7 research outputs found

    Cognitive science applied to reduce network operation margins

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Photonic Network Communications. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-017-0717-9.In an increasingly competitive market environment with smaller product offer differentiation, a continuous maximization of efficiency, while guarantying the quality of the provided services, remains a main objective for any telecom operator. In this work, we address the reduction of the operational costs of the optical transport network as one of the possible fields of action to achieve this aim. We propose to apply cognitive science for reducing these costs, specifically by reducing operation margins. We base our work on the case-based reasoning technique by proposing several new schemes to reduce the operation margins established during the design and commissioning phases of the optical links power budgets. From the obtained results, we find that our cognitive proposal provides a feasible solution allowing significant savings on transmitted power that can reach a 49%. We show that there is a certain dependency on network conditions, achieving higher efficiency in low loaded networks where improvements can raise up to 53%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Informe bibliom猫tric bimestral Campus Baix Llobregat. Base de dades Scopus. Maig-juny 2017

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    Informe bibliom猫tric bimestral Campus Baix Llobregat. Base de dades Scopus. Data de la cerca 28/06/2017Postprint (author's final draft

    Cognition procedures for optical network design and optimization

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    Telecom carriers have to adapt their networks to accommodate a growing volume of users, services and traffic. Thus, they have to search a continuous maximization of efficiency and reduction in costs. This thesis identifies an opportunity to accomplish this aim by reducing operation margins applied in the optical link power budgets, in optical transport networks. From an operational perspective, margin reduction will lead to a fall of the required investments on transceivers in the whole transport network. Based on how human learn, a cognitive approach is introduced and evaluated to reduce the System Margin. This operation margin takes into account, among other constraints, the long-term ageing process of the network infrastructure. Telecom operators normally apply a conservative and fixed value established during the design and commissioning phases. The cognitive approach proposes a flexible and variable value, adapted to the network conditions. It is based on the case-based reasoning machine learning technique, which has been further developped. Novel learning schemes are presented and evaluated. The cognition solution proposes a new lower launched power guaranteeing the quality of service of the new incoming lightpath. It will lead to provide transmission power savings with appropiate success rates when applying the cognitive approach. To this end, it relies on transmission values applied in past and successful similar network situations. They are stored in a knowledge base or memory of the system. Moreover, regarding the knowledge base, a static and a dynamic approaches have been developped and presented. In the last case, five new dynamic learning algorithms are presented and evaluated. In the static context, savings in transmission power up to 48% are achieved and the resulting System Margin reduction. Furthermore, the dynamic renewal of the knowledge base improves mean savings in launched power up to 7% or 18% with respect to the static approach, depending on the path. Thus, the cognitive approach appears as useful to be applied in commercial optical transport networks with the aim of reducing the operational System Margin.Los operadores de telecomunicaciones tienen que adaptar constantemente sus redes para acoger el volumen creciente de usuarios, servicios y tr谩fico asociado. Han de buscar constantemente una maximizaci贸n de la eficiencia en la operaci贸n, as铆 como una reducci贸n continua de costes. Esta tesis identifica una oportunidad para alcanzar este objetivo por medio de la reducci贸n de los m谩rgenes operacionales aplicados en los balances de potencia en una red 贸ptica de transporte. Desde un punto de vista operacional, la reducci贸n de m谩rgenes operativos conlleva una optimizaci贸n de las inversiones requeridas en transceivers, entre otros puntos. As铆, bas谩ndonos en c贸mo aprendemos los humanos, se introduce y eval煤a una aproximaci贸n cognitiva para reducir el System Margin. Este margen operativo se introduce en el balance de potencia, entre otros puntos, para compensar el proceso de envejecimiento a largo plazo de la infraestrcutura de red. Los operadores emplean normalmente un valor fijo y conservador, que se establece durante el dise帽o y comisionado de la red. Nuestra aproximaci贸n cognitiva propone en su lugar un valor flexible y variable, que se adapta a las condiciones de red actuales. Se basa en la t茅cnica de machine learning conocida como case-based reasoning, que se desarrolla m谩s profundamente. Se han propuesto y evaluado nuevos esquemas de aprendizaje. La soluci贸n cognitiva propone un nuevo valor m谩s bajo de potencia transmitida, que garantiza la calidad de servicio requerida por el nuevo lighpath entrante. La propuesta logra ahorros en la potencia transmitida, a la vez que garantiza una tasa de 茅xito correcta cuando aplicamos esta soluci贸n cognitiva. Para ello, se apoya en la potencia transmitida en situaciones pasadas y similares a la actual, donde se transmiti贸 una potencia que asegur贸 el correcto establecimiento del lighpath. Esta informaci贸n se almacena en una base de conocimiento. En este sentido, se han desarrollado y presentado dos aproximaciones: una base de conocimiento est谩tica y otra din谩mica. En el caso del contexto din谩mico, se han desarrollado y evaluado cinco nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje. En el contexto est谩tico, se consigue un ahorro en potencia de hasta un 48%, con la correspondiente reducci贸n del System Margin. En el contexto din谩mico, la actualizaci贸n online de la base de conocimiento proporciona adicionalmente una ganancia en potencia transmitida con respecto a la aproximaci贸n est谩tica de hasta un 7% o un 18%, dependiendo de la ruta. De esta forma se comprueba que la propuesta cognitiva se revela como 煤til y aplicable sobre una red 贸ptica de transporte comercial con el objetivo de reducir el margen operativo conocido como System Margin

    Cognition procedures for optical network design and optimization

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    Telecom carriers have to adapt their networks to accommodate a growing volume of users, services and traffic. Thus, they have to search a continuous maximization of efficiency and reduction in costs. This thesis identifies an opportunity to accomplish this aim by reducing operation margins applied in the optical link power budgets, in optical transport networks. From an operational perspective, margin reduction will lead to a fall of the required investments on transceivers in the whole transport network. Based on how human learn, a cognitive approach is introduced and evaluated to reduce the System Margin. This operation margin takes into account, among other constraints, the long-term ageing process of the network infrastructure. Telecom operators normally apply a conservative and fixed value established during the design and commissioning phases. The cognitive approach proposes a flexible and variable value, adapted to the network conditions. It is based on the case-based reasoning machine learning technique, which has been further developped. Novel learning schemes are presented and evaluated. The cognition solution proposes a new lower launched power guaranteeing the quality of service of the new incoming lightpath. It will lead to provide transmission power savings with appropiate success rates when applying the cognitive approach. To this end, it relies on transmission values applied in past and successful similar network situations. They are stored in a knowledge base or memory of the system. Moreover, regarding the knowledge base, a static and a dynamic approaches have been developped and presented. In the last case, five new dynamic learning algorithms are presented and evaluated. In the static context, savings in transmission power up to 48% are achieved and the resulting System Margin reduction. Furthermore, the dynamic renewal of the knowledge base improves mean savings in launched power up to 7% or 18% with respect to the static approach, depending on the path. Thus, the cognitive approach appears as useful to be applied in commercial optical transport networks with the aim of reducing the operational System Margin.Los operadores de telecomunicaciones tienen que adaptar constantemente sus redes para acoger el volumen creciente de usuarios, servicios y tr谩fico asociado. Han de buscar constantemente una maximizaci贸n de la eficiencia en la operaci贸n, as铆 como una reducci贸n continua de costes. Esta tesis identifica una oportunidad para alcanzar este objetivo por medio de la reducci贸n de los m谩rgenes operacionales aplicados en los balances de potencia en una red 贸ptica de transporte. Desde un punto de vista operacional, la reducci贸n de m谩rgenes operativos conlleva una optimizaci贸n de las inversiones requeridas en transceivers, entre otros puntos. As铆, bas谩ndonos en c贸mo aprendemos los humanos, se introduce y eval煤a una aproximaci贸n cognitiva para reducir el System Margin. Este margen operativo se introduce en el balance de potencia, entre otros puntos, para compensar el proceso de envejecimiento a largo plazo de la infraestrcutura de red. Los operadores emplean normalmente un valor fijo y conservador, que se establece durante el dise帽o y comisionado de la red. Nuestra aproximaci贸n cognitiva propone en su lugar un valor flexible y variable, que se adapta a las condiciones de red actuales. Se basa en la t茅cnica de machine learning conocida como case-based reasoning, que se desarrolla m谩s profundamente. Se han propuesto y evaluado nuevos esquemas de aprendizaje. La soluci贸n cognitiva propone un nuevo valor m谩s bajo de potencia transmitida, que garantiza la calidad de servicio requerida por el nuevo lighpath entrante. La propuesta logra ahorros en la potencia transmitida, a la vez que garantiza una tasa de 茅xito correcta cuando aplicamos esta soluci贸n cognitiva. Para ello, se apoya en la potencia transmitida en situaciones pasadas y similares a la actual, donde se transmiti贸 una potencia que asegur贸 el correcto establecimiento del lighpath. Esta informaci贸n se almacena en una base de conocimiento. En este sentido, se han desarrollado y presentado dos aproximaciones: una base de conocimiento est谩tica y otra din谩mica. En el caso del contexto din谩mico, se han desarrollado y evaluado cinco nuevos algoritmos de aprendizaje. En el contexto est谩tico, se consigue un ahorro en potencia de hasta un 48%, con la correspondiente reducci贸n del System Margin. En el contexto din谩mico, la actualizaci贸n online de la base de conocimiento proporciona adicionalmente una ganancia en potencia transmitida con respecto a la aproximaci贸n est谩tica de hasta un 7% o un 18%, dependiendo de la ruta. De esta forma se comprueba que la propuesta cognitiva se revela como 煤til y aplicable sobre una red 贸ptica de transporte comercial con el objetivo de reducir el margen operativo conocido como System Margin.Postprint (published version

    Cognitive science applied to reduce network operation margins

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Photonic Network Communications. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11107-017-0717-9.In an increasingly competitive market environment with smaller product offer differentiation, a continuous maximization of efficiency, while guarantying the quality of the provided services, remains a main objective for any telecom operator. In this work, we address the reduction of the operational costs of the optical transport network as one of the possible fields of action to achieve this aim. We propose to apply cognitive science for reducing these costs, specifically by reducing operation margins. We base our work on the case-based reasoning technique by proposing several new schemes to reduce the operation margins established during the design and commissioning phases of the optical links power budgets. From the obtained results, we find that our cognitive proposal provides a feasible solution allowing significant savings on transmitted power that can reach a 49%. We show that there is a certain dependency on network conditions, achieving higher efficiency in low loaded networks where improvements can raise up to 53%.Peer Reviewe