5 research outputs found

    On a question of McNaughton and Papert

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    In a recent book, McNaughton and Papert asked under what conditions a free submonoid of a free monoid is locally testable. The answer to this question is given here. The solution relates the concept of local testability with that of synchronization in a code and the algebraic notion of conjugacy in a monoid. The finiteness of the basis (or code) which generates the free submonoid plays an essential role in our result

    On a zeta function associated with automata and codes

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    AbstractThe zeta function of a finite automaton A is exp{∑n=1∞anznn}, where an is the number of bi-infinite paths in A labelled by a bi-infinite word of period n. It reflects the properties of A: aperiodicity, nil-simplicity, existence of a zero. The results are applied to codes

    Profinite Groups Associated to Sofic Shifts are Free

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    We show that the maximal subgroup of the free profinite semigroup associated by Almeida to an irreducible sofic shift is a free profinite group, generalizing an earlier result of the second author for the case of the full shift (whose corresponding maximal subgroup is the maximal subgroup of the minimal ideal). A corresponding result is proved for certain relatively free profinite semigroups. We also establish some other analogies between the kernel of the free profinite semigroup and the \J-class associated to an irreducible sofic shift

    Syntactic semigroups

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    This chapter gives an overview on what is often called the algebraic theory of finite automata. It deals with languages, automata and semigroups, and has connections with model theory in logic, boolean circuits, symbolic dynamics and topology

    Séries rationnelles et matrices génériques non commutatives

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    Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux séries rationnelles et aux matrices génériques non commutatives. Dans le premier chapitre, on étudiera les polynômes de cliques du graphe pondéré. Soit C un graphe simple non orienté (sans boucles), on lui associe la somme des monômes (-1)i CiXi où Ci est le nombre de sous-graphes complets (cliques) sur i sommets. En pondérant les sommets par des entiers non négatifs, on définit les polynômes de cliques du graphe pondéré C comme étant la somme des monômes (-1)|B|xdeg(B), où B est un sous-graphe complet de C. On va montrer que l'ensemble de tels polynômes coïncide avec l'ensemble des polynômes réciproques des polynômes caractéristiques de matrices à coefficients entiers non négatifs. Au chapitre 2, on va généraliser ce polynôme une fois de plus en pondérant les sommets du graphe simple par des monômes de la forme αxd , où α est un réel positif et d, un entier non négatif. On va lui associer le polynôme de cliques généralisé comme la somme (-1)IBI