45 research outputs found

    Qualitative Analysis of a Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect II

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    The article aims to study a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Allee effect II, affecting the functional response with the assumption that the extent to which the environment provides protection to both predator and prey is the same. The model has been studied analytically as well as numerically, including stability and bifurcation analysis. Compared with the predator-prey model without Allee effect, it is found that the weak Allee effect II can bring rich and complicated dynamics, such as the model undergoes to a series of bifurcations (Homoclinic, Hopf, Saddle-node and Bogdanov-Takens). The existence of Hopf bifurcation has been shown for models with (with- out) Allee effect and the local existence and stability of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation has also been studied. The phase portrait diagrams are sketched to validate analytical and numerical findings

    Qualitative Analysis of a Modified Leslie-Gower Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect II

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    The article aims to study a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Allee effect II, affecting the functional response with the assumption that the extent to which the environment provides protection to both predator and prey is the same. The model has been studied analytically as well as numerically, including stability and bifurcation analysis. Compared with the predator-prey model without Allee effect, it is found that the weak Allee effect II can bring rich and complicated dynamics, such as the model undergoes to a series of bifurcations (Homoclinic, Hopf, Saddle-node and Bogdanov-Takens). The existence of Hopf bifurcation has been shown for models with (without) Allee effect and the local existence and stability of the limit cycle emerging through Hopf bifurcation has also been studied. The phase portrait diagrams are sketched to validate analytical and numerical findings

    Codimension two and three bifurcations of a predator–prey system with group defense and prey refuge

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    A predator–prey system with nonmonotonic functional response and prey refuge is considered. We mainly obtain that the system has the bifurcations of cusp-type codimension two and three, these illustrate that the dynamic behaviors of the model with prey refuge will become more complicated than the system with no refuge

    More complex dynamics in a discrete prey-predator model with the Allee effect in prey

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    In this paper, we revisit a discrete prey-predator model with the Allee effect in prey to find its more complex dynamical properties. After pointing out and correcting those known errors for the local stability of the unique positive fixed point E∗, E_*, unlike previous studies in which the author only considered the codim 1 Neimark-Sacker bifurcation at the fixed point E∗, E_*, we focus on deriving many new bifurcation results, namely, the codim 1 transcritical bifurcation at the trivial fixed point E1, E_1, the codim 1 transcritical and period-doubling bifurcations at the boundary fixed point E2, E_2, the codim 1 period-doubling bifurcation and the codim 2 1:2 resonance bifurcation at the positive fixed point E∗ E_* . The obtained theoretical results are also further illustrated via numerical simulations. Some new dynamics are numerically found. Our new results clearly demonstrate that the occurrence of 1:2 resonance bifurcation confirms that this system is strongly unstable, indicating that the predator and the prey will increase rapidly and breakout suddenly

    Normal form for singular Bautin bifurcation in a slow-fast system with Holling type III functional response

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    Over the last few decades, complex oscillations of slow-fast systems have been a key area of research. In the theory of slow-fast systems, the location of singular Hopf bifurcation and maximal canard is determined by computing the first Lyapunov coefficient. In particular, the analysis of canards is based on the genericity condition that the first Lyapunov coefficient must be non-zero. This manuscript aims to further extend the results to the case where the first Lyapunov coefficient vanishes. For that, the analytic expression of the second Lyapunov coefficient and the investigation of the normal form for codimension-2 singular Bautin bifurcation in a predator-prey system is done by explicitly identifying the locally invertible parameter-dependent transformations. A planar slow-fast predator-prey model with Holling type III functional response is considered here, where the prey population growth is affected by the weak Allee effect, and the prey reproduces much faster than the predator. Using geometric singular perturbation theory, normal form theory of slow-fast systems, and blow-up technique, we provide a detailed mathematical investigation of the system to show a variety of rich and complex nonlinear dynamics including but not limited to the existence of canards, relaxation oscillations, canard phenomena, singular Hopf bifurcation, and singular Bautin bifurcation. Additionally, numerical simulations are conducted to support the theoretical findings

    Bifurcation analysis of Leslie-Gower predator-prey system with harvesting and fear effect

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    In the paper, a Leslie-Gower predator-prey system with harvesting and fear effect is considered. The existence and stability of all possible equilibrium points are analyzed. The bifurcation dynamic behavior at key equilibrium points is investigated to explore the intrinsic driving mechanisms of population interaction modes. It is shown that the system undergoes various bifurcations, including transcritical, saddle-node, Hopf and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations. The numerical simulation results show that harvesting and fear effect can seriously affect the dynamic evolution trend and coexistence mode. Furthermore, it is particularly worth pointing out that harvesting not only drives changes in population coexistence mode, but also has a certain degree delay. Finally, it is anticipated that these research results will be beneficial for the vigorous development of predator-prey system

    A Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with strong Allee effect

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    We analyse a modified Holling-Tanner predator-prey model where the predation functional response is of Holling type II and we incorporate a strong Allee effect associated with the prey species production. The analysis complements results of previous articles by Saez and Gonzalez-Olivares (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 59 1867-1878, 1999) and Arancibia-Ibarra and Gonzalez-Olivares (Proc. CMMSE 2015 130-141, 2015)discussing Holling-Tanner models which incorporate a weak Allee effect. The extended model exhibits rich dynamics and we prove the existence of separatrices in the phase plane separating basins of attraction related to co-existence and extinction of the species. We also show the existence of a homoclinic curve that degenerates to form a limit cycle and discuss numerous potential bifurcations such as saddle-node, Hopf, and Bogadonov-Takens bifurcations

    Dynamic analysis of a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with the fear effect and nonlinear harvesting

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    In this paper, we investigate the stability and bifurcation of a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with a fear effect and nonlinear harvesting. We discuss the existence and stability of equilibria, and show that the unique equilibrium is a cusp of codimension three. Moreover, we show that saddle-node bifurcation and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation can occur. Also, the system undergoes a degenerate Hopf bifurcation and has two limit cycles (i.e., the inner one is stable and the outer is unstable), which implies the bistable phenomenon. We conclude that the large amount of fear and prey harvesting are detrimental to the survival of the prey and predator