11 research outputs found

    Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out features

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    We introduce a purely feed-forward architecture for semantic segmentation. We map small image elements (superpixels) to rich feature representations extracted from a sequence of nested regions of increasing extent. These regions are obtained by "zooming out" from the superpixel all the way to scene-level resolution. This approach exploits statistical structure in the image and in the label space without setting up explicit structured prediction mechanisms, and thus avoids complex and expensive inference. Instead superpixels are classified by a feedforward multilayer network. Our architecture achieves new state of the art performance in semantic segmentation, obtaining 64.4% average accuracy on the PASCAL VOC 2012 test set

    Siamese Instance Search for Tracking

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    In this paper we present a tracker, which is radically different from state-of-the-art trackers: we apply no model updating, no occlusion detection, no combination of trackers, no geometric matching, and still deliver state-of-the-art tracking performance, as demonstrated on the popular online tracking benchmark (OTB) and six very challenging YouTube videos. The presented tracker simply matches the initial patch of the target in the first frame with candidates in a new frame and returns the most similar patch by a learned matching function. The strength of the matching function comes from being extensively trained generically, i.e., without any data of the target, using a Siamese deep neural network, which we design for tracking. Once learned, the matching function is used as is, without any adapting, to track previously unseen targets. It turns out that the learned matching function is so powerful that a simple tracker built upon it, coined Siamese INstance search Tracker, SINT, which only uses the original observation of the target from the first frame, suffices to reach state-of-the-art performance. Further, we show the proposed tracker even allows for target re-identification after the target was absent for a complete video shot.Comment: This paper is accepted to the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 201

    Spatio-Temporal Object Detection Proposals

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    International audienceSpatio-temporal detection of actions and events in video is a challenging problem. Besides the difficulties related to recognition, a major challenge for detection in video is the size of the search space defined by spatio-temporal tubes formed by sequences of bounding boxes along the frames. Recently methods that generate unsupervised detection proposals have proven to be very effective for object detection in still images. These methods open the possibility to use strong but computationally expensive features since only a relatively small number of detection hypotheses need to be assessed. In this paper we make two contributions towards exploiting detection proposals for spatio-temporal detection problems. First, we extend a recent 2D object proposal method, to produce spatio-temporal proposals by a randomized supervoxel merging process. We introduce spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal pairwise supervoxel features that are used to guide the merging process. Second, we propose a new efficient supervoxel method. We experimentally evaluate our detection proposals, in combination with our new supervoxel method as well as existing ones. This evaluation shows that our supervoxels lead to more accurate proposals when compared to using existing state-of-the-art supervoxel methods

    Efficient Action Localization with Approximately Normalized Fisher Vectors

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    International audienceThe Fisher vector (FV) representation is a high-dimensional extension of the popular bag-of-word representation. Transformation of the FV by power and L2 normalizations has been shown to significantly improve its performance. With these normalizations included, this representation has yielded state-of-the-art results for a wide number of image and video classification and retrieval tasks. The normalizations, however, render the representation non-additive over local descriptors. Combined with its high dimensionality, this makes the FV computationally very expensive for the purpose of localization tasks. In this paper we, first, present approximations to both these normalizations, which yield significant improvements in the memory requirements and computational costs of the FV when used for localization. Second, we show how these approximations can be used to define upper-bounds on the score function that can be efficiently evaluated, which paves the way for the use of branch-and-bound search as an alternative to exhaustive scanning window search. We present experimental evaluation results on classification and temporal localization of actions in videos. These show that the proposed approximations lead to speed-ups of at least one order of magnitude, while maintaining state-of-the-art action localization performance

    Machine learning solutions to visual recognition problems

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    This thesis gives an overview of my research since my arrival in December 2005 as a postdoctoral fellow at the in the LEAR team at INRIA Rhone-Alpes. After a general introduction in Chapter 1, the contributions are presented in chapters 2–4 along three themes. In each chapter we describe the contributions, their relation to related work, and highlight two contributions with more detail. Chapter 2 is concerned with contributions related to the Fisher vector representation. We highlight an extension of the representation based on modeling dependencies among local descriptors (Cinbis et al., 2012, 2016a). The second highlight is on an approximate normalization scheme which speeds-up applications for object and action localization (Oneata et al., 2014b). In Chapter 3 we consider the contributions related to metric learning. The first contribution we highlight is a nearest-neighbor based image annotation method that learns weights over neighbors, and effectively determines the number of neighbors to use (Guillaumin et al., 2009a). The second contribution we highlight is an image classification method based on metric learning for the nearest class mean classifier that can efficiently generalize to new classes (Mensink et al., 2012, 2013b). The third set of contributions, presented in Chapter 4, is related to learning visual recognition models from incomplete supervision. The first highlighted contribution is an interactive image annotation method that exploits dependencies across different image labels, to improve predictions and to identify the most informative user input (Mensink et al., 2011, 2013a). The second highlighted contribution is a multi-fold multiple instance learning method for learning object localization models from training images where we only know if the object is present in the image or not (Cinbis et al., 2014, 2016b). Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the contributions, and presents future research directions