507 research outputs found

    Electrical Impedance Tomography/Spectroscopy (EITS): a Code Division Multiplexed (CDM) approach

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography and Spectroscopy (EITS) is a noninvasive imaging technique that creates images of cross-sections "tomos" of objects by discriminating them based on their electrical impedance. This thesis investigated and successfully confirmed the use of Code Division Multiplexing (CDM) using Gold codes in Electrical Impedance Tomography and Spectroscopy. The results obtained showed 3.5% and 6.2% errors in determining the position and size of imaged anomalies respectively, with attainable imaging speed of 462 frames/second. These results are better, compared to those reported when using Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM).This new approach provides a more robust mode of EITS for fast changing dynamic systems by eliminating temporal data inconsistencies. Furthermore, it enables robust use of frequency difference imaging and spectroscopy in EITS by eliminating frequency data inconsistencies. In this method of imaging, electric current patterns are safely injected into the imaged object by a set of electrodes arranged in a single plane on the objects surface, for 2-Dimensional (2D) imaging. For 3-Dimensional (3D) imaging, more electrode planes are used on the objects surface. The injected currents result in measurable voltages on the objects surface. Such voltages are measured, and together with the input currents, and a Finite Element Model (FEM) of the object, used to reconstruct an impedance image of the cross-sectional contents of the imaged object. The reconstruction process involves the numerical solutions of the forward problem; using Finite Element solvers and the resulting ill-posed inverse problem using iterative Optimization or Computational Intelligence methods. This method has applications mainly in the Biomedical imaging and Process monitoring fields. The primary interests of the author are, in imaging and diagnosis of cancer, neonatal pneumonia and neurological disorders which are leading causes of death in Africa and world-wide

    Mass flow measurement of multi-phase mixtures by means of tomographic techniques

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis investigates the use of a dual-plane impedance tomography system to calculate the individual mass flow rates of the components in an air-gravel-seawater mixture. The long-term goal of this research is to develop a multi-phase flowmeter for the on-line monitoring of an airlift used in an offshore mining application. This requires the measurement of both the individual component volume fractions and their velocities. Tomography provides a convenient non-intrusive technique to obtain this information. Capacitance tomography is used to reconstruct the dielectric distribution of the material within a pipeline. It is based on the concept that the capacitance of a pair of electrodes depends on the dielectric distribution of the material between the electrodes. By mounting a number of electrodes around the periphery of the pipeline, and measuring the capacitances of the different electrode combinations, it is possible to reconstruct the distribution of the phases within the pipeline, provided the phases have different dielectric constants. Resistance tomography is used to reconstruct the resistivity distribution within the cross-section of the pipeline and operates in a similar way to capacitance tomography. Impedance tomography can be described as a dual-modal approach since both the capacitance and conductance of the different electrode combinations are measured to reconstruct the omplex impedance of the material distribution. Previous research has shown that impedance tomography can be used to reconstruct a three-phase air-gravelwater mixture [3,4]. In addition, it has been shown that neural networks can be used to perform this reconstruction task [3,4]. In particular, a single-layer feed-forward neural network with a 1-of-C output encoding can be trained to perform a three-phase image reconstruction. Further, a double-layer feed-forward neural network can be trained to predict the volume fractions of the three phases within the flow directly, based on the capacitance and conductance readings obtained from the data acquisition system. However, these tests were only for static configurations. This thesis will readdress this problem from the dynamic viewpoint. In addition, the individual component velocities will be calculated using the cross-correlation of the volume fraction predictions from two impedance tomography systems spaced a certain distance apart

    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT): The Establishment of a Dual Current Stimulation EIT System for Improved Image Quality

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive imaging technique that reproduces images of cross-sections, based on the internal impedance distribution of an object. This Dissertation investigates and confirms the use of a dual current stimulation EIT (DCS EIT) system. The results of this investigation presented a size error of 2.82 % and a position error of 5.93 % in the reconstructed images, when compared to the actual size and position of the anomaly inside a test object. These results confirmed that the DCS EIT system produced images of superior quality (fewer image reconstruction errors) to those produced from reviewed single plane stimulating EIT systems, which confirmed the research hypothesis. This system incorporates two independent current stimulating patterns, which establishes a more even distribution of current in the test object, compared to single plane systems, and is more efficient than 2.5D EIT systems because the DCS EIT system only measures boundary voltages in the center plane, compared to 2.5D EIT systems that measure the boundary voltages in all electrode planes. The system uses 48 compound electrodes, divided into three electrode planes. Current is sourced and sunk perpendicularly in the center plane, to produce a high current density near the center of the test object. Sequentially, current is sourced through an electrode in the top electrode plane and sunk through an electrode in the bottom plane, directly below the source electrode, to produce a high current density near the boundary of the test object, in the center plane. During both injection cycles, boundary potentials are measured in the center plane. Following the measurement of a complete frame, a weighted average is computed from the single and cross plane measured data. The weighted measured voltages, injected currents and Finite Element Model of the object is used to reconstruct an image of the internal impedance distribution along a cross-section of the object. This method is applicable to the biomedical imaging and process monitoring fields

    Energy-Efficient PRBS Impedance Spectroscopy on a Digital Versatile Platform

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    partially_open6siThis research has been partially funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) through the program “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza” (2018-2022). The research has also received partial support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and the Eranet FLAG ERA initiative within CONVERGENCE project (CUP B84I16000030005) through the IUNET Consortium.This paper presents the digital design of a versatile and low-power broadband impedance spectroscopy (IS) system based on pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) excitation. The PRBS technique allows fast, and low-power estimation of the impedance spectrum over a wide bandwidth with adequate accuracy, proving to be a good candidate for portable medical devices, especially. This paper covers the low-power design of the firmware algorithms and implements them on a versatile and reconfigurable digital platform that can be easily adjusted to the specific application. It will analyze the digital platform with the aim of reducing power consumption while maintaining adequate accuracy of the estimated spectrum. The paper studies two main algorithms (time-domain and frequency-domain) used for PRBS-based IS and implements both of them on the ultra-low-power GAP-8 digital platform. They are compared in terms of accuracy, measurement time, and power budget, while general design trade-offs are drawn out. The time-domain algorithm demonstrated the best accuracy while the frequency-domain one contributes more to save power and energy. However, analysis of the energy-per-error FOM revealed that the time-domain algorithm outperforms the frequency-domain algorithm offering better accuracy for the same energy consumption. Numerical methods and microprocessor resources are exploited to optimize the implementation of both algorithms achieving 27 ms in processing time, power consumption as low as 1.4 mW and a minimum energy consumption per measurement of 0.5 mJ, for a dense impedance spectrum estimation of 214 points.embargoed_20210525Luciani G.; Crescentini M.; Romani A.; Chiani M.; Benini L.; Tartagni M.Luciani G.; Crescentini M.; Romani A.; Chiani M.; Benini L.; Tartagni M

    Experiments on Superconducting Qubits Coupled to Resonators = Untersuchung an Resonatoren gekoppelter supraleitender Qubits

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    In the present thesis, a system to simultaneously measure many superconducting quantum bits using frequency-division multiplexing is developed. The theoretical and experimental foundations are introduced and parallel measurements on up to six qubits are demonstrated

    Integrated Electronics for Wireless Imaging Microsystems with CMUT Arrays

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    Integration of transducer arrays with interface electronics in the form of single-chip CMUT-on-CMOS has emerged into the field of medical ultrasound imaging and is transforming this field. It has already been used in several commercial products such as handheld full-body imagers and it is being implemented by commercial and academic groups for Intravascular Ultrasound and Intracardiac Echocardiography. However, large attenuation of ultrasonic waves transmitted through the skull has prevented ultrasound imaging of the brain. This research is a prime step toward implantable wireless microsystems that use ultrasound to image the brain by bypassing the skull. These microsystems offer autonomous scanning (beam steering and focusing) of the brain and transferring data out of the brain for further processing and image reconstruction. The objective of the presented research is to develop building blocks of an integrated electronics architecture for CMUT based wireless ultrasound imaging systems while providing a fundamental study on interfacing CMUT arrays with their associated integrated electronics in terms of electrical power transfer and acoustic reflection which would potentially lead to more efficient and high-performance systems. A fully wireless architecture for ultrasound imaging is demonstrated for the first time. An on-chip programmable transmit (TX) beamformer enables phased array focusing and steering of ultrasound waves in the transmit mode while its on-chip bandpass noise shaping digitizer followed by an ultra-wideband (UWB) uplink transmitter minimizes the effect of path loss on the transmitted image data out of the brain. A single-chip application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is de- signed to realize the wireless architecture and interface with array elements, each of which includes a transceiver (TRX) front-end with a high-voltage (HV) pulser, a high-voltage T/R switch, and a low-noise amplifier (LNA). Novel design techniques are implemented in the system to enhance the performance of its building blocks. Apart from imaging capability, the implantable wireless microsystems can include a pressure sensing readout to measure intracranial pressure. To do so, a power-efficient readout for pressure sensing is presented. It uses pseudo-pseudo differential readout topology to cut down the static power consumption of the sensor for further power savings in wireless microsystems. In addition, the effect of matching and electrical termination on CMUT array elements is explored leading to new interface structures to improve bandwidth and sensitivity of CMUT arrays in different operation regions. Comprehensive analysis, modeling, and simulation methodologies are presented for further investigation.Ph.D

    On-line Electrical Impedance Tomography for Industrial Batch Processing

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