2020 dB the 16×10016\times 100 system achieves capacity with codes of length (delay) which is only 60%60\% of the length required for the 100×16100\times 16 system. Another interesting implication is that for the MISO channel, the dispersion-optimal coding schemes require employing orthogonal designs such as Alamouti's scheme -- a surprising observation considering the fact that Alamouti's scheme was designed for reducing demodulation errors, not improving coding rate. Finding these dispersion-optimal coding schemes naturally gives a criteria for producing orthogonal design-like inputs in dimensions where orthogonal designs do not exist

    Diversity versus Multiplexing at Finite Blocklength

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    A finite blocklenth analysis of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff is presented, based on nonasymptotic bounds on the maximum channel coding rate of multiple-antenna block-memoryless Rayleigh-fading channels.The bounds in this paper allow one to numerically assess for which packet size, number of antennas, and degree of channel selectivity, diversity-exploiting schemes are close to optimal, and when instead the available spatial degrees of freedom should be used to provide spatial multiplexing. This finite blocklength view on the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff provides insights on the design of delay-sensitive ultra-reliable communication links.Comment: Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Wirel. Comm. Syst. (ISWCS), Aug. 2014, to appea

    Low-Complexity Joint Channel Estimation and List Decoding of Short Codes

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    A pilot-assisted transmission (PAT) scheme is proposed for short blocklengths, where the pilots are used only to derive an initial channel estimate for the list construction step. The final decision of the message is obtained by applying a non-coherent decoding metric to the codewords composing the list. This allows one to use very few pilots, thus reducing the channel estimation overhead. The method is applied to an ordered statistics decoder for communication over a Rayleigh block-fading channel. Gains of up to 1.21.2 dB as compared to traditional PAT schemes are demonstrated for short codes with QPSK signaling. The approach can be generalized to other list decoders, e.g., to list decoding of polar codes.Comment: Accepted at the 12th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC 2019), Rostock, German

    Optimizing Pilot Overhead for Ultra-Reliable Short-Packet Transmission

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    In this paper we optimize the pilot overhead for ultra-reliable short-packet transmission and investigate the dependence of this overhead on packet size and error probability. In particular, we consider a point-to-point communication in which one sensor sends messages to a central node, or base-station, over AWGN with Rayleigh fading channel. We formalize the optimization in terms of approximate achievable rates at a given block length, pilot length, and error probability. This leads to more accurate pilot overhead optimization. Simulation results show that it is important to take into account the packet size and the error probability when optimizing the pilot overhead.Comment: To be published on IEEE ICC 2017 Communication Theory Symposiu

    Beta-Beta Bounds: Finite-Blocklength Analog of the Golden Formula

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    It is well known that the mutual information between two random variables can be expressed as the difference of two relative entropies that depend on an auxiliary distribution, a relation sometimes referred to as the golden formula. This paper is concerned with a finite-blocklength extension of this relation. This extension consists of two elements: 1) a finite-blocklength channel-coding converse bound by Polyanskiy and Verd\'{u} (2014), which involves the ratio of two Neyman-Pearson β\beta functions (beta-beta converse bound); and 2) a novel beta-beta channel-coding achievability bound, expressed again as the ratio of two Neyman-Pearson β\beta functions. To demonstrate the usefulness of this finite-blocklength extension of the golden formula, the beta-beta achievability and converse bounds are used to obtain a finite-blocklength extension of Verd\'{u}'s (2002) wideband-slope approximation. The proof parallels the derivation of the latter, with the beta-beta bounds used in place of the golden formula. The beta-beta (achievability) bound is also shown to be useful in cases where the capacity-achieving output distribution is not a product distribution due to, e.g., a cost constraint or structural constraints on the codebook, such as orthogonality or constant composition. As an example, the bound is used to characterize the channel dispersion of the additive exponential-noise channel and to obtain a finite-blocklength achievability bound (the tightest to date) for multiple-input multiple-output Rayleigh-fading channels with perfect channel state information at the receiver.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Minimum Energy to Send kk Bits Over Multiple-Antenna Fading Channels

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    This paper investigates the minimum energy required to transmit kk information bits with a given reliability over a multiple-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channel, with and without channel state information (CSI) at the receiver. No feedback is assumed. It is well known that the ratio between the minimum energy per bit and the noise level converges to 1.59-1.59 dB as kk goes to infinity, regardless of whether CSI is available at the receiver or not. This paper shows that lack of CSI at the receiver causes a slowdown in the speed of convergence to 1.59-1.59 dB as kk\to\infty compared to the case of perfect receiver CSI. Specifically, we show that, in the no-CSI case, the gap to 1.59-1.59 dB is proportional to ((logk)/k)1/3((\log k) /k)^{1/3}, whereas when perfect CSI is available at the receiver, this gap is proportional to 1/k1/\sqrt{k}. In both cases, the gap to 1.59-1.59 dB is independent of the number of transmit antennas and of the channel's coherence time. Numerically, we observe that, when the receiver is equipped with a single antenna, to achieve an energy per bit of 1.5 - 1.5 dB in the no-CSI case, one needs to transmit at least 7×1077\times 10^7 information bits, whereas 6×1046\times 10^4 bits suffice for the case of perfect CSI at the receiver

    A high-SNR normal approximation for single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels

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    Proceeding of: 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany, 25-30 June, 2017This paper concerns the maximal achievable rate at which data can be transmitted over a non-coherent, single-antenna, Rayleigh block-fading channel using an error-correcting code of a given blocklength with a block-error probability not exceeding a given value. In particular, a high-SNR normal approximation of the maximal achievable rate is presented that becomes accurate as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the number of coherence intervals L over which we code tend to infinity. Numerical analyses suggest that the approximation is accurate already at SNR values of 15 dB.A. Lancho and T. Koch have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 714161), from the 7th European Union Framework Programme under Grant 333680, from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grants TEC2013-41718-R, RYC-2014-16332 and TEC2016-78434-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, EU), from an FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte under Grant FPU14/01274 and from the Comunidad de Madrid under Grant S2103/ICE-2845. G. Durisi has been supported by the Swedish Research Council under Grants 2012-4571 and 2016-03293

    Normal approximations for fading channels

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    Proceeding of: 52nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2018)Capacity and outage capacity characterize the maximum coding rate at which reliable communication is feasible when there are no constraints on the packet length. Evaluated for fading channels, they are important performance benchmarks for wireless communication systems. However, the latency of a communication system is proportional to the length of the packets it exchanges, so assuming that there are no constraints on the packet length may be overly optimistic for communication systems with stringent latency constraints. Recently, there has been great interest within the information theory community in characterizing the maximum coding rate for short packet lengths. Research on this topic is often concerned with asymptotic expansions of the coding rate with respect to the packet length, which then give rise to normal approximations. In this paper, we review existing normal approximations for single-antenna Rayleigh block-fading channels and compare them with the high-SNR normal approximation we presented at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (Lancho, Koch, and Durisi, 2017). We further discuss how these normal approx- imations may help to assess the performance of communication protocols.A. Lancho and T. Koch have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 714161), from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grants TEC2013-41718-R, RYC-2014-16332 and TEC2016-78434-C3-3-R (AEI/FEDER, EU), from an FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte under Grant FPU14/01274, and from the Comunidad de Madrid under Grant S2103/ICE-2845. G. Durisi has been supported by the Swedish Research Council under Grant and 2016-03293

    Block-fading channels at finite blocklength

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    This tutorial paper deals with the problem of characterizing the maximal achievable rate R(n; ϵ )at a given blocklength n and error probability ϵ over block-fading channels. We review recent results that establish tight bounds on R(n; ϵ )and characterize its asymptotic behavior. Comparison between the theoretical results and the data rates achievable with the coding scheme used in LTE-Advanced are reported

    Short Codes with Mismatched Channel State Information: A Case Study

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    The rising interest in applications requiring the transmission of small amounts of data has recently lead to the development of accurate performance bounds and of powerful channel codes for the transmission of short-data packets over the AWGN channel. Much less is known about the interaction between error control coding and channel estimation at short blocks when transmitting over channels with states (e.g., fading channels, phase-noise channels, etc...) for the setup where no a priori channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter and the receiver. In this paper, we use the mismatched-decoding framework to characterize the fundamental tradeoff occurring in the transmission of short data packet over an AWGN channel with unknown gain that stays constant over the packet. Our analysis for this simplified setup aims at showing the potential of mismatched decoding as a tool to design and analyze transmission strategies for short blocks. We focus on a pragmatic approach where the transmission frame contains a codeword as well as a preamble that is used to estimate the channel (the codeword symbols are not used for channel estimation). Achievability and converse bounds on the block error probability achievable by this approach are provided and compared with simulation results for schemes employing short low-density parity-check codes. Our bounds turn out to predict accurately the optimal trade-off between the preamble length and the redundancy introduced by the channel code.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2017