2,295 research outputs found

    Coherent, automatic address resolution for vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Published in: Int. J. of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017 Vol.25, No.3, pp.163 - 179. DOI: 10.1504/IJAHUC.2017.10001935The interest in vehicular communications has increased notably. In this paper, the use of the address resolution (AR) procedures is studied for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). We analyse the poor performance of AR transactions in such networks and we present a new proposal called coherent, automatic address resolution (CAAR). Our approach inhibits the use of AR transactions and instead increases the usefulness of routing signalling to automatically match the IP and MAC addresses. Through extensive simulations in realistic VANET scenarios using the Estinet simulator, we compare our proposal CAAR to classical AR and to another of our proposals that enhances AR for mobile wireless networks, called AR+. In addition, we present a performance evaluation of the behaviour of CAAR, AR and AR+ with unicast traffic of a reporting service for VANETs. Results show that CAAR outperforms the other two solutions in terms of packet losses and furthermore, it does not introduce additional overhead.Postprint (published version

    Contribution to the design of VANET routing protocols for realistic urban environments

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    One of the main concerns of the cities' administration is mobility management. In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), pedestrians, vehicles and public transportation systems could share information and react to any situation in the city. The information sensed by vehicles could be useful for other vehicles and for the mobility authorities. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) make possible the communication between vehicles (V2I) and also between vehicles and fixed infrastructure (V2I) managed by the city's authorities. In addition, VANET routing protocols minimize the use of fixed infrastructure since they employ multi-hop V2V communication to reach reporting access points of the city. This thesis aims to contribute in the design of VANET routing protocols to enable reporting services (e.g., vehicular traffic notifications) in urban environments. The first step to achieve this global objective has been the study of components and tools to mimic a realistic VANET scenario. Moreover, we have analyzed the impact of the realism of each one of those components in the simulation results. Then, we have improved the Address Resolution procedure in VANETs by including it in the routing signaling messages. Our approach simplifies the VANET operation and increases the packet delivery ratio as consequence. Afterwards, we have tackled the issue of having duplicate packets in unicast communications and we have proposed routing filters to lower their presence. This way we have been able to increase the available bandwidth and reduce the average packet delay with a slight increase of the packet losses. Besides, we have proposed a Multi-Metric Map aware routing protocol (MMMR) that incorporates four routing metrics (distance, trajectory, vehicle density and available bandwidth) to take the forwarding decisions. With the aim of increasing the number of delivered packets in MMMR, we have developed a Geographical Heuristic Routing (GHR) algorithm. GHR integrates Tabu and Simulated Annealing heuristic optimization techniques to adapt its behavior to the specific scenario characteristics. GHR is generic because it could use any geographical routing protocol to take the forwarding decisions. Additionally, we have designed an easy to implement forwarding strategy based on an extended topology information area of two hops, called 2-hops Geographical Anycast Routing (2hGAR) protocol. Results show that controlled randomness introduced by GHR improves the default operation of MMMR. On the other hand, 2hGAR presents lower delays than GHR and higher packet delivery ratio, especially in high density scenarios. Finally, we have proposed two mixed (integer and linear) optimization models to detect the best positions in the city to locate the Road Side Units (RSUs) which are in charge of gathering all the reporting information generated by vehicles.Una de las principales preocupaciones en la administración de las ciudades es la gestión de la movilidad de sus vehículos, debido a los problemas de tráfico como atascos y accidentes. En los sistemas inteligentes de transporte (SIT), peatones, vehículos y transporte público podrán compartir información y adaptarse a cualquier situación que suceda en la ciudad. La información obtenida por los sensores de los vehículos puede ser útil para otros vehículos y para las autoridades de movilidad. Las redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) hacen posible la comunicación entre los propios vehículos (V2V) y entre vehículos y la infraestructura fija de la red de la ciudad (V2I). Asimismo, los protocolos de encaminamiento para redes vehiculares minimizan el uso de infraestructura fija de red, ya que los protocolos de encaminamiento VANET emplean comunicaciones multisalto entre vehículos para encaminar los mensajes hasta los puntos de acceso de la red en la ciudad. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es contribuir en el diseño de protocolos de encaminamiento en redes ad hoc vehiculares para servicios de notificaciones (p.ej. reportes del estado del tráfico) en entornos urbanos. El primer paso para alcanzar este objetivo general ha sido el estudio de componentes y herramientas para simular un escenario realista de red ad hoc vehicular. Además, se ha analizado el impacto del nivel de realismo de cada uno de los componentes de simulación en los resultados obtenidos. Así también, se ha propuesto un mecanismo de resolución de direcciones automático y coherente para redes VANET a través del uso de los propios mensajes de señalización de los protocolos de encaminamiento. Esta mejora simplifica la operación de una red ad hoc vehicular y como consecuencia aumenta la tasa de recepción de paquetes. A continuación, se ha abordado el problema de la aparición inesperada de paquetes de datos duplicados en una comunicación punto a punto. Para ello, se ha propuesto el filtrado de paquetes duplicados a nivel del protocolo de encaminamiento. Esto ha producido un incremento del ancho disponible en el canal y una reducción del retardo medio en la trasmisión de un paquete, a costa de un mínimo aumento de la pérdida de paquetes. Por otra parte, hemos propuesto un protocolo de encaminamiento multi-métrica MMMR (Multi-Metric Map-aware Routing protocol), el cual incorpora cuatro métricas (distancia al destino, trayectoria, densidad de vehículos y ancho de banda) en las decisiones de encaminamiento. Con el objetivo de aumentar la tasa de entrega de paquetes en MMMR, hemos desarrollado un algoritmo heurístico de encaminamiento geográfico denominado GHR (Geographical Heuristic Routing). Esta propuesta integra las técnicas de optimización Tabu y Simulated Annealing, que permiten a GHR adaptarse a las características específicas del escenario. Adicionalmente, hemos propuesto 2hGAR (2-hops Geographical Anycast Routing), un protocolo de encaminamiento anycast que emplea información de la topología de red a dos saltos de distancia para tomar la decisión de encaminamiento de los mensajes. Los resultados muestran que la aleatoriedad controlada de GHR en su operación mejora el rendimiento de MMMR. Asimismo, 2hGAR presenta retardos de paquete menores a los obtenidos por GHR y una mayor tasa de paquetes entregados, especialmente en escenarios con alta densidad de vehículos. Finalmente, se han propuesto dos modelos de optimización mixtos (enteros y lineales) para detectar los mejores lugares de la ciudad donde ubicar los puntos de acceso de la red, los cuales se encargan de recolectar los reportes generados por los vehículos.Postprint (published version

    Managed information gathering and fusion for transient transport problems

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    This paper deals with vehicular traffic management by communication technologies from Traffic Control Center point of view in road networks. The global goal is to manage the urban traffic by road traffic operations, controlling and interventional possibilities in order to minimize the traffic delays and stops and to improve traffic safety on the roads. This paper focuses on transient transport, when the controlling management is crucial. The aim was to detect the beginning time of the transient traffic on the roads, to gather the most appropriate data and to get reliable information for interventional suggestions. More reliable information can be created by information fusion, several fusion techniques are expounded in this paper. A half-automatic solution with Decision Support System has been developed to help with engineers in suggestions of interventions based on real time traffic data. The information fusion has benefits for Decision Support System: the complementary sensors may fill the gaps of one another, the system is able to detect the changing of the percentage of different vehicle types in traffic. An example of detection and interventional suggestion about transient traffic on transport networks of a little town is presented at the end of the paper. The novelty of this paper is the gathering of information - triggered by the state changing from stationer to transient - from ad hoc channels and combining them with information from developed regular channels. --information gathering,information fusion,Kalman filter,transient traffic,Decision Support System

    Mobile ad hoc networks in transportation data collection and dissemination

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    The field of transportation is rapidly changing with new opportunities for systems solutions and emerging technologies. The global economic impact of congestion and accidents are significant. Improved means are needed to solve them. Combined with the increasing numbers of vehicles on the road, the net economic impact is measured in the many billions of dollars. Promising methodologies explored in this thesis include the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). Interconnecting vehicles using Dedicated Short Range Communication technology (DSRC) brings many benefits. Integrating DSRC into roadway vehicles offers the promise of reducing the problems of congestion and accidents; however, it comes with risks such as loss of connectivity due to power outages as well as controlling and managing loading in such networks. Energy consumption of vehicle communication equipment is a crucial factor in high availability sensor networks. Sending critical emergency messaged through linked vehicles requires that there always be energy and communication reserves. Two algorithms are described. The first controls energy consumption to guarantee an energy reserve for sending alert signals. The second exploits Long Term Evolution (LTE) to guarantee a reliable communication path

    QoE de streaming de vídeo em redes veiculares com multihoming

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    With the ever-increasing interest and availability of vehicular networks, it is important to study the Quality-of-Experience provided by these networks, which ultimately determines the general public perception and thus the overall user adoption. The broad Internet access, the evolution of user equipment, such as smartphones, tablets and personal computers, and the appearance of services like Youtube and Netflix, is leading the user content consumption to be more and more in the form of video streaming. Either motivated by safety or commercial applications, video streaming in such highly mobile environments offers multiple challenges. This dissertation evaluates the QoE of a multihoming communication strategy, supported simultaneously byWAVE and Wi-Fi, for increasing the reliability and performance of video streams in these environments. Furthermore, it also investigates how distinct network functionalities, such as multihoming load balance, buffering, and network metrics such as throughput and latency affect the overall QoE observed. The results obtained led to the proposal of a multihoming load balance policy for video applications based on access technologies, aiming to improve QoE. The overall results show that QoE improves by 7.5% using the proposed approach.Com o aumento contínuo do interesse e disponibilidade de redes veiculares, é importante agora estudar a Qualidade de Experiência fornecida por estas redes, que fundamentalmente determina a opinião e a percepção do público geral sobre um dado serviço. O vasto acesso à Internet, a evolução dos equipamentos, como os telemóveis atuais, tablets e computadores pessoais, e o aparecimento de serviços como o YouTube e o Netflix, está a fazer com que o conteúdo mais consumido seja cada vez mais em forma de streaming de vídeo. Quer seja motivado por aplicações de segurança ou comerciais, o streaming de vídeo em ambientes altamente móveis levanta vários desafios. Esta dissertação avalia a Qualidade de Experiência de técnicas de multihoming, permitindo o uso de diferentes tecnologias de comunicação, como o WAVE e o Wi-Fi, para aumentar a fiabilidade e desempenho de streams de vídeo nestes ambientes. Para além disso, investiga também como é que diferentes mecanismos de rede, como o balanceamento, multihoming e o buffering, e métricas como a taxa de transferência e latência, afetam a QoE observada. Os resultados obtidos levaram à proposta de uma política de divisão de tráfego para aplicações de vídeo baseada em tecnologias de acesso para situações de multihoming, visando uma melhoria da QoE do utilizador. Utilizando o método proposto, os resultados mostram que a experiência do utilizador tem uma melhoria de 7,5%.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Implicit Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Networks

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    Absolute positioning of vehicles is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) combined with on-board sensors and high-resolution maps. In Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), the positioning performance can be augmented by means of vehicular networks that enable vehicles to share location-related information. This paper presents an Implicit Cooperative Positioning (ICP) algorithm that exploits the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) connectivity in an innovative manner, avoiding the use of explicit V2V measurements such as ranging. In the ICP approach, vehicles jointly localize non-cooperative physical features (such as people, traffic lights or inactive cars) in the surrounding areas, and use them as common noisy reference points to refine their location estimates. Information on sensed features are fused through V2V links by a consensus procedure, nested within a message passing algorithm, to enhance the vehicle localization accuracy. As positioning does not rely on explicit ranging information between vehicles, the proposed ICP method is amenable to implementation with off-the-shelf vehicular communication hardware. The localization algorithm is validated in different traffic scenarios, including a crossroad area with heterogeneous conditions in terms of feature density and V2V connectivity, as well as a real urban area by using Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) for traffic data generation. Performance results show that the proposed ICP method can significantly improve the vehicle location accuracy compared to the stand-alone GNSS, especially in harsh environments, such as in urban canyons, where the GNSS signal is highly degraded or denied.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, in review, 201